• 03月24日 星期一

经济学人精读 | Break the glass(上) 新兴市场一片混乱

经济学人精读 | Break the glass(上) 新兴市场一片混乱

原文选自《The Economist》0411期 撰文:猫斯图




Emerging markets are battling a financial crisis as well as a public-health emergency. Since late January foreign investors, desperate to shed risk, have been withdrawing their cash from poor countries. At the same time falling global trade, depressed commodities prices and vanishing tourists have put export revenues, and hence the supply of foreign currency, into free fall. This has left many countries struggling to pay for imports and to service their dollar-denominated debts, let alone fund emergency health or economic programmes. Over 90 countries have approached the IMF, the lender of last resort for governments, to ask for help.



  • denominate vt. ①to express an amount of money using a particular unit 以(某种货币)为单位 dollar-denominated debts以美元计价的债务 ② ~ sb (as) sth ( formal ) to give sth a particular name or description 将…命名为;称…为 例:These payments are denominated as ‘fees’ rather than ‘salary’. 付出的这几笔款子称为“费用”而不是“工资”
  • let alone:更不必说 to say nothing of not to mention--used especially to emphasize the improbability of a contrasting example.
  • lender of last resort:最后贷款人,即在出现危机或者流动资金短缺的情况时,负责应付资金需求的机构(通常是中央银行)。而这里lender of last resort 意为IMF作为国际最后贷款人,随着经济金融全球化程度的加深,国与国之间的资本与货币一体化,金融危机超越国别的限制在世界范围内传播。IMF作为危机的借款者,更像一个信用合作组织,通过发行基金份额建立资金的蓄水池,再向成员国贷款;作为危机的管理者,它可以组织和协调危机中的成员国,募集更多的资金。


The fund will need to respond on an unprecedented scale. The $96bn investors have already withdrawn from emerging-market stocks and bonds dwarfs past capital outflows, according to the Institute of International Finance, an industry group. So far this year the Brazilian real, the Mexican peso and the South African rand have lost nearly a quarter of their value against the dollar. Though few countries have sounded the alarm in public, the fund estimates that emerging markets will need at least $2.5trn over the course of the pandemic.



  • dwarf n. 侏儒,矮子;(传说或神话里的)小矮人;矮星adj. 矮小的;矮生的v. (使)变矮;使显得矮小 这里意为过去的资本外流与拥有960亿资产的投资者近期退出资本市场比较相形见绌
  • over the course of 在······的过程中/随着时间的流淌


Some of that help is coming from America’s Federal Reserve. It is running “swap lines” with a select few central banks, which have so far borrowed about $400bn while posting their own currencies as collateral. The Fed is also allowing most central banks to temporarily exchange any Treasuries that they hold for dollars. But among emerging-market central banks only Brazil, Mexico, Singapore and South Korea are included in the swap lines, and few poor countries have a ready supply of Treasuries. So most of the burden will fall on the IMF which, unlike the Fed, cannot create dollars at will. The fund says it has about $1trn on tap, about a fifth of which is already committed. Even this may not be enough for the job if large economies like Nigeria, South Africa or Turkey join the legions of small countries seeking help. Another problem is that a big chunk of the fund’s resources is borrowing from its members that must be reauthorised this year, creating uncertainty.



  • collateral n.( finance 财 ) property or sth valuable that you promise to give to sb if you cannot pay back money that you borrow 抵押物;担保品 adj.( formal ) connected with sth else, but in addition to it and less important 附属的;附加的;附带的
  • Treasuries 国债、国库券Treasuries that they hold for dollars 美国国债 也可以用US Treasuries表示 【近义词】bond 债券 yuan-denominated bonds 人民币债券
  • at will 随意,任意 【近义词】at one's option, at liberty
  • legion n.①军团 the French Foreign Legion 法国外籍军团 ②( formal ) a large number of people of one particular type 大量,大批(某类型的人)legions of photographers 众多的摄影师 adj. [ not before noun ] ( formal ) very many 很多;极多 例:The medical uses of herbs are legion. 草本植物的医药效用数不胜数。
  • chunk n. ①a thick solid piece that has been cut or broken off sth 厚块;厚片;大块 例:a chunk of cheese/masonry 一块厚厚的奶酪╱砖石 ②( informal ) a fairly large amount of sth 相当大的量 例:I've already written a fair chunk of the article. 我已写出文章的大部分。


These funds must be secured. America, to its credit, has already approved its share, but the biggest, richest members need to provide still more. The IMF should then follow a three-pronged approach to fighting the crisis.







