• 09月24日 星期二



NAFA培养了13位文化奖章的获奖者 - 新加坡最高荣誉的艺术从业者,他们对艺术和文化产生了重大影响。另有14位校友获颁青年艺术家奖。许多学院的校友已经在新加坡和国外的专业艺术界留下了自己的印记。






Established in 1938, the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) is Singapore’s pioneer arts institution. The academy is known for its rigorous and high-quality curriculum, innovative and practitioners-led teaching approach, diverse artistic creations and community outreach.

NAFA has nurtured 13 recipients of the Cultural Medallion - Singapore’s highest accolade bestowed on art practitioners who have significantly impacted arts and culture. Another 14 alumni have been presented the Young Artist Award. Many of the academy’s alumni have gone on to make their mark in the professional arts scene in Singapore and abroad.

The academy offers full-time diploma and degree programmes across three schools: the School of Art and Design comprising 3D Design, Design & Media, Fashion Studies and Fine Art programmes, the School of Music and the School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre. Diploma courses are aligned with the degree courses offered in partnership with reputable universities in the United Kingdom.

NAFA’s courses are designed and delivered by experienced art educators and leading industry practitioners. The academic schools regularly review and refine their curriculum to reflect the changing needs of the industry.

Since 1999, NAFA has received polytechnic-level funding from Singapore’s Ministry of Education. In 2011, NAFA became the first comprehensive arts education institution in Singapore to be awarded the four-year EduTrust certificate from the Council for Private Education (now known as Committee for Private Education). It received its third four-year certification in 2019.

As an advocate of lifelong learning, NAFA dedicates its effort to developing a greater appreciation of the arts for all ages. The NAFA Arts Preschool (formerly NAFA Arts Kindergarten), is the first arts-themed preschool in Singapore. The School of Young Talents offers weekend courses in art, dance, drama and music to 4- to 18-year-olds. For adults, the Centre for Lifelong Education offers enrichment courses and part-time certificate programmes.

With a rich heritage, established track record and an unwavering dedication to the highest standards of arts education, NAFA strives to live up to its mission of “inspiring learning and growth through the arts”.

The School of Art & Design (SOAD) offers multidisciplinary learning through its four programmes: 3D Design, Design & Media, Fashion Studies and Fine Art. SOAD takes the lead in contributing to the contemporary arts and design education with the focus on creative expression, technical competencies, integrative practices and critical thinking.


The School of Arts Management, Dance & Theatre brings together the faculty and physical resources of the Arts Management, Dance and Theatre programmes to provide a unique partnership across the areas of Performance, Production and Management.


Music constantly invites us to discover a world beyond ourselves. Wherever you take your aspirations (as a performer, teacher or in pursuit of further studies), we are here to help you take the next step.


“Our uniquely designed curriculum complements the mainstream education in Singapore. It helps students lay a solid foundation in the arts and at the same time develop their potentials to the fullest. At School of Young Talents, we nurture the next generation of artists who are well prepared to take on the various challenges in the future.”

“我们独特的设计课程是对新加坡主流教育的补充。 它帮助学生在艺术方面奠定坚实的基础,同时充分发挥他们的潜力。 在青年才俊学院,我们培养下一代艺术家,他们已准备好迎接未来的各种挑战。“

Dedicated to providing a spectrum of quality courses in art and design, NAFA established the Centre for Lifelong Education in November 2005 to provide opportunities for enthusiasts who are keen to further their interests in the arts. It is our belief that learning should be a fun and lifelong process. Most of our part-time students are working professionals and hobbyists.



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