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Limin’s ancestral home is Penglai in Shandong province. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Department of Politics, Harbin Normal University. Wang then studied for a postgraduate qualification in Chinese classical literature from the College of Literature and Journalism, Heilongjiang University.

He was then appointed as Deputy Director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture. He also worked as Vice-Chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Writers’ Association, Vice-Chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Literature and Arts Association, and Vice-Chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Calligraphers’ Association.

Wang Limin is currently a National First-Grade Artist, a member of many associations such as the China Writers’ Association, the China Artists’ Association, the Academic Committee of the China Calligraphers’ Association and the Xiling Seal Cutting Society, China; the Book of Odes and Hymns Association and the China Han Dynasty Pictorial Bricks Research Institute.

Wang Limin began his study of calligraphy and painting in his childhood. After graduating from high school in 1975, he was sent to a farm on the undeveloped Sanjiang plain in Heilongjiang province under the policy requiring educated youth to work in and enhance the countryside. In late 1978, when the ‘educated youth’ returned to the cities, Wang was able to return to his hometown of Harbin, finding work in the Hexing Department Store.

With his professional ability in art recognized, he became an art worker responsible for advertisements and window design for the store. In 1980 he was admitted to Harbin Normal University. Whilst studying for his undergraduate degree, he was elected the first Chairman of the Heilongjiang Universities Student Calligraphers’ Association and the Vice-Chairman of the Heilongjiang Youth Artists and Calligraphers’ Association. Following graduation from the University in 1984, he became a Lecturer in the Department of Fine Arts, Harbin Normal University.

In his study of calligraphy Wang Limin follows the work of You Shou and Zhou Qi; in his seal cutting he follows the work of Liu Jiang and Wu Yiren. Wang also studied painting under the guidance of Chao Mei and Jia Pingxi. Examples of Wang’s calligraphy were shown in the First International Exhibition of Youth Calligraphy and he was included in the Sixth National Exhibition of Works Created by Young and Middle Aged Calligraphers. Examples of his seal cutting were shown in the Fourth Exhibition of Seal Cutting and the Second International Exhibition of Seal Cutting and Calligraphy held by the Xiling Seal Cutting Society. His Chinese painting Double Butterflies in Autumn was awarded the second prize in the 14th National Exhibition of Modern Flower and Bird Painting. His ink paintings and examples of his calligraphy have been exhibited in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Russian, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.

Wang Limin devotes himself to history, to the ancient scripts and the study of art theory. He has published more than 100 academic papers. He is the author of The Literary Heart and the Carving of Worms, Wang Limin ‘s Art of Calligraphy, Seal Cuttings by Wang Limin , Wang Limin’s Paintings and Wang Limin’s Calligraphy. He was the co-author of the book A History of Modern Calligraphy and University Calligraphy Teaching. He was the chief editor for the book A Collection of You Shou’s Calligraphy and the Northern Wei Dynasty Gaxian Cave West Cliff Carving Stone, the first publication on the subject of the most northerly part of this cliff in China. Chen Yafei of Hong Kong University commented: Wang Limin’s work shows the most important achievements in the research into Li Ruiqing’s work since the 1990s, more information can be found in the paper with the title Revaluation and Discussion in the research into Li Ruiqing’s calligraphy within the Calligraphy Research Journal for 2005. In the foreword to Wang Limin’s Calligraphy, Zhou Junjie, the Vice-Chairman of The Academic Association for Chinese Calligraphy, emphasized that Wang Limin is a thoughtful historian and a creative calligrapher, someone worthy of respect in this period of time.