


What's better, South Asia or Southeast Asia?


Amen Shehzad
Knows Pashto
Well, if you look at both regions from the eyes of an outsider. I think South East Asia is doing better.
South Asia, India specifically dominated South East Asia for centuries both culturally and economically. Most of South East Asia culture has actually come from India.
But as we know, South Asia is a damn old region and older the region, the more problems it has.
India is the only country which defeats South East Asia. But if you compare other South Asian countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh then they're a lot behind than SEA.
On the other hand, you'll find most countries in South East Asia — Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand doing pretty good as they have less problems to deal with.

Hiro-o Ekimae
India defeats SE Asia?lol

Afghanistan comes in central asia.

Michael Sue
Southeast Asia is better for sure as far as I am concerned. It is culturally diverse and every country within is moving forward with its own progress and evolution to “fit in” with the Modern world yet there is a unity between them to confront challenges “as a group” or independently. I find South Asia has not shed its colonial-thinking past , and progress is only “in the hands of the privileged few” , unwilling to shed its caste structure and rule by arrogance. It is difficult for me to explain, but the mindset there is prohibitive and restraining. In South East Asia “there are more options”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Liam Becker
Lives in Canada (1999–present)
If you ask me I personally prefer Southeast Asia over South Asia because it is more developed than South Asia. Some of the largest growing economies in the world are located in Southeast Asia like Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Bangkok is the most visited city in the world. Singapore is a successful developed country. India’s economy is rising but infrastructure is subpar, widespread poverty and cleanliness issue. Pakistan has a large population but the country is ruined with terrorism. Bangladesh is overpopulated. Afghanistan has Taliban. Nepal is not that developed. Sri Lanka has been ruined by family politics. Bhutan has little modernisation.

Suyono Kurniawan
Reading the comments here, I think this question tends to break us all apart. Let's not do that shall we? Let's stay united all from South East Asia and South Asia…and all other countries of course! Let's have fun and enjoy life. Let's spend time to help SriLanka now rather than we counter comment each other. Thank you

RZ Man
Thanks so much. You have the right attitude and mindset. South Asians and Southeast Asians have a lot in common in cultures and trades for centuries. As a start, I am planning to sponsor a Sri Lankan student who happens to be my son’s best friend to further for his Master’s degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, inshaAllah (God willing).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Konti Kandan
Indonesians are the best! You never get this kind of solidarity with other SE Asians and South Asians. Terima Kasih!

印度尼西亚人是最棒的! 你从来不会在其他东南亚人和南亚人那里得到这样的团结心态。Terima Kasih!
Joy Mukherjee
May God Bless You For Your Goodwill and Good Wishes for All our Brothers and Sisters from Srilanka. We all Pray for all our Brothers and Sisters in Srilanka so that May They Overcome the Horrible Situation & Unfortunate Situation their Beautiful Country is Going Through. May God Bless You My Brother. The World needs Good Human Beings like Yourself. God Bless You. Thank You.

Robert Vidal
Glad our cousins to the South are proud of their countries. South Asia is definitely cool. But, I agree that SE Asia is very cool. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Jakarta, Bangkok, just to name a few are great and historic cities. The diversity of peoples in this area is amazing. The topography with mountains and beaches are very interesting. Paradise!

Konti Kandan
As a 4th generation South Asian from South East Asia ( if you know basic world history you can easily guess which SE Asian countries have a significant South Asian minority thanks to the British) you have no idea the diversity of India let alone the rest of the subcontinent! The potential of India alone is amazing. I grew up in a pretty developed SE Asian country, I’ve lived in Europe and India and now in the Bay Area Ca. South East Asia while amazing and tiny in terms of population is NOT A PATCH on India at least if not the rest of South Asia. In your words in terms of topography, diversity, mountains beaches etc.
