想我,就去看我的画吧!丨Weekend Where to go


Teachers' Day is just around the corner. To the teachers among our readers, please accept my early regards.


《春雪》吴冠中 清华大学艺术博物馆藏 吴可雨捐赠

Many prominent artists are also devoted teachers themselves, such as the late painter Wu Guanzhong, who once lectured at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, then Tsinghua University's architecture department and after that, the central academy of arts and design, now Tsinghua's Academy of Arts and Design, where he retired.


2008年于北京 拍摄 蔡斯民

The artist, who was trained in China and France, educated generations of painters and scholars of art. Also, he saw his works as an education of art for the common people, hoping to help them build a deeper appreciation of beauty and integrate art into their perspective on life and the world.



As such, Wu donated his works to public art museums, such as the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, Palace Museum, China Art Museum in Shanghai, Zhejiang Art Museum in Hangzhou, and National Gallery Singapore.



A year ago, the Wu family donated another body of works by Wu Guanzhong, including Chinese ink paintings and oil paintings as well as one sketchbook, to Tsinghua, which added them to the collection of Tsinghua University Art Museum.



Wu Guanzhong said, "(If people) Miss me, just go to see my paintings."


His paintings are among the most widely exhibited in the country, not only because they look lovely but also for his honesty and pursuit of truth, which have deeply touched audiences.



Last year, Art Nurtures Lifeopened at TAM in memory of the centennial anniversary of Wu's birth, and will continue till Oct 8.


Wu was a magical player with dots, lines and forms. His paintings often recreate the magnificence of nature.


He said it is most important to learn from nature. He said nature always seduces us, inspires us, and laughs at our conservative views, inflexibility and prejudices.



Meanwhile, Portraitures of Wu Guanzhong by Chua Soo Bin, is also on at TAM through Jan 3, 2021, displaying more than 60 snapshots of the painter that the Singaporean photographer Chua took in the 1980s and '90s.


The two exhibitions profile Wu's life, art and mindset in detail.


20世纪80-90年代于新加坡 拍摄 蔡斯民

In his last days, Wu Guanzhong was bed-ridden because of illness. He told his family that after he died, no memorial service should be held, and neither would a gravestone nor a burial of ashes be necessary.



Wu Keyu, the elder son of Wu Guanzhong, says, "He cared mostly about his works, because they would be left after him to stand the test of time."


《直节如竹》清华大学艺术博物馆藏 吴可雨捐赠

Photos courtesy of the Wu family, Tsinghua University Art Museum and National Gallery Singapore


Have a nice weekend!
