• 01月10日 星期五
























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UNESCO ICT in Education Prize: call for nominations open to projects leveraging AI


The UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of ICT in education is now accepting candidatures. The theme of the 2019 edition is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to innovate education, teaching and learning.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advancements in neuroscience have the potential to enhance teaching methodologies, support lifelong learning and personalize learning through various ways, as well as propel and accelerate the discovery of new delivering modes of education. Keeping in with Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education, UNESCO with its partners is aiming to explore the effective and ethical use of AI applications to reduce barriers to access education and optimize learning processes with a view to improve learning outcomes.

In 2019, the Prize will award AI-powered solutions as well as applications of neuroscience in AI aiming to improve learning outcomes, toempower teachers and toenhance the delivery of education services, whileadvocating for inclusive and equitable use of these technologies in education.

Two winners will be selected by the Director-General of UNESCO based on the recommendations of an international Jury, and each winner will receive a reward of US$ 25,000 and a diploma during a ceremony in Paris.

Who can apply?

Any individual, institution, or non-governmental organization (NGO) with an established ongoing project relevant to the specific theme of the year i.e. that uses AI-powered solutions to enhance education, improve learning outcomes or empower teachers.

More information on selection criteria and eligibility


How to apply?

First create an account and then

fill in an online form via the online platform


See detailed user guide and instructions


For the application to be considered, it should be nominated by either the National Commission of the UNESCO Member State or an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO.

All applicants are encouraged to get in touch with the NGO or National Commission ahead of the application process. Self-nominations will not be accepted.

Governments of UNESCO Member States as well as NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO are invited to elicit and nominate up to three projects, which are in line with the 2019 theme and meet the selection criteria.

Deadline for nominations

31 October 2019 (midnight, Paris time)


[email protected]





The Use of ICTs to ensure education for excluded vulnerable groups.

Can’t Wait to Learn,CWTL"迫不及待去学习"—荷兰

荷兰国际性非政府组织荷兰战争儿童(War Child Holland)为冲突地区儿童研发了一款基于游戏的学习工具——"迫不及待去学习"(Can’t Wait to Learn,CWTL),该工具获得2018年度UNESCO哈马德·本·伊萨·哈利法国王教育信息化奖。

ThingLink visual learning technology——芬兰

来自芬兰的ThingLink visual learning technology,通过交互式图像、视频和360°媒体,创造独特的体验。



The Use of ICTs to Increase Access to Quality Education


CLIX项目(关联学习计划项目)- 印度

CLIx (The Connected Learning Initiative), India


GENIE计划 - 摩洛哥 GENIE, Morocco




The Use of ICTs in Education for Disadvantaged Groups

“Harnessing the Power of ICTs in Higher Education for Refugees” of Kiron Open Higher Education (Germany)

The project contributes to overpass the four challenges identified by the UNHCR Commissioner for Higher Education for refugees to access higher education: legal, financial, language barriers and colleges capacities. Kiron focuses on refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people in Germany, France, Belgium, Turkey and Jordan. 2,700 students have been benefiting of the program in partnership with 51 universities. It enables access to higher education through digital solutions. Kiron proposes an online phase harnessing the potential of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) followed by an offline phase when students study in one university and graduate with an accredited university degree. Furthermore, the project also provides a coaching service with a psycho-social support and a personalized curricula.

“Online School” of Jaago Foundation (Bangladesh)

总部设在达卡的加哥(JAAGO)基金会 (link is external)是由孟加拉国的一群年轻人发起成立的,JAAGO在孟加拉语里是“唤醒”的意思,这个基金会旨在为最偏远地区的孩子提供优质教育,打破贫穷的恶性循环。2011年,他们想出了一个非常简单的解决方案:通过视频会议技术和互联网把乡村教室与首都地区的优秀教师连接起来。项目最初仅仅覆盖了80名学生,但很快他们就得到了孟加拉国最大的电信运营商GrameenPhone Ltd 的合作和支持,开办了10所线上学校,这个基金会还运作着一些常规学校,为13所学校的18,000名学生和一所孤儿院提供免费的国际化水准教育。



Pedagogical Innovation in the Use of ICTs in Teaching and Learning

“National Program of Educational Informatics” (PRONIE) of the Omar Dengo Foundation (Costa Rica)

The project contributes to improving the quality and equity of learning opportunities within the public education system through the use of digital technologies. It gives priority to marginalized children and youth from rural and marginal urban areas. Since 1988, 8,674,521 students have benefited from the program in pre-schools, primary schools, secondary schools and TVET schools. The program PRONIE has developed an outstanding systematic approach to enhance students’ capacities to create ICT products across the school system. Furthermore, the program also focuses on teachers’ continuous training and monitoring to improve their teaching skills in educational informatics.

“Open Source Physics@Singapore (link sends e-mail)” project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Singapore

The project is rewarded for its project. The project has been developed by the Educational Technology Division of the Ministry of Education since 2012. Its goal is to give users, including students and teachers, the freedom to learn from, build on and share well designed ICT resources for teaching and learning physics. An outstanding innovative tool, “Open Source Physics@Singapore (link sends e-mail)” for learning physics using an open platform, including open source code and open content, was developed. Both students and teachers work in a collaborative and innovative way, benefiting from the adaptable resources that it provides for better learning and teaching. So far, 9,800 students have been reached by the program in primary, secondary and TVET schools. In addition, the software application enhanced collaboration between the educational community, the Ministry and industry. It is easily scalable to a larger community as the tools and content are available worldwide.



Education Youth for Responsible Global Citizenship

Internet-ABC, Germany

Internet-ABC offers children, parents and educators support and information on how to handle the web safely. The content is ad-free, safe and easily accessible to everyone. Attractive and engaging sites invite 5-12-year-old children to play, learn and communicate, while reinforcing their knowledge of safe Internet use. The www.internet-abc.de (link is external) website attracts 100,000 users per month on average.

Dr Yuhyun Park, Co-Founder and CEO of iZ HERO, Republic of Korea

iZ HERO is a digital leadership initiative that empowers 6-12-year-old children to become future leaders in the digital era by fostering essential skills and value-based digital citizenship. This international research-driven, award-winning programme includes a holistic online play-and-learn tool and a suite of offline programmes. It has demonstrated educational efficacy in improving children’s attitudes toward Internet risks such as cyber bullying, game addiction and online predators through academic research. To date, over 1.5 million people have visited the iZ HERO Exhibition at the Singapore Science Centre and around 70 per cent of primary schools and target students in Singapore have participated in the iZ HERO initiative.



Digital Literacy: Preparing Adult Learners for Lifelong Learning and Flexible Employment

National Institute of Continuing Adult Education (NIACE), United Kingdom

NIACE is the leading non-governmental body promoting the interests of adult learners in England and Wales. NIACE is a membership organization with paid staff, including a specialist Digital Learning Team. Its work draws on both theoretical and practical knowledge of the methods and pedagogies which work best in offering learning opportunities to adults. It has developed a national network of 6,000 Internet access centres to serve adults in both rural and urban areas.

Venezuelan Fundación Infocentro, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

The “Technological Literacy for Older Adults” project was submitted by the Infocentro Foundation. Following its own “Pedagogy of Patience” philosophy, facilitators of the Infocentros network have experience and expertise in working with the elderly. They use a variety of strategies, techniques and resources and adapt educational practices to older users to help them overcome their technological fears and familiarize themselves with computers. Some 680 Infocentros across the country enable adults and other users to achieve lifelong learning, and have helped more than 900,000 people at national level achieve technological literacy.



Teaching, learning and e-Pedagogy: Teacher Professional Development for Knowledge Societies

Alexei Semenov, Rector of the Moscow Institute of Open Education, Russian Federation

Teacher professional development is the major mission of the Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOE), led by Professor Alexei Semenov. Every year, the Institute organizes dedicated e-pedagogy development for 5,000 to 10,000 teachers and introductory modules for 30,000 teachers with extensive web-based content and technologies.

Jordan Education Initiative, Jordan

The Jordan Education Initiative (JEI) is one of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah’s non-profit organizations which works with the Ministry of Education to drive innovation by leveraging private-sector participation. JEI was created as a pioneer model for developing education, based on fostering ingenuity, harnessing the power of technology and coupling it with proven modern teaching strategies to transform the school environment into a cradle of discovery and creativity and allow Jordanian students to imagine and realize a future reality. Since its launch in 2003, JEI has impacted the lives of thousands and made a very tangible positive impact on students, teachers, families, communities and the economy.



Digital Opportunities for All: Preparing Students for 21st Century Skills


Shanghai TV University, People's Republic of China



Dr Hoda Baraka, First Deputy to the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, EgyptThe comprehensive “ICT-In-Education Programme: Towards Ubiquitous Reachability to All Learners” was started in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) in 2003 to reach out to learners through formal and informal educational practices in schools and universities, as well as non-formal education streams of systematic educational activities outside schools and universities. This project was developed by Dr Huda Baraka, First Deputy to the Minister of Communications and Information Technology. She has led the implementation of many national projects for the use of information and communication technologies in the field of education.



Open Education

Curriki, United States of America

Curriki’s driving mission is to make education more equitable through a global open educational resource (OER) community of educators, parents and students, enabling teachers to make learning more personalized and helping students reach their full potential. The online community gives teachers, students and parents universal access to a wealth of peer-reviewed “K-12” (kindergarten to 12th grade) curricula and powerful online collaboration tools. Curriki built the first website for open instruction and assessment. Founded by Sun Microsystems in 2004, the organization has operated as an independent non-profit organization since 2007.

Claroline Connect, Belgium

Claroline Consortium has implemented an e-learning and e-working platform (learning management system) released under an open-source GNU General Public License (GPL). It is a platform for distance training and collaborative work. Translated into 35 languages, Claroline allows hundreds of institutions from 93 countries to create free online courses.

Adaptable to different trainings, Claroline has been developed according to teachers’ pedagogical experiences and needs. It supports course managers in their projects and stimulates them to set up efficient resources promoting the acquisition of knowledge and skills.



Enhancing Teaching and Learning

The Cyber Home Learning System (CHLS) for primary and secondary students, the Korean Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MOEHRD) and the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS), Republic of Korea

The Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) was established in 1999 as an exclusive national institute to promote the effective use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education. The Cyber Home Learning System is a nation-wide e-learning system aiming to provide elementary and secondary school students in Korea with a quality education service after school hours. It has helped reduce private tutoring expenses, enhance the quality of public education, and achieve equity in education and education welfare by narrowing the education gap between regions and income levels.




  • 联合国教科文组织发布《教育中的人工智能:可持续发展的机遇和挑战》(附英文版)

  • 以人工智能促进可持续发展 | CIT主任黄荣怀教授出席联合国教科文组织移动学习周(附报告PPT)

  • 人工智能促进可持续发展 | 联合国教科文组织“移动学习周”正在进行

  • 干货 | 中英对照的人工智能术语表,来自联合国教科文组织







