• 04月29日 星期一







Seller 卖方


WHEREAS, The parties mutually desire to execute This Contract which shall be binding upon, and to the benefit of, the parties, successors and assigns, in accordance with the jurisdictional law of the negotiated and fully executed Contract with terms and provisions hereunder agreed upon.



Seller and Buyer, under full corporate authority and responsibility respectively represent that the Seller is lawful owner of the commodity, in quantity and quality as hereunder specified, and the Buyer has the full capability to purchase the said commodity



RUSSIAN FUEL OIL M100 MAZUT (GOST 10585-75) having the contractual minimum guaranteed specifications as per Annex No. A herewith attached as integral part of This Agreement.

重燃料油M100,材质见附录 (A )

This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:


1. Product Details: 产品细节 产品名称:重燃料油/M100 规格见附件A.

Name of Commodity: Heavy Fuel Oil / MAZUT M100

Specification: As Annex A

2. Quantity数量

2.1 200,000 MT ± 5% per month 二十万吨 ± 5%每个月

2.2 200,000 MT± 5% / per month X 12 months,Total quantity per year 2,400,000 MT+/-5% (one year contract,can be extended to five years)


2.3 100,000 MT± 5% / shipment, two shipments per month,

十万吨/批,正负5%, 每个月2批

2.4 The first trial shipment is 50,000 MTs.首批试单为五万吨。

3. Price Basis

The price in US Dollars shall be: 价格以美元计算

3.1. The price for this offer as agreed by both parties shall be based on Discount Gross USD$340.00/MT CIF China Ports. CIF中国主要港口到岸交货价 毛价为USD340/MT

4. Country of Origin: Russian原产国:俄罗斯

5. Packing and mark: Bulk包装和标记: 散装

6. Delivery and Terms of Delivery: 交货和交货条件

6.1 The first shipment shall start within 30 Calendar days from the date of contract signed. 装运时间:首次装运应在合同签定后30天内开始。

6.2 Port of Loading: Vladivostok, or other Far East port of Russia designated by SELLER


Port of Destination:目的港

i) CHINA ASWP 中国任何安全港口

ii) Other safe China Port designated by the buyer,或其它买方指定的中国港口

6.3 The SELLER shall book space in the shipping companies which enjoy good reputation. The carrying vessel shall have good record of transportation. Its service time shall not be over 15 years, and its flying flag and/or its nationality shall be acceptable by Buyer. If its service time is over 15 years, the SELLER shall take out the insurance at his own cost for this regard.


6.4 Shipping advice: Not later than the five (5) day before the readiness of each shipment, SELLER shall notify BUYER by fax of the following contents:


CONTRACT Number 合约号 :

Date Of Readiness装船日期 :

Total Volume总容量 :

Total Weight总重量 :

Package In Bulk包装 :

Loading Port In Russia装货港 :

6.5 Transshipment is not allowed and partial shipment allowed.


6.6 Within two (2) working days after completion of loading of each shipment, SELLER shall inform BUYER by fax of CONTRACT number, the date and the number of Bill of Lading, name of the carrying vessel as well as name, total price, total number of packages, total weight and total volume of the Fuel Oil. The SGS inspection Certificate number and date & the insurance Company and policy number also need to be notified by SELLER. 在装船完毕后的2个工作日内,卖方须以传真方式通知买方:合同号、提单日期及号码、承运船只名称、提单号、高级燃料油品名、总价、包装总数、总重量、总容量、SGS检验证书编号和日期、保险公司名称和保单号。

7. Payment Terms: 付款条件

7.1 Before the payment instrument is transferred to seller account the text of the payment instrument must be reviewed and approved by a representative of seller.

信用证在正式开至卖方账户前, 此信用证之内容须先经卖方代表认可.

7.2 The letter of credit documents shall be negotiable and payable at the seller’s bank.


7.3 Buyer’s Bank can accept the third party document.


7.4 Within 30 days after contract signed, the seller shall send all the set of document including PBG, POP, SGS inspection certificate, Bill of Lading of the first trial shipment to the buyer ’s bank. The Buyer’s bank issue an Operative, 100%, LC to seller’s bank within 5 Banking International Day upon received and accepted the said documents from Seller Bank在合同签定后30天内卖方向买方提供第一船装运货物的2%PBG、POP、SGS检验单、船名、船期、BL等全套文件,买方银行收到文件并确认后五个银行工作日内,向卖方银行开出100%的跟单信用证。

7.5 The terms of payment of the first shipment is DLC, The terms of payment of the second and subsequent shipments are BG negotiated by Buyer and Seller. 第一船用DLC结算,第二船起双方协商用BG付款

7.6 If the first trial shipment can be cooperated successfully, L/Cs payment for the subsequent monthly shipments shall be cooperated in accordance with the Article 9.如果首次试运合作顺利的话,接下来每月的装运货物的L/C支付将按第9款中操作。

8. Performance Bond: 履约保证金

8.1 From the second shipment, with five (5) International Bank days after receipt of Pre-Advice DLC from buyer, Seller shall transfer in favor of the buyer Two percent Performance Bond on the value of one month shipment of200,000MT. If Seller could not deliver Mazut M100 (except force majeure) to Buyers destination Port as our contract, Buyer has right to claim under this Performance Bond within 5 Banking days.

从第二单装运起,卖方接到买方信用证预开通知书后5个银行工作日内 ,向买方银行开立履约保函, 保函的履约金额为每月供货(200,000MT)总金额2%,如果卖方不能按计划(合约条款中信用证有效期限内)提供商品不论什幺原因(除了不可抗力),买方可以在5个有效银行工作日之后预支卖方的履约保函.只要卖方未能按照合同规定交货,买方就有权支取履约保函.

8.2 The maximum compensation from Seller is 2% Performance Bond per shipment. After Buyer receives the compensation from Seller Bank, Buyer or Seller has the right to cancel this contract.


8.3 If Seller can not make delivery, the Performance Bond shall be paid by Seller’ Bank into Buyer’s account as compensation.

如果卖方未能按照本合同中交货,卖方银行将该担保金汇入买方指定账户, 作为对买方的赔偿。



9.1 Buyer issue ICPO to seller, ICPO should on Buyer’s letterhead and full banking details.


9.2 Seller issue (LOR) Letter Of Readiness and Contract send to Buyer by email or hard copy.


9.3 Buyer and Seller sign. Contract and copies lodged with Respective Banks.

买卖双方签订合约, 并将合约分送双方银行.

9.4 Within 5 International Banking working days after contract signed, the Buyer’s bank issue Pre-Advice DL/C to Seller’s bank by via SWIFT, Bank to Bank AND copy to seller to coordinate..

在双方签订合同后五个银行工作日内买方银行向卖方银行通过SWIFT开出信用证预开通知书, 然后给卖方一份副本

9.5 Within 5 Banking days after receiving Buyer’s Pre-Advice DL/C, Seller shall issue 2% Non-operative Performance Band (PB) of total DLC value and Proof Of Product (POP) as Follows:在收到买方银行开出的信用证预开通知后五个银行工作日内,卖方应如下开出暂不生效的2% 履约保证金和供货证明:

. Copy of License to export出口執照副本

. Copy of Approval to Export出口許可證副本

. Copy of Statement of Availability供貨數量證書副本

. Charter Party Agreement租船合約

9.6 Within 5 working days, after receiving seller’s non-operative PB and POP, Buyer shall open Operative, Irrevocable Confirmed, Non-Transferable, Divisible, Semi-Auto-Revolving, Documentary Letter Of Credit payable 100% at sight, covering the goods value of 100,000mts.. In other words, Seller’s PB to be activated automatically.

在收到卖方银行开出的供货证明 和 2% 不生效履约保证金后5个银行工作日内, 买方银行应开出不可撤销的,生效的,保兑的,不可转让的,可分割的、半自动循环的, 跟单证即期信用证,100% 见單即付, 信用证金额为10万吨货值。同时,卖方的履约保证自动激活。

9.7 The Performance Bond will be activated automatically after receiving the operative DL/C from the buyer’s bank.


9.8 Seller nominates vessels, loads and gives ETA to Buyer.


9.9 Delivery commence as per contract.


10. Documents Presented For Payment: 付款时须提供的文件

10.1 A full set clean, shipped on board, ocean bill of lading, blank endorsed, blank Order, marked “Freight Prepaid” including L/C No. in three originals and three copies.


10.2 Commercial Invoice signed in four. 已签署的商业发票4份.

10.3 Certificate (S) of Quality issued by SGS in one originals and two copies at loading port. 由装运港口SGS出具的质量证书1份正本、2份副本。

10.4 Certificate(s) of Quantity issued by SGS in one original and two copies at loading port.由装运港口SGS出具的数量证书1份正本、2份副本.

10.5 Insurance Policy/Certificate in one original and two copies for 110% of the invoice Value.


10.6 Certificate of Origin in one original and three copies.

原产地证书1份正本, 3份副本.

10.7 Country Original Certificate in one original and three copies.

一般原产地证书1份正本, 3份副本.

10.8 Certificate(s) of Quality issued by SGS (or CIQ) in one originals and two copies at discharging port.

由卸貨港口SGS(or CIQ)出具的质量证书1份正本、2份副本。

10.9 Certificate(s) of Quantity issued by SGS (or CIQ) in one original and two copies at discharging port.

由卸貨港口SGS(or CIQ)出具的数量证书1份正本、2份副本.

11 Insurance: 保险

Seller shall, making Buyer as beneficiary, submit to Buyer the ocean transportation insurance policy as stipulated in clause of this contract. The amount to be insured is one hundred and ten percent (110%) of CIF value of the delivered Mazut M100 at the loading port. If any accident occurs after delivery of each shipment at the port of loading, Buyer shall render assistance to Seller for the settlement of insurance claims when requested by Seller.

卖方以买方为保险的受益人提供买方海上运输保险, 投保总金额为所运 燃料油CIF价格的百分之一百一十 (110 %) 如果油轮离开出货港后发生意外,买方必须提供协助来解决保险的理赔.

12 Inspection and Claim: 检验及索赔

Seller and buyer mutually agree that an internationally recognized first class independent Surveyor Company SGS or CIQ shall be appointed at both designated loading and discharge ports to assess the quality and quantity of the cargo according to the provisions herein stated. The inspection at loading port is at seller’s expenses and at discharge port at buyer’s expense.


12.1 Quantity and quality assessments, conducted by the appointed Surveyor company, shall be in accordance with methods and procedures usually used in the oil industry practice,strictly comply with revised ASTM/IP International standards and procedures in force on the date of compliance.

The Certificates of quality both in loading port and in discharge port should be same with the contract’s Annex A.

指定的检验机构对数量和质量的评估, 须根据一般常用在油品工业之方法和程序, 完全且严格照修订的ASTM/IP国际规范和程序, 在约定日前完成. 质量证书样本见附A。

12.2 Any claim (S) of either party has to be submitted to the other party within a period two (2) months from the date of the occurrence causing the claim. If within thirty (30) calendar days frohe date of discharge of vessel at the discharge port, the Buyer fails to inform the Seller confirming the non-compliance, the commodity will be deemed to have been accepted by the Buyer and the Seller will accept no claim. 任一方若须向对方提出索赔时, 须在索赔问题发生之日起2个月内提出. 如果货到目的港卸货日起30天之内, 买方没有对卖方货物提出异议, 则此商品将被视为已被买方接受,卖方将不接受任何索赔.

12.3 All claims will be in writing and both parties agree to acknowledge such claims by written acceptance thereof. 所有索赔将以文字形式诉诸且须双方同意。

13 Force Majeure: 不可抗力

The Seller/the Buyer shall not be responsible for being unable to carry out this contract due to Force Majeure such as war, serious fire, terrorist attack, flood, typhoon and earthquakes or other events agreed upon by both parties, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading. The Seller/the Buyer shall advice the Buyer/the Seller immediately of the occurrence Mentioned above within fourteen (14) days thereafter, the Seller/the Buyer shall Send by airmail to the Buyer/the Seller for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the Competent Government Authorities where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances, the Seller/the Buyer, however, is still under obligation to take all necessary measures to expedite/take the delivery of the diesel oil. In case the accident lasts for more than ten (10) weeks, the Buyer or the Seller shall have the right to cancel the contract and Buyer cannot take over the Seller’s Performance Bond as their compensation.

买卖双方将不承担因不可抗力因素而不能履约所造成的责任(如战争、恐怖事件、火灾、洪涝、飓风、地震或其它双方无法预知的事故),如发生以上事件,买方/卖方将在事件发生后14天内取得出事地点的授权政府机构开具的证明,通过国际快递告 知对方。在此情况下,买卖双方仍有责任采取一切必要的措施来履行合同的交易。意外事故延续超过10个星期,买方或卖方均有权解除本合同, 买方不可将卖方的履约 担保金作为赔偿。

14 Arbitration: 仲裁

All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled Friendly through negotiations, In case no settlement can be reached, the case may be submitted for arbitration in SINGAPORE in accordance with the Arbitration procedures. The arbitration shall take place in Singapore and the decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties.

所有与合同或合同执行过程相关的质疑和争议,均应通过友好协商来解决。若无法达成一致的意见,本案将依据仲裁程序移交新加坡仲裁机构申请仲裁, 并且新加坡仲裁机构的裁定将是最终的裁定,对买卖双方都具有约束力。

14.1 The Contract will be cancelled automatically if Seller has not received the Pre-Advice DLC (as Annex E) within 15 banking days since the Contract.

如果在合同签订后15个银行工作日内卖方没有收到买方銀行开出的信用证预开通知書合同自动取消 。

14.2 If Seller fails to deliver Mazut M100 to the destination port, then Seller has to pay 2% of the total amount of invoice as Buyer’s compensation.


14.3 If BUYER fails to OPEN Pre-Advise Letter of Credit after signing the contract, then buyer has to pay 2% of the total amount of invoice as Buyer’s compensation.


15 Effectiveness Of Contract: 合约有效期

This contract shall come into force for one (1) year from the date of signature of this Contract by parties and can be extended to five years by two parties.


16 Assignment 转让

16.1 Any of the sides is allowed to assign the contract or payment instrument in order to secure the performance of its obligations.


16.2 Any assignee or legal successor to either party shall assume all obligations and benefits of the contract.


16.3 Assignment is permitted under mandate issued & agreed jointly by both the Seller &Buyer.


17. INCOTERMS: 国际贸易条款

17.11 Unless otherwise stipulated in this Contract, the terms and conditions of this Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the “International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms” (INCOTERMS 2000) provided by International Chamber of Commerce, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No.460.

除本合约中约定条款外,其它所有条款和术语,将按照国际贸易条款之国际法规(INCOTERMS2000) 的说明,该法规由国际商会批准之第460款提供。


18.1 The parties accept and agree to the provisions of the International Chamber of Commerce, Geneva, Switzerland for non-circumvention and non-disclosure with regards to all and every one of the parties involved in this transaction and contract, additions, renewals, and third party assignments, with full reciprocation for a period of five (5) years from the date of execution of this contract.


19.Remarks : 批注

19.1 The Contract is drawn up in English, and in Chinese that will come into effect upon signature.


19.2 Electronically Transmitted Contract shall be deemed to be valid and enforceable after signature. Either party shall be allowed to request a hard copy of the contract should it be required legally recognized.

电子传送版合约视为有效且合法的, 任一方需要影印本合约时, 均有权提出要求.

19.3 Both parties agree to bind to the obligations of Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure (NCND) of the latest edition of ICC500.

双方同意接受国际商会最新版ICC 500保密协议(NCND)之约束。具体条款以正式合约为准。

19.4 The Seller & Buyer acknowledge that commissions are paid in support of this contract and are paid to Buyer Mandate in this contract upon successful negotiation of each L/C and receipt of funds.


20 Annexure : 附录

This contract shall have five (5) Annexure: 这份合约将有五份附录

买方银行开证通知书( MT 799 )

In consideration of having entered into a contract, Numberdated , with seller company hereafter called the vendors, For the purchase of M100 , of ------- Mts, We the bank, , hereby ready to open the 100% irrevocable, non-transferable ,documentary letter of credit at sight in favor of the . The vendor’s bank shall establish the non-operative 2% of DLC value performance bond within 7 working days of receiving

The Pre-Advice DLC. Within 7 working days after received the bank performance guarantee, We guarantee to issue an Irrevocable, non-transferable, Documentary Letter of Credit at sight in favor of the , invoiced USD , and the 2% Perforce Bond will be active automatically.

鉴于 与卖方 (以下简称”卖方”) 于xx年 xx月xx 日 签署了编号为 的 吨 的M100销售合同, 我行 已准备好开立足额的, 以卖方为受益人的不可撤销 不可转让的跟单即期信用证, 卖方银行在收到本通知后 7个工作天内, 以买方为受益人开立信用证金额2%, 的暂不生效银行履约保函. 在收到卖方银行开立信用证金额 2%的暂不生效银行履约保函后7个工作天内 本行保证开出金额为USD 的 以卖方为受益人的不可撤销 ,不可转让的跟单即期信用证,2%履约保函被自动











