• 12月24日 星期二

音乐会 | 余隆与孙佳依演绎拉赫玛尼诺夫 | 03月26中山公园音乐堂

音乐会 | 余隆与孙佳依演绎拉赫玛尼诺夫 | 03月26中山公园音乐堂

2022年03月26日 星期六 19:30中山公园音乐堂

导赏 就像关于北京与上海这两座城市的故事永远说不完,中国爱乐乐团与上海交响乐团的故事也经常为音乐爱好者们津津乐道。一个是成立仅21年的青年军,一个是有着140多年辉煌历史的老前辈,两支乐团“共享”同一位艺术总监,既相互学习也相互竞争,更有许多演奏家曾在两支乐团里任职;在2019年的天安门广场,在2020年末的新年音乐会上,在北京国际音乐节的BMF节日乐团里,两支乐团的音乐家们都曾一起登台演出。虽然分隔南北,天各一方,但中国爱乐乐团与上海交响乐团都在为中国交响音乐事业的发展日夜拼搏,这段故事也将一直传颂下去。



Long Yu & Sun Jiayi Perform Rachmaninoff

谢尔盖・拉赫玛尼诺夫:C小调第二钢琴协奏曲,作品 18

谢尔盖・拉赫玛尼诺夫:交响舞曲,作品 45



音乐会 | 余隆与孙佳依演绎拉赫玛尼诺夫 | 03月26中山公园音乐堂


中国钢琴家。被《纽约时报》称为“当代最令人激动的钢琴家之一”。被联合国授予 “纽约杰出华人成就奖”。



15岁,是当年唯一被美国柯蒂斯音乐学院录取的中国学生。 2016,受邀为联合国和平节演奏。




荣获第十五届· 2019十大唱片榜 《年度最佳钢琴演奏专辑》奖。

2020,在指挥大师余隆的指挥下与夏威夷交响乐团在火奴鲁鲁,奏响了夏威夷历史上首场《中国新年音乐会》。同年,在第二十三届北京 国际音乐节中上演了为期三天的法国音乐之旅《孙佳依与她的朋友们》音乐会。随后在《保利文化二十周年·中国爱乐乐团二十周年》全国巡演中担任钢琴独奏。

2021,正值伟大的法国作曲巨匠——夏尔·卡米尔·圣桑 逝世一百周年之际,携手中国著名小提琴家陈曦和大提琴家史鑫共同灌录了全部圣桑钢琴三重奏专辑,此套作品也是中国音乐家首次录制出版。


9岁以第一名的成绩考入中央音乐学院附小学习钢琴。14岁赴美国与著名华人钢琴家殷承宗学习。15岁,作为当年唯一的中国学生被美国柯蒂斯音乐学院(The Curtis Institute of Music)以全额奖学金录取,开始与世界著名钢琴演奏家/教育家——罗伯特·麦当劳(Robert McDonald) ,刘孟捷(Meng-Chieh Liu)教授学习 。2013-2015年,在德国柏林音乐学院继续学习,师从世界著名钢琴家艾德·涅伯辛(Elder Nebolsin)。如今,她是当今法国钢琴大师 让·伊夫·蒂博戴(Jean-Yves Thibaudet)的私人学生。

2010年,在美国柯蒂斯音乐学院学习期间,她受世界著名华人作曲家/指挥家——谭盾先生邀请,在上海世界博览会上作为钢琴独奏,世界首演了谭盾的钢琴协奏曲《武侠三部曲——夜宴 》。

2011年,她受邀与纽约大都会乐团携手在林肯中心《OUT OF DOOR》 音乐节和新加坡《华艺音乐节》中演出。孙佳依的演奏遍布世界各个角落,其中包括美国,德国,法国,俄罗斯,意大利,澳大利亚,日本,新加坡,马尔代夫,香港,澳门等。合作过的乐团包括纽约大都会交响乐团,美国圣地亚哥交响乐团,德国莱比锡广播交响乐团,澳大利亚阿德雷德交响乐团,挪威特隆海姆交响乐团,圣彼得堡交响乐团,莫斯科青年交响乐团,夏威夷交响乐团,中国爱乐乐团,中国国家交响乐团,上海交响乐团,上海爱乐乐团,广州交响乐团,杭州爱乐乐团,厦门爱乐乐团,武汉爱乐乐团,沈阳交响乐团等。


孙佳依对艺术与文化的热爱不仅表现在她的音乐中, 更是对东西方文学,哲学,以及心理学有着极大的兴趣,个人爱好还包括电影,占星,烹饪,阅读,瑜伽等。同时也十分关心慈善,于2017年受马尔代夫总统夫妇邀请作为慈善大使为自闭症儿童教育中心开幕并演奏交流,参与支持过美丽中国乡村支教项目等。孙佳依独特的舞台气质和音乐感染力,使得她不仅让观众可以感受音乐的魅力,同时更是唤起了音乐所代表的文化时代与社会精神核心“爱”的价值。


音乐会 | 余隆与孙佳依演绎拉赫玛尼诺夫 | 03月26中山公园音乐堂










鉴于余隆在推动当今世界古典音乐事业发展和促进国际间文化交流方面所做的突出贡献,法国政府特别授予余隆“法兰西文学艺术骑士勋章”;2002年,德国万宝龙文化基金会向余隆颁发了年度“万宝龙卓越艺术成就奖”; 2005年,意大利总理贝鲁斯科尼向余隆颁发了“共和国骑士勋章”; 2014年,他获得象征着法国最高荣誉典属体系的荣誉军团骑士勋章;2015年,余隆荣获“全国优秀文学艺术工作者”荣誉称号,并获得由美国大西洋理事会颁发的“全球公民”奖,以及由耶鲁大学音乐学院颁发的“桑福德奖章”;2016年,余隆当选美国艺术与科学院外籍荣誉院士,并于同年被授予德意志联邦共和国十字勋章;2018年,余隆被香港演艺学院授予荣誉博士学位。

Sergei RACHMANINOFF: Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor, Op.18

Sergei RACHMANINOFF: Symphonic Dances, Op.45

SUN Jiayi, pianoLong YU, conductor

音乐会 | 余隆与孙佳依演绎拉赫玛尼诺夫 | 03月26中山公园音乐堂

SUN Jiayi, piano

·Heralded as "One of The Most Exciting Young Pianist" by the New York Times.

·Received "New York Outstanding Youth Talent" award by the United Nations.

·Invited to perform for the Peace Festival by the Unite Nations in 2016.

·Invited by the president of Maldives to perform for the autistic children as the Charity Ambassador in 2017.

·Golden prize winner in the Fourth Moscow International Frederick Chopin Competition for Young Pianists! Which she is the first Chinese pianist who won the competition and launched her career as a soloist when she performed Chopin’s Piano Concerto No.1, Op.11, with the renowned Chopin Symphony Orchestra, Moscow.

·Invited by the CCTV Chinese Spring Festival Gala to perfom at the year of nine.

·The only Chinese among the world who has been accepted in that year by the prestigious school "The Curtis Institute of Music" at the age of 15.

·Performed and broadcasted the CCTV <2019 New Year Concert> in China.

·2019, after the successful concert she played with Maestro Charles Dutoit, she released her new piano solo album <In a Dialogue with Satie>, and it is the first time Satie works been recorded in China. And received the 15th HIFI Album Awards 2019 <Best Piano Album of the Year>.

·2020, performed the first <Spring Festival Gala Concert> ever in the history of Hawaii, with Honolulu symphony orchestra under Maestro Long Yu's baton. In the same year, a three-days French music tour "Jaya and Her Friends" lunch concert was held at the 23rd Beijing Music Festival. Later, she played the Rachmaninov piano concerto no. 2 on the national tour of the 20th Anniversary of Poly Culture — China Philharmonic Orchestra .

·2021, On the 100th anniversary of the death of the French composer Saint-Saëns, she recorded her new album "Saint-Saëns complete piano trio" with famous Chinese violinist Xi Chen and cellist Xin Shi, and this is the first time Chinese musians release Saint-Saëns complete piano trio.

Jaya displayed her talent early at the age of four, learning piano alongside world-renowned soloist Lang Lang. She competed and won her first major piano competition at the age of six, and since then has won prizes at numerous national and international piano competitions, including the first prize of St. Petersburg Fourth International Children’s Piano "A Step to Master" competition in 2002, following which she performed Grieg’s virtuosic piece Piano Concerto in A minor with the St. Petersburg Canberra Symphony Orchestra.

In 2004, Jaya was invited as the youngest soloist to accompany Chinese delegates to France and performed Chopin’s Piano Concerto No.1 for Polish dignitaries at the Polish Consulate in Paris.

In 2010, as a soloist, Jaya was invited by world famous Composer/Conductor Tan Dun to premiere his Martial Arts Trilogy as a part of the Shanghai World Expo "Young Artist Projects". Since then, she has played with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, San Diego Symphony Orchestra, at the Lincoln Center Out of Doors Festival with Metropolis Ensemble, and at Singapore Esplanade Theater with Singapore Festival Orchestra.

In 2012, She was invited by Australia OzAsia Festival presented by Adelaide Festival Centre with Adelaide Symphony Orchestra in Australia.

In May of 2013, Jaya was collaborated again with Maestro Tan Dun to play his new world premiere concert {The Resurrection} in Leipzig, Germany with the MDR symphony orchestra, and they performed again with Trondheim symphony orchestra in Trondheim Norway 2014.

In 2015-2016 Music Season, Jaya made her debut with China philharmonic Orchestra$Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra$and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in China.

In 2018-2019 music season, She played Liszt piano concerto no.2 with Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Charles Dutoit.

As a pianist, Jaya also has a lot of passion on chamber music. Since 2012, She toured many chamber concerts in China and Taiwan with Curtis musicians include her teacher Meng-Chieh Liu.

Jaya was admitted as the first place entry to the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing at the age of nine under Professor Zhao Pingguo and majored in piano performance. At the age of 14, she moved to United States with her family and start study piano with pianist Chengzong Yin and was accepted by the prestigious Curtis Instituteof Music where she studied with Robert McDonald and Meng Chieh Liu. In May of 2012, she graduated from Curtis where she has stayed for 6 years. During the time she studied at Curtis, she had many opportunities to play for Mr.Gary Graffman, Seymour Lipkin and Claude Frank etc. After then, She continued her study at Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" in Germany with the great Russian pianist Eldar Nebolsin. Now, she studies time to time with one of the greatest French pianist Jean Yves Thibaudet.

Jaya's last appearance in a China Philharmonic Orchestra's season concert was on May 4th, 2015 when she played Variations on a Nursery Tune by Ernst von Dohnányi. She substitutes cellist Huang Beixing, who cannot attend this concert as previously announced due to COVID-19 pandemic, as guest soloist.

音乐会 | 余隆与孙佳依演绎拉赫玛尼诺夫 | 03月26中山公园音乐堂

Long YU, conductor

Hailed as the “most powerful figure in China’s classical music scene” by The New York Times, the preeminent Chinese conductor Long Yu holds positions as the Artistic Director & Chief Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Music Director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. He is also the Principal Guest Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Maestro Yu is the Founder of the Beijing Music Festival and was its Artistic Director from 1998 to 2018. He is the Co-Director of the MISA Summer Festival in Shanghai.

In the 2019/20 season, alongside his work in China, Maestro Yu makes guest appearances across the globe, including with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, Bern Symphony Orchestra, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonia, Taiwan Philharmonic and Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Summer 2019 saw Maestro Yu lead the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra on a tour of the USA and Europe, with orchestral debuts at London’s BBC Proms, Edinburgh International Festival, Wolf Trap, and Ravinia Festival in addition to performances at the Lucerne Festival, Grafenegg Festival and Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw.

In June 2018, Maestro Yu signed an exclusive recording contract with Deutsche Grammophon, which began a global release and distribution partnership. As part of the Deutsche Grammophon’s 120th anniversary celebrations in 2018/19, Maestro Yu conducted a spectacular launch concert in October at the site of Beijing’s historic Imperial Ancestral Temple at the Forbidden City, alongside artists such as Aida Garifullina and Daniil Trifonov.

Maestro Yu has conducted a highly-acclaimed list of orchestras and opera houses throughout the world including the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Washington DC’s National Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Hamburg State Opera, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra, NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra, Munich Philharmonic, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic and Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Maestro Yu continues to collaborate frequently with many of the world’s most celebrated soloists such as Alison Balsom, Sumi Jo, Lang Lang, Yo-Yo Ma, Mischa Maisky, Maxim Vengerov and Yuja Wang.

In 2008, the China Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Long Yu became the first Chinese orchestra in history to perform at the Vatican in the Paul VI Auditorium. The concert was attended by Pope Benedict XVI and marked a giant step in bringing eastern and western cultures closer together. In 2014, Maestro Yu and the China Philharmonic became the first Chinese conductor and orchestra to play the fabled BBC Proms series with a televised performance at London’s Royal Albert Hall. The concert was viewed by millions of people across the United Kingdom.

Leading the development of orchestral landscape in China, Maestro Yu has created the nation’s first orchestral academy as a partnership between Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Conservatory, and the New York Philharmonic. His dynamic vision is focused on introducing China’s growing audiences to key Western repertoire including Wagner’s Ring Cycle, Mahler Cycle, as well as works of Richard Strauss, Benjamin Britten, and many others. In 2014, the New York Philharmonic named Maestro Yu an honorary member of their International Advisory Board. The 12-member Board serves as a network of advocates and ambassadors connecting with individuals and institutions in their home countries to cultivate the Philharmonic’s long-term reach and influence worldwide.

Maestro Yu made his debut with the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra in 1993 and in 2003 became Music Director of the orchestra. During his time as Music Director, Maestro Yu has embarked on European and Egyptian tours with the orchestra, performing at Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, Conservatoire de Luxembourg, Concertgebouw Amsterdam and Cairo Opera House.

Born in 1964 into a musical family in Shanghai, Maestro Yu received his early musical education from his grandfather Ding Shande, a composer of great renown, and went on to study at the Shanghai Conservatory and the Hochschule der Kunst in Berlin. In 1992, he was appointed Principal Conductor of the Central Opera Theatre in Beijing and served as its conductor for three consecutive years. He created opera productions for The Urban Council of Hong Kong for five successive years.

Maestro Yu is a Chevalier dans L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and the recipient of the 2002 Arts Patronage Award of the Montblanc Cultural Foundation. In 2005, the Italian government honored Maestro Yu with the title of L’onorificenza di commendatore. He was awarded France's highest honor of merit by joining la Légion d’Honneur in 2014. The following year, Maestro Yu was awarded the prestigious Global Citizen Award from the Atlantic Council and the Samuel Simons Sanford Award from Yale’s School of Music in America. Most recently, he was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and also awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 2018, Long Yu was conferred an Honorary Doctorate from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Long Yu is currently Vice President of the Chinese Musicians Association.







