• 09月21日 星期六



—— 一封新加坡ITE交换生的来信



第二天,就开始了我们的学习。我一直认为我的学校——ITE学院,,设备 (ABB机器人) 是最好的, 也是非常复杂的。但到唐工院后, 看到他们的设备 (ABB机器人)要复杂得多, 但在学习如何使用它之后, 它又是相当容易和有趣的。


我以为要上的课程和我在学校学到的东西应该很相似,但事实并非如此。PLC比我学到的要难很多, 它完全不同。Solidworks 看起来很难学习, 但当你真正从老师那里学到它的时候,,这也很容易。你只需要记住先从哪个开始,工具在哪里。至于3d 打印, 我感谢老师为我们做了一个纪念品——一个水晶, 里面有我们的脸。其中一名学生也很好, 可以用我们给他的图片进行三维打印。

唐山工业职业技术学院比我们在新加坡的学校还大。没有导游, 我们一定会迷路, 永远不会及时到达教室。那里的老师和学生都很友好, 也很有趣。我在课堂上度过的时光是一次很好的经历, 因为他们有我们没有的机器人。虽然用中文学习对我来说很困难, 我觉得很尴尬,尽管我是华人,但我对汉语不够了解, 去唐山工业职业技术学院后,,我觉得这次又学到了很多。

周末, 唐工院的王磊老师和Tina带我们去参观。我们去了一个港口, 除了那里的工人, 没有人可以进去, 但我们可以进去, 因为有些东西我不知道。我们去参观唐山地震纪念公园的时候,当我看到墙上摆满了唐山地震遇难者的名字,那一刻我的心感觉很沉重, 我想哭, 因为有 2 4万人死于地震, 包括未出生的婴儿。这次活动我了解了唐山的一部分历史,虽然我的心很难受。

回到学校后我生病发烧了, Tina关心我。这让我感到很高兴, 但同时我也感到难过, 因为我生病的时候在新加坡没有人关心我。我很感激她为我担心。当我半醒半睡时, 我听到了很多声音在我的卧室。但有一个声音我不知道是谁。我只听到他问我的名字, 我再也听不到声音了,可能是因为我睡着了。几个小时后的晚上我醒来,感觉好多了, 看到旁边的朋友在聊天, 他们很高兴我感觉好多了。几天后, Tina 和我的朋友们早早地去上课了, 我们看到Berry和一个来自其他国家的老师走到我们所在的大楼里。我们向他们致意, 我听到Berry问Tina我是不是生病的那个人, 他问我是否感觉好多了, 并告诉我是他和其他人一起来到我的房间。我真的很感激他们为我担心。


ITE工艺教育学院 XueYannx

-国际交流社团 陈丹(译)


















I am from Singapore. My school is ITE Institute of Technology Education. I am very happy to come to Tangshan Institute of Technology, Hebei Province, China to exchange my studies.

On the first day we arrived at the college, we met the Chinese teacher and students who received us. They were really enthusiastic. After we checked in, we had dinner in the school canteen. The soymilk was delicious. The next day we began our study. I have always thought that my school, ite college, equipment (abb robots) is the best and very complex. But after going to Tangshan Industrial Vocational and Technical College, seeing their equipment (abb robot) there, their equipment is much more complex, but after learning how to use it, it is much easier and more interesting. The activities we have participated in these days are very interesting, and let us fully understand the Chinese culture. Tina from the University Student International Exchange took us to the History Museum and the Piano Classroom of the Department of Pre-school Education. She also taught us how to play the piano. She's really a good person. She took us to activities in the evening and returned them to us.

Raymus had a birthday party and we were really happy that day.

PLC is very similar to what I learned in school... I think so, but it's not the case. PLC is much more difficult than what I learned. It's totally different. Solidworks may seem hard to learn, but it's also easy when you really learn it from your teacher. You just need to remember which to start with and where the tools are. As for 3D printing, I thank the teacher for making us a souvenir, a crystal with our face inside. One of the students is also very good, and can use the pictures we give him to do three-dimensional printing.

Tangshan Polytechnic is bigger than our school in Singapore. Without a guide, we will get lost and never arrive at the classroom in time. The teachers and students there are very friendly and interesting. The time I spent in class was a good experience because they had robots that we didn't have. Although learning Chinese is very difficult for me, I feel embarrassed, because I am Chinese, but I do not know enough about Chinese, but after going to Tangshan Industrial Vocational College, I think I learned a lot this time.

One thing I don't understand is that when we first wandered around campus, some students stared at us, and when we first had class, they stared at us. Is it because we can speak English? Or they seldom see foreigners. Either way, it won't affect us. I'm just curious.

On the weekend, Mr. Wang Lei and Tina of Tangshan Institute of Technology took us out to play. We went to a port where no one could go in except the workers, but we could go in because there were some things I didn't know. When we visited Tangshan Earthquake Memorial Park. When I saw the walls filled with the names of the victims of the Tangshan earthquake. At that moment, my heart felt heavy and I wanted to cry because 240,000 people died in the earthquake, including unborn babies. Because of this activity, I know a part of Tangshan's history, although my heart is very sad.

When I got back to school, I had a fever. Tina cared about me. It makes me happy, but at the same time I feel sad because nobody cared about me when I was sick in Singapore. I appreciate her worrying about me. When I was half awake and half asleep, I heard a lot of voices in my bedroom. But there's a voice I don't know who it is. I only heard him ask me my name. I can't hear any more. Maybe it's because I woke up a few hours later in the evening and felt much better. When I saw my friends chatting, they were glad that I felt much better. A few days later, Tina and my friends went to class early, and we saw Berry and a teacher from other countries walk into our building. We saluted them, and I heard Berry ask Tina if I was the one who was sick. He asked me if I felt better and told me that he was coming to my room with other people. I really appreciate that they worry about me. On the last day, we were really happy but sad that morning. I am glad that I can finally go home, sad thing I left China, I really hate it. Tangshan Industrial Vocational and Technical College is reluctant to part with Mr. Wang Lei and Tina. But I believe I will come to China again and come to Tangshan Industrial Vocational and Technical College. And Tina will come to our side to study. Tina, we're waiting for you. I love you.

-XueYannx from ITE






