• 12月26日 星期四














Get up time起床时间: 6:15am (working dayand school day) (工作日)

                                   7:15am(weekend/PH and school holiday)(休息日/学校假期)

Break time午休时间:  2:30pm-3:00pm (not for going out day)(外出日除外)

Sleep time睡觉时间:  9:30pm


– Clean the fans 清理电扇- Clean exterior and interior of all drawers, cabinets andwardrobes 清理所有抽屉、柜子、衣橱的内外部

– Clean all doors and window frames 清理所有门窗和窗框

– Clean the sofa with baby oil 沙发打油



– Clean the kitchen wall tiles. 清理厨房瓷砖

– Clean exhaust fans and smoke hoods 清理油烟机

– Clean the exteriorand interior of the oven, microwave and garbage bin. 清理烤箱,微波炉和垃圾桶内外部

– Clean the exteriorand interior of kitchen cabinets 清理橱柜内外部

– Clean the fridge andwashing machine 清理冰箱和洗衣机

– Wash the floor mats 清洗脚垫

– Wipe clean TV, stereomix 电视机除尘

– Change bed sheets,pillow cases, quilt covers 换床单,枕头套,被套

– Vacuum beds 除螨

– Clean the dressingtable and mirror 清理梳妆台,穿衣镜

– Clean the exterior oftoy boxes 清理玩具箱

– Wash plastic shoesand school shoes on Friday evening 刷鞋

– Polish leather shoes(only for Sir on every Saturday morning) 给皮鞋打油

– Iron the clothes 熨烫衣服


– Sweep and mop the floorwith detergent 扫地擦地

– Clean the tea tableand dining table 擦茶几和餐桌

– Clean the stove, sink,rice cooker, pan, pot after cooking 煮饭后清洗所有厨具及炉灶

– Clean and dry updishes, keep inside the cabinet at the end of day 洗净擦干所有餐具,放回橱柜

– Clean the kettle andwater bottle when necessary 清理烧水壶和凉水杯

– Clean the toilet bowldaily with detergent and dettol 清洗马桶

– Clean the whole bath room (mirror, cabinet, rack, sink, glass door,floor and all) every 3 days, no need everyday 每隔三天清洗整个卫生间

– Clean all bookshelf,computer table 清理书架电脑桌

– Make up beds everymorning 整理床铺

– Clean all furnitureand decorations 清理家具及摆设

– Check if there is enoughwater in the hot pot and glass bottle 确保热水和凉水壶有足够的水

– Wash clothes by hand 手洗衣服

– Pick up gege and DONOT CHAT with other maids outside school  接哥哥,不许和学校外的其他女佣聊天

– Pick up didi and lookafter them when they are at playground 接弟弟,看着他们玩

– Shower for children 给孩子冲凉

– Dispose all thegarbage and clean the sink in the kitchen before go to bed 睡前清理所有垃圾及水槽

– Keep the living room,dining room, study room and bedrooms clean and tidy at all times 时刻保持家里干净整洁

– Put back children’s toys and belongings in their places 整理孩子的玩具及物品

– Use different clothfor different purpose, eg.cleaning furniture, cleaning dining table, dry updishes, washing basin and washing toilets etc. 分类使用抹布

– The cloth must be washand sunshine after use 抹布用过后要洗净晒干



– Always look after children and make sure they are cleanand safe all the time at home and go outside. 保证时刻照顾好孩子

– DO NOT shout and beat children 不许打骂孩子

– Ask Mdm before give any candy or soft drink to children 给孩子吃糖或饮料前要问过雇主

– Play with children when they need 在孩子需要时陪他们玩

– DO NOT leave the children at home alone as it is very dangerous and illegal, you will be dismissed at once if it occurs.不要让孩子单独呆在家里,一旦发现,立即解雇


– Prepare breakfast 准备早餐

– Prepare lunch forgege 给哥哥准备午餐

– Prepare dinnermaterial or dinner (depends on Mdm request) 准备晚餐材料或者指定晚餐

-Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing or servingfood 准备食物前洗手

-Learn to cook chinese meals 学习煮中式菜

– Provide the children with good meals and make sure they finished when employer is not at home 主人不在时,确保孩子们吃好喝好

– Do not waste food 不要浪费食物

– Ensure that meals are prepared and served at the propertime 保证按时准备好食物


– When there are guests, must say hello and goodbye tothem, serving drinks and fruits. 客人来的时候要打招呼,并倒水送水果

– After the guests left, tidy up the place immediately 客人离开后,整理好东西

– Must say hello and goodbye to host, and say thank youwhen accept drink and food from host 去别人家做客要与主人打招呼,接受东西要说谢谢

– Look after children all the time when at other’s house 时刻照看孩子

– DO NOT CHAT with host’s maid 不许和主人的女佣聊天

– Help host to clean up dining table or kitchen upon Mdmrequest 如果雇主要求,需要帮助主人清理餐桌及厨房


– In case of illness, please tell employer 身体不舒服要告诉雇主

– All breakable items must be handled with great care. If something is damaged because of carelessness, it is agreed that costs of those items can be deducted from your salary 易碎品轻拿轻放,任何破损扣工资

– Must report any mistakes or accidents immediately and ask for instruction 做错事要立即报告

– Do not use employer’s belongings and articles. Ask for permission when you depose anything, Do not give your food to children without the permission 不许使用雇主物品,丢任何东西之前要问过雇主,不许随便给孩子吃你自己的东西

– DO NOT take away anything from the house without the approval. It will be reported to police immediately if any valuables are stolen. 不许拿雇主的任何东西,否则报警

– DO NOT leave the house without permission 不许擅自出门

– DO NOT bring friends or relatives to employer’s house 不许带亲戚朋友来雇主家

– No advance salary 不可预支工资

– You are not allowed to use employer’s address and telephone number for whatever purpose without employer’s permission 未经许可,不许使用雇主的地址电话

– DO NOT take drugs and alcohol anywhere and anytime 不许嗑药酗酒

– Save water and energy and use less detergent for cleaning, Turn off light/ fan when it is not used 节约水电


– Employer will give you shampoo, shower gel, soap, toothpaste, tooth brush, and towel, others on your own expense. 雇主提供洗发水,沐浴乳,香皂,牙膏牙刷,毛巾,其他个人用品自己买

– Keep your hair short, clean and tidy 保持头发整洁

– Keep your nails short and clean. Do not use any nail polish on fingers and toes. Do make-up 定期剪指甲,不许涂指甲油,化妆

– Hand wash your own clothes separately 分开手洗自己的衣服

– Dispose the sanitary napkins properly by wrapping them up and put them in the garbage bags 卫生巾要折叠包好再丢入垃圾桶

– DO NOT wear short pants and sleeveless shirt, or other tight clothes 不许穿吊带热裤及紧身衣




– Be polite and greet the employer and the family, relatives and friends by saying “good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening/ good night”见到雇主及雇主亲朋要问好

– Don’t forget to say thank you for all favors given to you 时刻道谢

– If you have anything not understand, must ask 不懂就问

– Do not get affair with man 不许乱搞

– Do not chat with other maids around 不许与周围女佣聊天


Whenever an EMERGENY occurs, be sure to call POLICE(995) first, when FIRE breaks out, TAKE TOGETHERTHE CHILDREN TO LEAVE THE FLAT FIRST and stay at a safe place, then call employer (此处可写雇主电话) and ask for specific instructions.










