
时间过得真快,又到周五,上周我们说了NSU新加坡国立大学的头条,紧跟着的就是新加坡的另一所知名大学,南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)啦。同样的,南洋理工大学在我们国内知名度也很高,大家都知道它是亚洲的世界顶级综合类研究型大学,2022年QS排名12位。




1 New senior leadership appointments for research and industry announced新的研究和行业高级领导任命已宣布

NTU Singapore has announced two new senior leadership appointments that will help the University to deliver on the bold ambitions of its NTU 2025 strategic plan.南洋理工大学宣布了两项新的高级领导任命,这将有助于大学实现其 NTU 2025 战略计划的雄心壮志。

2 Using local plants to remove toxic metals from soil使用当地植物去除土壤中的有毒金属

A team of researchers from NTU Singapore and Singapore’s National Parks Board (NParks), led by Professor Lam Yeng Ming, Chair of NTU’s School of Materials Science and Engineering, has demonstrated that some plant species could help to remove toxic heavy metals and metalloids from contaminated soil.由南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院院长林英明教授领导的新加坡南洋理工大学和新加坡国家公园委员会 (NParks) 的一组研究人员已经证明,一些植物物种可以帮助去除受污染的土壤里的有毒重金属和准金属。

3 NTU to award its own medical degrees from 2029南洋理工大学从2029年起授予自己的医学学位

NTU Singapore and the Imperial College London will successfully conclude their collaboration agreement to establish the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) as planned in 2028.新加坡南洋理工大学和伦敦帝国理工学院将成功达成合作协议,按计划于 2028 年成立李光前医学院(LKCMedicine)。

4 Crowded trains, long commute impact decision to work from home: Study拥挤的火车,长途通勤影响在家工作的决定:研究

A study by NTU Singapore has uncovered some reasons why workers in Singapore are reluctant to return to the office as pandemic work-from-home restrictions are eased. Traveling to work on crowded trains was the biggest deterrent, followed by long commute times, the NTU scientists found.新加坡南洋理工大学的一项研究揭示了随着在家工作限制的放宽,新加坡工人不愿返回办公室的一些原因。 南大科学家发现,乘坐拥挤的火车上班是最大的阻碍,其次是通勤时间长。

5 ARISE-ing to the challenge of eldercare迎接老年护理的挑战

Singapore’s ageing population will lead to an estimated 83,000 elderly persons living alone by 2030. It is crucial that seniors take ownership of their health to live actively and independently in the community.到 2030 年,新加坡人口老龄化将导致约 83,000 名老年人独居。老年人对自己的健康拥有自主权,以便在社区中积极、独立地生活,这一点至关重要。

6 Equal opportunities in the workplace: For better or worse?工作场所的平等机会:是好是坏?

In an op-ed, Assistant Professor Chong Sin Hui from NTU’s NBS, whose expertise is in organisational behaviour and human resource,discussed the recent White Paper on Singapore women's development, focusing on whether some of the policies proposed and debated in Parliament – from flexible work arrangements (FWAs) to parental leave and board representation – were really advantageous for women at work.在一篇专栏文章中,南洋理工大学 NBS 助理教授 Chong Sin Hui 的专长是组织行为和人力资源,他讨论了最近关于新加坡妇女发展的白皮书,重点关注一些政策是否在议会提出和辩论——从灵活 育儿假和董事会代表的工作安排(FWA)对工作中的女性确实有利。

7 Study sheds light on challenges faced by Singapore women in STEM研究揭示了新加坡女性在 STEM 领域面临的挑战

Gender diversity may have improved in the workplace, but many women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) in Singapore are more likely than men to perceive there are barriers to the entry and progression in STEM careers due to gender, a study by the Promotion of Women in Engineering, Research, and Science (POWERS) programme has found.工作场所的性别多样性可能有所改善,但新加坡科学、技术、工程和数学 (STEM) 领域的许多女性比男性更有可能认为,由于性别,进入和发展 STEM 职业存在障碍, 促进妇女参与工程、研究和科学 (POWERS) 计划的一项研究发现。

