• 03月27日 星期四

每日新闻播报(January 6)

每日新闻播报(January 6)

Japan Airlines (JAL) planes sit on the tarmac at New Chitose Airport in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan September 18, 2019. Picture taken September 18, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Free plane tickets giveaway


Japan Airlines is giving away 50,000 free round-trip domestic air tickets to international tourists this summer - but there's a catch. 日本航空今年夏天将向国外游客免费送出5万张国内往返机票,但有一个条件。

The giveaway aims to encourage tourists to see less visited parts of Japan, and perhaps take some of the strain off Tokyo between July 1 and Sept 30 this year as the capital hosts the Olympic Summer Games. 这次机票赠送的目的是鼓励游客去日本少有人旅游的地方,也许是为了在今年7月1日和9月30日期间减少首都东京的一部分压力。届时东京将举办夏季奥运会。

However to win free tickets, travelers must be registered outside of Japan with the flag carrier's Mileage Bank frequent flier program. 不过,想要赢得免费机票,旅客必须在日本境外注册日本航空的里程银行常客项目。

The airline will recommend four local destinations to choose from, flying out of Haneda airport in Tokyo, or Osaka's Itami and Kansai airports. 日本航空将推荐四个国内目的地供你选择,从东京的羽田机场或大阪的伊丹机场和关西机场起飞。

Family and friends traveling together can apply as a group of up to four people, and applicants will receive the result within three days of applying.一起旅行的亲朋好友可以组团申请(一个团最多四个人),申请人将在申请后的三日内收到结果。

每日新闻播报(January 6)

Photo by Elle Hughes on Unsplash

>Eating chilies is healthy


That delicious penne all'arrabiata may have benefits that go further than putting a smile on your face, according to a new study. 一项新研究发现,美味的辣味通心粉给你带来的益处也许不止让你开心。

For many years, chili has been hailed for its therapeutic properties, and now researchers have found that eating chili peppers regularly can cut the risk of death from heart disease and stroke. 多年来辣椒一直因其食疗特性而受到赞誉,如今研究人员发现,定期吃辣椒可以降低死于心脏病和中风的风险。

The positive effect of chili consumption could be attributed to how the peppers are used in an overall diet, according to Duane Mellor, a registered dietitian and senior teaching fellow at Aston Medical School in the UK. 英国阿斯顿医学院的注册营养师和高级特任讲师杜安·梅勒说,吃辣椒的积极作用可以归因于辣椒在整体饮食中的运用方式。

"It is plausible people who use chillies, as the data suggests also used more herbs and spices, and as such likely to be eating more fresh foods including vegetables," he said. "So, although chillies can be a tasty addition to our recipes and meals, any direct effect is likely to be small and it is more likely that it makes eating other healthy foods more pleasurable."他说:"数据显示,用辣椒做菜的人也会用更多药草和香料,他们吃蔬菜等新鲜食物的可能性也更大。因此,尽管辣椒会让我们的饭菜更美味,但辣椒本身对健康直接产生的效果可能并不大,更重要的是辣椒会让我们更愿意吃其他健康食品。"

每日新闻播报(January 6)


>Cake looks like stuffed toy


From cute cats to cuddly bears, these adorable creations are actually delicious - and incredibly realistic - party cakes. 从可爱的猫咪到萌萌的小熊,这些惹人喜爱的萌物其实是美味且逼真的聚餐蛋糕。

Stay-at-home mother Susanne Ng, 37, from Singapore, delights family, friends and more than 23,000 Instagram followers with her creative chiffon cakes, which take the shape of animals, fruit, and cartoon characters. 37岁的苏珊娜·吴是来自新加坡的一位全职妈妈,她制作的动物、水果和卡通人物造型的创意戚风蛋糕令亲友以及超过2.3万名Instagram粉丝感到赏心悦目。

Not only are the colorful designs eye-catching, they are also healthier than traditional bakes. 这些蛋糕不但有着引人注目的缤纷造型,而且比传统烘焙糕点更健康。

Susanne said: "They are lower in sugar, being only around a quarter of the sugar content of normal cakes, contain no butter, and are also fluffy and easy for kids and the elderly to eat." 苏珊娜表示:"这些蛋糕的含糖量更低,只有一般蛋糕含糖量的1/4左右,且不含黄油。它们的口感也很松软,易于孩子和老人食用。"

She started baking as a hobby and later decided to challenge herself with more ambitious designs. 起初,她把烘焙当作业余爱好,后来决定挑战更有难度的作品。

"I feel the need for an outlet for my creative ideas, hence find great joy in making new creations with chiffon cakes," she said.她说:"我感觉有必要为我的创意寻找一种表达的途径,因此在用戚风蛋糕创作新的作品上获得了极大的乐趣。"

每日新闻播报(January 6)

A fishing boat is anchored in the Yangtze River in Yichang, Hubei province, April 1, 2013. [Photo by Zhou Jianping/Asianewsphoto]

>Yangtze imposes fishing ban


China on Wednesday began a 10-year fishing ban on key areas of the Yangtze River to protect biodiversity in the country's longest river, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. 农业和农村事务部称,1月1日,我国针对长江的重点水域开启为期10年的禁渔令,以保护这条国内最长河流的生物多样性。

Starting from this year, the ban will be observed in 332 conservation areas in the Yangtze River basin, which will also be expanded to all natural waterways of the river and its major tributaries from no later than Jan 1, 2021. 自2020年起,长江流域332个保护区全面禁止生产性捕捞;最迟自2021年1月1日零时起,禁渔范围将扩大至所有长江干流和重要支流天然水域。

Fishing will also be prohibited on natural waterways of large lakes connected to the Yangtze such as the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake for 10 years starting from no later than Jan 1, 2021. 对鄱阳湖、洞庭湖等与长江相连的大型通江湖泊天然水域,最迟自2021年1月1日零时起实行为期10年的常年禁捕。

The 10-year ban is estimated to affect more than 113,000 fishing boats and nearly 280,000 fishermen in 10 provincial regions along the river. 根据测算,长江流域重点水域禁捕共涉及沿江10个省市的渔船11.3万多艘、渔民近28万人。

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has promised to provide social security services, financial support and vocational trainings for fishermen who have to find new ways of living.农业农村部承诺统筹协调落实退捕渔民过渡期社会保障、生活补助、职业技能培训等政策。

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