• 10月04日 星期五


导语:新加坡共和国(Republic of Singapore),简称新加坡,别称为狮城,是东南亚的一个多元文化的移民国家,促进种族和谐是政府治国的核心政策,新加坡以稳定的政局、廉洁高效的政府而著称,是全球最国际化的国家之一。新加坡北隔柔佛海峡与马来西亚为邻,南隔新加坡海峡与印度尼西亚相望,毗邻马六甲海峡南口。新加坡国土面积721.5万平方公里,仅相当于武汉的十二分之一,但人口密度却是武汉的6倍以上。




2.将DORSCON(Disease Outbreak Response System Condition) 疫情爆发反应系统等级调高至橙色;








Leave of absence (LOA) 强制休假计划

The Ministry of Health announced that with effect from 31 January 2020 6pm, the following returning groups are to be placed on a 14-day leave of absence (LOA) from the day of their return to Singapore from mainland China:

Residents (Singaporean Citizens/ PRs) with recent travel history to mainland China within the last 14 days; and Long-term pass holders (including Work Passes, Student Pass, Dependent’s Pass and Long-term Visit Pass) with recent travel history to mainland China within the last 14 days.

新加坡卫生部宣布,自2020 年 1 月 31 日下午 6 时起,下列从中国内地返回新加坡的人员,将在到达之日起接受14天强制休假计划:

最近 14 天内曾到过中国大陆的新加坡公民、永久居民和长期签证持有者(包括工作签证、学生签证、家属签证和长期旅游签证) 。

Stay-Home Notice (SHN) 居家隔离令

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce introduced a new “Stay-Home Notice” (SHN). This SHN will take effect from 18 February 2020, 23:59 hours, and will apply to all returnees with recent travel history to China (outside Hubei) within the last 14 days.

Under the SHN, they will have to remain in their place of residence at all times during the 14-day period. This is stricter than the existing LOA regime, which had allowed returnees to leave their homes briefly, for example for their meals or to buy household supplies.

联合领导抗炎跨部门工作小组引入了新的居家隔离令。居家隔离令将从 2020 年 2 月 18 日 23:59 小时开始生效,并将适用于所有在过去 14 天内有中国大陆旅行史的回国人员(湖北以外)。

在 14 天居家隔离期间中,返回者必须时刻留在家中。这比现行的强制休假计划更为严格(强制休假计划允许返回者短时间离开家中,例如用餐或购买家庭用品)。


Those who flout the SHN may face penalties and can be prosecuted under Section 21A of the Infectious Diseases Act.

Foreign workers may have their work passes revoked and be repatriated. Employers too may have their work pass privileges withdrawn. Students may face disciplinary actions from their schools or institutions. PRs, LTVP and Dependant’s Pass (DP) holders may have their Re-Entry Permit, LTVP or DP revoked or the validity shortened.

藐视居家隔离令者可能面临处罚,并可能根据传染病法案第 21A 条被起诉。



From 1 February 2020, 2359h, all new visitors with recent travel history to mainland China within the last 14 days will not be allowed entry into Singapore, or to transit through Singapore.

The issuance of all forms of new visas and visa-free transit facility to those with People's Republic of China (PRC) passports will be suspended with immediate effect. Previously issued visas for those with PRC passports will also be suspended with immediate effect.



From 31 January 2020, Ministry of Manpower will reject all new work pass applications for foreign workers from mainland China until further notice. Renewal applications for existing work pass holders will not be affected.

Workers from mainland China on work passes have to seek prior approval from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) before they travel back to Singapore.

自2020 年 1 月 31 日起,新加坡人力部将拒绝所有来自中国大陆的外籍工人的新工作签证申请直至另行通知。现有工作签证持有者的续期申请不受影响。




Leave of Absence Support Programme (LOASP) 强制休假支持计划

The Ministry of Manpower will provide support to help businesses and self-employed persons who are affected by the Leave of Absence (LOA) requirements due to COVID-19(1).

Under the Leave of Absence Support Programme (LOASP), eligible employers can apply for $100 daily per affected worker for the required duration of paid LOA granted to the employee……Eligible employers will also qualify for levy waiver for affected foreign workers for the LOA period. Self-employed SCs and PRs who had travelled to mainland China on or before 31 January 2020 and placed themselves on LOA upon their return to Singapore on or after 31 January 2020 can also apply for the daily support of $100.

新加坡人力部将为因 COVID-19(1)而受到休假规定影响的企业员工和自营职业者提供经济支持。

根据强制休假支持计划,符合条件的雇主可为每名受影响的雇员申请每日 100 新币的补贴……符合条件的雇主还有资格在强制休假计划期间免交外籍员工征费。符合条件的自营职业者也可申请每日100新币的补贴。

Leave of Absence Support Programme Extended To Those Serving Stay-Home Notice 强制休假计划支持范围扩展到居家隔离令

From 18 February 2020, 23:59 hours, the Ministry of Manpower will extend the Leave of Absence Support Programme (LOASP) to businesses and self-employed persons affected by Stay-Home Notice (SHN) requirements due to COVID-191.

自2020年2月18日23:59起,新加坡人力部将扩展强制休假支持计划覆蓋范围,受到居家隔离令影响的企业员工和自营职业者也可获得每日 100 新币补贴。


According to STB Singapore, 2 February 2020, hotels that provided accommodation to suspected and confirmed cases of nCoV infections will get help with their environmental cleaning and disinfection costs. STB will cover up to 50 per cent of third-party professional cleaning fees, which will be backdated to 23 Jan, when the first case of nCoV infection in Singapore was detected.


The Hotels Licensing Board will waive licence fees for hotels for the rest of 2020. Similarly, travel agents and tourist guides whose licenses are due for renewal in 2020 will not need to pay to renew their licence fees.






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