【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-1-6)



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s

Regular Press Conference on January 6, 2022

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-1-6)


CCTV: With the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games approaching, the international community has turned its eyes to China and the Olympics. On the one-month countdown to the opening ceremony, President Xi Jinping inspected the preparations during his visit to sports venues, the main media center and a training base, among others, attracting great attention. What message do you think this visit has sent to the international community?


Wang Wenbin: You may have all noted that President Xi said in his New Year address that “We will spare no effort to present a great Games to the world.” On the first working day after the New Year holiday, President Xi made another field trip to inspect the preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This fully demonstrates that the Party and the Chinese government give priority to the preparations and sends three key messages to the international community.

一是中国重信守诺。习近平主席强调,办好北京冬奥会、冬残奥会,是我们向国际社会作出的庄严承诺。申奥成功6年多来,中方着力推进冰雪运动“南展西扩东进”,越来越多的人走上冰场雪场,“冷冰雪”成为“热运动”,实现了“带动3亿人参与冰雪运动”的目标。我们提出的“绿色、共享、开放、廉洁”的办奥理念,无论在场馆建设还是赛事组织和赛会服务方面,都得到了很好的贯彻落实。 First, China honors its word. President Xi stressed that it is China’s solemn pledge to ensure the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics are “a full success”. For more than six years since Beijing won the bid to host the Olympic Games, China has been focusing on popularizing winter sports southward, westward and eastward. As a result, more and more Chinese have set foot on ice rinks and snow resorts, making winter sports popular and meeting the objective of “involving 300 million people in winter sports”. The principles of hosting a “green, inclusive, open and clean” Olympic Games have been effectively implemented in constructing the venues, organizing the events and providing services for the Games.
二是中国准备好了。经过几年努力,各项筹备工作基本就绪。在赛事组织方面,“相约北京”系列测试赛已圆满收官,北京、延庆、张家口三大赛区12个竞赛场馆全部完工,通过国际冬季单项体育组织认证,全面投入使用。在赛会服务方面,冬奥村、志愿者、媒体中心、医疗救援、签约酒店等服务保障体系全面建成。 Second, China is ready. After years of efforts, preparations are basically all set. In terms of events organization, the “Experience Beijing” test matches have successfully concluded. All 12 sports venues in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou have been built and put into use with GAISF’s certification. The service and support system has been completed, covering the Olympic Village, volunteers, media center, medical assistance and contract hotels.
三是疫情下中国有信心安全办奥。国际奥委会、国际残奥委会和北京冬奥组委已经发布两版《防疫手册》。中方正按照《防疫手册》要求,优化分区分类“双闭环”管理流程,严格执行各项防控措施。中方将实施科学化精细化的防控举措,尽最大努力防止疫情发生,确保参与北京冬奥会、冬残奥会的所有人员健康安全。 Third, China is confident that we will hold a safe Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games have published two editions of the Beijing 2022 Playbooks. Following the requirements of the Playbooks, the Chinese side is optimizing the area-based double closed-loop management process tailored for different categories of participants and strictly implementing the epidemic control protocols. China will take science-based and targeted epidemic prevention and control measures, make utmost effort to prevent infection and ensure the health and safety of all personnel attending the Beijing 2022.
国际奥委会主席巴赫日前在新年致辞中表示,期待北京冬奥会取得圆满成功,对于举办一届安全的冬奥会充满信心。波兰滑雪协会主席塔伊纳日前说,中国实施严格防疫措施是正确的决定,我将在北京冬奥会期间感到安全。这反映了国际社会热切期盼北京冬奥会和冬残奥会的共同心声,也体现了国际社会对中国安全办奥的信心。 In his New Year’s Message 2022, IOC President Thomas Bach said that “we are looking forward to successful Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 and have great confidence that we will stage safe and secure Olympic Winter Games for everybody.” Polish Ski Association (PZN) president Apoloniusz Tajner said that China made the right decision to apply strict COVID-19 restrictions and thanks to that “I will feel safe during the competition in Beijing.” All these reflect the shared voice of the international community in looking forward to the Beijing 2022 and the international community’s confidence in a safe and secure Olympic Games to be hosted by China.
2月4日,奥运圣火将再次在“鸟巢”点燃。我们将当好东道主,竭诚为世界奉献一届精彩、非凡、卓越的奥运盛会,让各国参赛人员感受到春天般的温暖,为世界注入更多团结、信心和力量。 On February 4, the Olympic flame will be lit for a second time in the National Stadium, also known as the Bird’s Nest. We will be a good host and make full efforts to deliver a splendid, exceptional and extraordinary Olympic event for the world, make sure all participants feel spring-like warmth and provide more solidarity, confidence and strength to all.



Phoenix TV: According to reports, recent protests and demonstrations in Kazakhstan sparked by a spike in the price of liquefied petroleum gas have turned into large-scale mass unrest and even led to clashes with the police. What is China’s comment?


Wang Wenbin: China and Kazakhstan are friendly neighbors and permanent comprehensive strategic partners. In China’s view, what is happening in Kazakhstan is its domestic affairs. We believe that the Kazakh authorities can properly resolve the issue. We hope the situation could stabilize as soon as possible and normal social order could be restored.



Xinhua News Agency: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi just paid a visit to Eritrea. Why is Eritrea the first country on his New Year tour? What major outcomes have been achieved?


Wang Wenbin: It has been a 32-year fine tradition of China’s diplomacy that our foreign ministers make their first overseas trips to Africa at the beginning of a new year. This highlights China-Africa solidarity and cooperation, and shows that China always stands with fellow developing countries. The visit’s first stop in Eritrea reflects the importance China attaches to its relations and traditional friendship with Eritrea. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang met and had talks with President Isaias Afwerki and Foreign Minister Osman Saleh respectively. The two sides also signed and issued a Joint Statement by Foreign Ministers of the State of Eritrea and the People’s Republic of China.


The visit produced outcomes in the following three dimensions. First, the upgrade of bilateral relationship. The two heads of state made the major political decision to elevate the China-Eritrea relationship to a strategic partnership, which meets the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries and peoples. Second, the consolidation of traditional friendship. China and Eritrea will render each other firmer support on issues related to core interests and major concerns, and strengthen coordination on international and multilateral affairs. The two sides will uphold multilateralism, reject hegemony and power politics, oppose interference in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of democracy and human rights, and jointly defend the legitimate rights of developing countries. Third, the identification of the direction of practical cooperation. Both sides agreed to make joint efforts to implement the outcomes of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). China is ready to help Eritrea improve the ability of self-development and accelerate industrialization. The Eritrean side rebuked the so-called Chinese “debt trap”, stressed that China never interferes in others’ internal affairs and is a true development partner indispensable to Africa, and expressed hope for China’s bigger role in Africa’s peace and development process.


The two sides also exchanged views on the Horn of Africa’s situation and expressed opposition to non-regional forces’ acts that create turmoil and conflict to undermine regional peace and stability. As African countries’ sincere friend and reliable partner, China is ready to play a constructive part in regional countries’ efforts to realize peace and security in the region, unleash development potential and improve governance.



AFP: The Collective Security Treaty Organization said today that it will send peace-keeping forces to stabilize Kazakhstan. Does China have any comment on this?


Wang Wenbin: I just stated China’s position on the issue. We hope the situation in Kazakhstan will stabilize as soon as possible and normal social order will be restored.



Bloomberg: The US and Lithuania have agreed to cooperate on ways to counter what they call China’s “economic coercion.” In addition, Taiwan pledged to establish a $200 million fund to invest in Lithuania and open up its markets to the nation. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? Just to follow up on Kazakhstan, does China support the CSTO’s effort and is Beijing considering its own contribution to this effort?


Wang Wenbin: You just mentioned “coercion”. The first thing I want to tell you is that the US fabricates lies and makes trouble with Xinjiang-related issues and pressures multinational companies to take sides. This is nothing if not coercive diplomacy. The ins and outs of the Taiwan-related issues on the part of Lithuania are very clear. The US has repeatedly defended Lithuania’s wrong words and deeds to create the false impression of “one China, one Taiwan”, and tried to cobble together a clique that emboldens the “Taiwan independence” forces. These moves further expose the US’ scheme to use Taiwan to contain China, which will only tarnish its international image and be self-defeating.

我们要求美方切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定。我们也正告台湾当局,“金钱外交”改变不了“台独”势力覆灭的大势,挟洋谋“独”只能是死路一条。 We urge the US side to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US Joint Communiqués. We also have this stern warning for the Taiwan authorities. “Dollar diplomacy” cannot change the trend that “Taiwan independence” forces are doomed to collapse and soliciting foreign support for“Taiwan independence”will prove a dead end.
关于你提到的第二个问题,我已经多次介绍了中方的立场。我们希望哈局势尽快稳定,社会秩序回归正常。 On your second question, much has been said about China’s position. We hope the situation can be stabilized soon and public order restored.

法新社记者:一些美国政客批评特斯拉最近在新疆开设展厅,指责其无视或支持该地区侵犯人权的行为。中方对此有何看法?AFP: A number of US politicians have criticized Tesla for opening a showroom in Xinjiang recently and they have accused the company of ignoring or supporting human rights abuses in the region. What is China’s view on this issue?汪文斌:我注意到美方声称不应对新疆发生的事情视而不见,那么,2018年12月以来,有100多个国家和地区的2000多名专家、学者、记者、外交官等各界人士赴新疆参访,见证了新疆社会安宁、经济繁荣、民族和谐的发展成就。为什么美方对此视而不见呢? Wang Wenbin: I have noticed that the US side claims that no one should “look the other way when it comes to what is taking place in Xinjiang”. More than 2,000 experts, scholars, journalists and diplomats from more than 100 countries and regions have visited Xinjiang since December 2018 and witnessed social stability, economic prosperity, ethnic harmony and development outcomes there. Why did the US look the other way when this was taking place?
在去年召开的联合国人权理事会第46、47、48届会议和第76届联大第三委员会会议上,有近百个国家发声支持中国在涉疆等问题上的立场,反对出于政治动机、基于虚假信息对中国进行无理指责。为什么美方又对此视而不见呢? At each meeting of the 46th, 47th and 48th sessions of the UN Human Rights Council and the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly last year, nearly 100 countries spoke up in support of China’s position on Xinjiang-related issues, and opposed unwarranted accusations against China out of political motives and based on disinformation. Why did the US look the other way when this was taking place?
一个时期以来,法国、俄罗斯、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、瑞士、美国、日本、新加坡、澳大利亚、巴西、南非等多国媒体、学者纷纷发表文章指出,所谓新疆“强迫劳动”“种族灭绝”完全是基于对中国的偏见和敌视而制造出来的谎言,其目的根本不是为了保护人权,而是为了打压遏制中国,破坏新疆民族团结和稳定发展。为什么美方还是对此视而不见呢? For some time, media outlets and scholars from many countries including France, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the US, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Brazil and South Africa wrote that the so-called “forced labor” and “genocide” in Xinjiang are pure lies made up out of prejudice and hostility against China. The aim is not to protect human rights, but to suppress and contain China and undermine ethnic unity, stability and development in Xinjiang. Why did the US look the other way when this was taking place?
美方对上述事实和真相视而不见,却基于早已被事实戳穿的谎言对新疆进行所谓制裁,再一次暴露了美方以人权为幌子对中国进行经济胁迫和政治打压的真实意图。真相永存,正义必胜。美方编造涉疆谎言只会让世人进一步认清其所谓“保护”人权的虚伪面目,加速其“人权卫道士”人设的破产。 While turning a blind eye to such facts and truth, the US imposed so-called sanctions on Xinjiang based on lies long debunked by facts, only to expose its real intention to economically coerce and politically suppress China in the name of human rights. Truth stands forever, and justice ultimately prevails. When making up lies about Xinjiang, the US is helping the world see through its mask of “human rights protector”, and making its image as a “human rights defender” go bankrupt faster.


深圳卫视记者:据国铁集团4日发布的消息,2021年中欧班列开行1.5万列,发送货物146万标箱,同比分别增长了22%和29%。我们注意到,这是在世界经济形势严峻、全球疫情加速蔓延的背景下,中欧班列连续第二年实现开行破万列。发言人对此有何评论?能否介绍更多情况? Shenzhen TV: On January 4, information from the China State Railway Group Co. revealed that the China-Europe Railway Express made 15,000 trips and transported 1.46 million twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) containers in 2021, up by 22 percent and 29 percent year-on-year respectively. This is the second straight year that over 10,000 trips are made by the China-Europe freight train amid grave economic situation globally and accelerating spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you have any comment and more information on this? 汪文斌:我也看到了你提到的最新数据,感到振奋和鼓舞。2021年,中欧班列继续在逆风中开出加速度,创造了新纪录,以稳定、可靠、高效的物流服务有力支撑全球供应链产业链“大动脉”,贯通疫情防控“生命线”,彰显了韧性和担当,也传递了信心和力量。Wang Wenbin: I also noted the latest data you mentioned and feel inspired and encouraged. In 2021, the China-Europe Railway Express continued to buck the downward trends elsewhere and saw accelerated growth, setting new records. With stable, reliable and efficient logistics service, the railway strongly supports the artery of global supply and industrial chains and the lifeline for delivering epidemic prevention and control supplies. It has demonstrated resilience and sense of responsibility, and sent a message of confidence and strength.
中欧班列打开了供需互促、优势互补的共赢大门。目前,中欧班列已铺画运行线78条,通达欧洲23个国家的180个城市,运输货品达到5万多种,物流配送网络覆盖欧亚大陆全境,沿线国家和地区参与的积极性空前提升。班列在为中外数万家企业带来商机、为沿线数亿民众送去实惠的同时,也促进了口岸经济、枢纽经济的繁荣发展,带动沿线国家分享中国超大规模市场红利,促进其经济发展动力倍增。The China-Europe Railway Express opens up a door to win-win results by matching supply with demand and capitalizing on complementarity. The China-Europe Railway Express now has 78 freight routes reaching 180 cities in 23 European countries. It ships more than 50,000 types of goods which are delivered to places across Eurasia via the logistics network. Countries and regions along the routes are more active than ever to take part. While delivering business opportunities to tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign companies and benefits to hundreds of millions of people, the freight train has also boosted the development and prosperity of “port economy” and “hub economy”, enabled countries along the routes to share in the dividend of the massive Chinese market and magnified the impetus of their economic development.
中欧班列开辟了守望相助、携手抗疫的生命通道。在疫情持续冲击国际海运和空运情况下,中欧班列连续20个月保持安全稳定运行,单月开行达千列以上,有力保障了国际产业链供应链稳定畅通。中方将防疫物资运输纳入中欧班列重点保障范围,实行优先承运、优先装车、优先挂运。截至去年11月底,中欧班列累计运送防疫物资1343万件,共计10.3万吨,为国际抗疫合作作出积极贡献。沿线各国纷纷对“中国担当”给予高度评价。The China-Europe Railway Express opens up a lifeline for rendering mutual assistance in the fight against COVID-19. When the epidemic has dealt a blow to international sea and air transportation, the China-Europe railway has been running for 20 consecutive months in a steady and safe manner, with monthly trips kept above 1,000. This has vigorously safeguarded the steady and smooth operation of international industrial and supply chains. China has prioritized the shipment of anti-epidemic supplies in the China-Europe freight service, with preferential measures on the acceptance of carriage, loading and trailer transport of freight. By the end of November 2021, the China-Europe Railway Express has shipped 13.43 million pieces of anti-epidemic materials that weigh 103,000 tonnes, making positive contributions to the international cooperation in epidemic response. Countries along the routes highly commend China’s sense of responsibility and warm friendship.
中欧班列还搭建了开放合作的友谊桥梁。作为跨大洲、大运量、全天候、绿色低碳的运输方式,中欧班列的成功是各方推动实现更加强劲、绿色、可持续发展,构建全球发展命运共同体的积极成果。过去10年,班列首个终点站德国杜伊斯堡市见证了大批中资企业赴德投资兴业、蓬勃发展。该市因此被市长林克骄傲地称为德国的“中国城”。德铁集团不久前在上海设立新的子公司,致力于进一步提高中欧之间的铁路货运量。中欧班列合作共赢的“朋友圈”越来越大。The China-Europe Railway Express serves as a bridge of friendship for opening-up and cooperation. As an intercontinental, high-volume, all-weather, green and low-carbon way of transport, the China-Europe Railway Express succeeds as all are committed to pursuing more robust, greener and more balanced global development and building a global community of development with a shared future. Over the past decade, the German city of Duisburg, which is the first final destination of the China-Europe Railway Express, has witnessed the flourishing of Chinese businesses and investment in the country. That’s why Duisburg mayor Sören Link has dubbed it Germany’s China city. Not long ago, German railway company Deutsche Bahn AG opened a new subsidiary in Shanghai, which is committed to further increasing the rail freight volumes between China and Europe. More have joined the win-win cooperation of the China-Europe Railway Express.
作为“一带一路”的重要合作纽带,中欧班列实现逆势增长和安全稳定运行,彰显了共建“一带一路”倡议的强大生命力和感召力。中方欢迎更多合作伙伴加入,愿同各方一道,乘着中欧班列的东风,携手高质量共建“一带一路”,为全球经济可持续复苏贡献更多力量。As an important bond of the Belt and Road cooperation, the China-Europe Railway Express has bucked the trend to achieve growth and safe and stable operation, which demonstrates the strong vitality and appeal of the Belt and Road Initiative. China welcomes more cooperative partners, stands ready to work with all parties to avail ourselves of the opportunities brought by the China-Europe Railway Express, jointly pursue high-quality development of the BRI and contribute more strength to the sustainable recovery of global economy.


总台央广记者:据了解,有关国家常驻伊斯兰合作组织代表和该组织秘书处官员日前通过视频方式“云访疆”,能否介绍有关情况? CNR: As we understand, permanent representatives to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and officials of the body’s General Secretariat recently paid a visit to Xinjiang on the “cloud”. Could you give us more details?汪文斌:1月5日,36个国家常驻伊斯兰合作组织代表、外交官及该组织秘书处官员40余人通过视频方式“云访疆”。新疆维吾尔自治区代主席艾尔肯·吐尼亚孜出席并同代表团进行了交流。代表团“云”参观了大巴扎、伊斯兰经学院、清真寺、基层社区、幼儿园等,同教培中心结业学员、当地外出务工人员等坦诚交流,深入了解新疆经济发展、社会安宁、民族团结、宗教和谐等方面的情况。代表团成员表示,新疆发展建设成就令人赞叹,各族群众生活幸福,民族团结和谐,穆斯林宗教信仰自由和各项权利得到应有保障。维吾尔族等少数民族公民充分享有、平等行使公民权利,并积极参与国家和新疆治理,这些事实有目共睹。 Wang Wenbin: On January 5, over 40 people, including the permanent representatives to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and diplomats from 36 countries as well as officials of the General Secretariat of the OIC paid a visit to Xinjiang via videolink. Erkin Tuniyaz, acting chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region attended the event and had exchanges with the delegation. The delegation took a virtual tour of places including the International Grand Bazaar, the Xinjiang Islamic Institute, mosque, grassroots community and kindergarten, had candid exchanges with trainees who graduated from vocational education and training centers and workers who found employment out of their hometown, getting a deep understanding of the situation in Xinjiang, which enjoys economic development, social stability, ethnic solidarity and religious harmony. Members of the delegation said that the development achievements in Xinjiang are remarkable, and people of all ethnic groups are leading a happy life and living in solidarity and harmony. The freedom of religious belief and all rights of the Muslims have been fully protected. Citizens of all ethnic minorities, including the Uyghurs, fully enjoy and exercise equal civil rights, and actively participate in the governance of the state and the Xinjiang region.
近年来,伊斯兰合作组织代表团曾两次赴新疆参访,此次代表团“云访疆”后,再次就涉疆问题发出客观公正声音,充分表明伊斯兰世界的眼睛是雪亮的,个别国家编造的涉疆谎言掩盖不了新疆稳定安宁、繁荣发展的事实,也掩盖不了新疆民族团结、宗教和谐的真相。我们真诚欢迎各国朋友通过“云游”或是实地访问等各种方式参访新疆,感受新疆这个好地方。 In recent years, two OIC delegations have visited Xinjiang. This time, after the visit on the “cloud”, the OIC again spoke in an objective and just voice on Xinjiang-related issues. This fully demonstrates that the Islamic world is sharp-eyed. Certain Western countries’ lies on Xinjiang cannot cover up the facts and truth that Xinjiang enjoys stability and tranquility, development and prosperity, and ethnic solidarity and religious harmony. Friends from all countries are most welcome to visit Xinjiang through various means, including virtual and in-person tours, to feel the charm of this wonderful place.


澳亚卫视记者:五核国领导人日前共同发表关于防止核战争的联合声明,引发国际社会热烈反响。美国一些专家学者表示,如五核国同意“核战争打不赢也打不得”,那么美放弃首先使用核武器政策是合乎逻辑的下一步,拜登政府应承诺不首先使用核武器。中方对此有何评论? MASTV: The leaders of the five Nuclear-Weapon States issued a joint statement on preventing nuclear war the other day, which has received warm response from the international community. Some US experts and scholars said that if the five States agreed that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, then it is a logical step for the US to give up the first use of nuclear weapons. The Biden administration should pledge “never to use nuclear weapons first”. What is China’s comment?汪文斌:我们注意到有关报道。中国是五个核武器国家中唯一承诺不首先使用核武器的国家。这一政策在减少核风险、防止核战争方面具有重要作用,受到广大无核武器国家普遍认可和欢迎。中方希望五核国能在发表防止核战争联合声明的基础上,放弃以首先使用核武器为基础的核威慑政策,承诺互不首先使用核武器并就此谈判缔结国际法律文书。中方愿继续为此积极努力。 Wang Wenbin: We noted relevant reports. China is the only one among the five Nuclear-Weapon States that has pledged no first use of nuclear weapons. This policy plays a crucial role in reducing nuclear risks and preventing a nuclear war, which is widely recognized and welcomed by non-Nuclear-Weapon States. China hopes the five States can proceed from the leaders’ joint statement on preventing nuclear war, give up nuclear deterrence policies based on the first use of nuclear weapons, and pledge not to use nuclear weapons first against each other and conclude international legal instruments through negotiation. China will continue to make active efforts in this regard.
国际社会期待五核国联合声明对美国核态势审议结果产生积极影响。希望美方倾听国内外呼声,切实降低核武器在国家安全政策中的作用,在战略力量建设和部署上保持克制,采取不首先使用核武器政策。同时,也希望美国有关盟友能够顺应国际社会的期待,积极支持而不是百般阻挠美国采取上述政策。The international community hopes that this joint statement could have positive influence on the US’ Nuclear Posture Review. We hope the US government can heed the call at home and abroad, earnestly diminish the role of nuclear weapons in national security policies, exercise restraint on the building and deployment of strategic capabilities, and adopt the policy of no first use of nuclear weapons. In the meantime, we hope certain US allies can follow the expectation of the international community, actively support rather than vehemently obstruct the US’ adoption of the policy.


路透社记者:印尼近日宣布一月禁止煤炭出口。日本敦促印尼取消这一禁令。中国是否已就此与印尼进行接触?对此有何看法? Reuters: On Saturday Indonesia announced a ban on coal exports for the month of January. Japan has urged Indonesia to lift this ban. Has China contacted Indonesia about the ban and what’s China’s view on it? 汪文斌:我不了解你提到的情况,请向主管部门了解。 Wang Wenbin: I’m not aware of the situation you mentioned. Please refer to the competent authority.


《中国日报》记者:据报道,5日,中国和摩洛哥政府签署共建“一带一路”合作规划。摩政府称,该规划旨在促进摩中基础设施、贸易、投资、工业、农业等领域合作。中方对此有何评论? China Daily: On January 5, the governments of China and Morocco signed a cooperation plan on the Belt and Road Initiative. The Moroccan government said the partnership is aimed at facilitating cooperation in infrastructure, trade, investment, industry, agriculture and more. Do you have any comment?汪文斌:1月5日,中国国家发展和改革委员会副主任宁吉喆同摩洛哥外交大臣布里达签署了《中华人民共和国政府与摩洛哥王国政府关于共同推进“一带一路”建设的合作规划》。摩洛哥是北非地区首个同中国签署共建“一带一路”合作规划的国家。合作规划的签署将不断深化两国在基础设施、经贸投资等领域合作,更好推动两国发展战略对接。 Wang Wenbin: On January 5, Ning Jizhe, Vice Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), and Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita signed the cooperation plan between the government of the People’s Republic of China and the government of the Kingdom of Morocco on jointly advancing the Belt and Road Initiative. Morocco is the first country in North Africa to sign a BRI cooperation plan with China. The signing of the document will continuously deepen bilateral cooperation in infrastructure, economy, trade and investment and promote the synergizing of development strategies of the two countries.
在习近平主席和穆罕默德六世国王的共同引领下,近年来中国和摩洛哥战略伙伴关系取得长足发展,各领域务实合作成果丰硕。中方愿以两国政府签署共建“一带一路”合作规划为契机,同摩方一道努力,落实两国元首共识,拓展各领域务实合作,推动高质量共建“一带一路”在西亚北非地区走深走实,造福中摩和地区各国人民。 Under the guidance of President Xi Jinping and Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, the strategic partnership between China and Morocco has in recent years made strides as evidenced by fruitful results in practical cooperation across the board. Taking this opportunity of the signing of the cooperation plan, China stands ready to work with Morocco to follow through on the consensus between the two heads of state, expand practical cooperation, promote efforts to substantiate and deepen the high-quality development of the BRI in West Asia and North Africa and benefit the people in China, Morocco and other countries in the region.


法新社记者:朝鲜今天证实,本周成功测试了高超音速导弹。中方对此有何评论? AFP: North Korea confirmed today that it successfully tested a hyper-sonic missile this week. Does China have any comment on this confirmation? 汪文斌:我们注意到有关报道以及近期朝鲜半岛形势各方面动向。我们希望有关各方着眼半岛和平稳定大局,谨言慎行,坚持对话协商的正确方向,共同致力于推进半岛问题政治解决进程。Wang Wenbin: We have noted relevant reports and recent developments in all aspects in the situation on the Korean Peninsula. We hope that all relevant parties will bear in mind the overall interests, speak and act prudently, adhere to the right direction of dialogue and consultation, and work together to promote the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue.


澎湃新闻记者:据报道,近日日本服装品牌优衣库创始人柳井正接受媒体采访称,该公司此前拒绝置评是否使用新疆棉花,是因为想在中美间保持中立。美国逼迫企业向其“表忠心”,而优衣库不会参与这样的“游戏”。请问中方对此有何评论? The Paper: Tadashi Yanai, the founder of Japanese clothing chain Uniqlo, said in an interview that the company refused to answer whether they would use Xinjiang cotton because they want to be neutral between China and the United States. The American approach is to force companies to pledge allegiance, but his company won’t play this game. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:一段时间以来,美方反复借涉疆问题造谣生事,实质就是企图阻遏中国发展、破坏新疆繁荣稳定。美方迫使跨国企业选边站队、对其效忠的做法是赤裸裸的政治胁迫,完全违背市场规则和商业道德,不仅损害美自身利益和国家信誉,还会破坏全球产业链供应链稳定,扰乱国际贸易秩序。 Wang Wenbin: For some time, the US has kept spreading rumors and stirring up trouble on Xinjiang-related issues. In essence, the US is trying to hinder China’s development and undermine the prosperity and stability of Xinjiang. The US forces multinational companies to take sides and pledge allegiance to them, which is out-and-out political coercion and completely violates market rules and business ethics. It not only damages its own interests and credibility, but also undermines the stability of the global industrial and supply chains and disrupts the international trade order.
中国新疆的棉花洁白质优,新疆民众勤劳能干。相信越来越多的企业能够明辨是非,排除政治压力干扰,独立自主作出商业决策。 The cotton of Xinjiang is white and of high quality, and the people in Xinjiang are hardworking and industrial. I believe that more and more enterprises will be able to distinguish right from wrong, rise above the disturbance of political pressure and make independent business decisions.


《环球时报》记者:近日,中国驻悉尼总领馆和澳大利亚奥委会共同举办以“喜迎北京冬奥,共创美好未来”为主题的北京冬奥会开幕倒计时一个月线上活动。澳奥委会首席执行官、澳冬奥会代表团团长等在活动期间表示,中方筹办工作令人印象深刻,对澳运动员赴华参赛和感受中华文化充满期待,预祝北京冬奥会取得圆满成功。中方对此有何评论? The Global Times: Recently the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney and the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) co-hosted an online one-month countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics themed “Beijing Winter Olympics: Together for a Shared Future”. AOC Chief Executive and Australian Chef de Mission said during the event that China’s preparations for the Games are absolutely amazing. The Australian team looks forward to attending the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing and experiencing the Chinese culture. They wish the Games a full success. Do you have any comment?汪文斌:近日,中澳双方的冬奥组委、奥委会等有关部门成功举办“喜迎北京冬奥,共创美好未来”主题活动,表达对北京冬奥会的期待和支持,增进了两国民众及社会各界的相互理解和友谊。 Wang Wenbin: Recently, the organizing committee for the Winter Olympics, the Olympic Committee and other relevant departments from China and Australia successfully held an event themed “Beijing Winter Olympics: Together for a Shared Future”, expressing their expectation and support for the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples and all sectors of society in both countries.
我们注意到,近来许多国家运动员及各界人士纷纷表达对北京冬奥会的支持和期盼。北京冬奥会筹办工作正高效有序推进,成果有目共睹。我们将秉持和平、友谊和团结精神,继续高水平做好各项筹备和保障工作,为世界奉献一届奥运盛会,增进世界各国相互理解,促进各国人民友谊。We have noted that athletes and people from all walks of life in many countries have expressed their support and anticipation for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games are progressing in an orderly and efficient manner, and the results are there for all to see. We will uphold the spirit of peace, friendship and solidarity, continue to ensure high-standard preparations and service for the Games, and present a grand Olympic Games in Beijing to the world, and enhance mutual understanding and promote friendship among people of all countries.


湖北广播电视台记者:1月6日是美国“国会山事件”一周年。我们看到,一年来,美国国内民主乱象不断,美方却召集“领导人民主峰会”,并在世界各地推销所谓“美式民主”。发言人对此有何评论? Hubei Media Group: One year after the Capitol Hill turmoil on January 6, 2021, despite the chaotic situation of its own democracy, the US has convened the “Summit for Democracy” and is peddling American democracy across the world. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:一年前发生的美国国会大厦受冲击事件震惊世界,也引发世人深刻思考。近期,美国国家公共广播电台相关调查显示,64%的美国人认为美国民主处于危机之中,面临失败的风险。皮尤中心民调显示,57%的国际受访者和72%的美国人认为美国已不是所谓的“民主典范”。哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院民调也显示,只有7%的美国年轻人认为美国民主制度“健康”,而超过三分之一的年轻人认为有生之年会看到美国发生“第二次内战”。这些数字反映了美国民众以及国际社会对美式民主的普遍担忧和强烈质疑。 Wang Wenbin: The storming of the Capitol Hill one year ago shocked the world and set people thinking. A new NPR poll finds that 64% of Americans believe U.S. democracy is “in crisis and at risk of failing”. A Pew survey shows that 57% of international respondents and 72% of Americans believe that democracy in the US is not a good example for others to follow. A poll released by Harvard Kennedy School indicates that only 7% of young Americans view the US as a “healthy democracy” and over a third think they may see a second U.S. civil war within their lifetimes. These figures reveal the common concern and strong suspicion of the American people and the international community over American democracy.
美式民主千疮百孔,美军仓皇撤离阿富汗的“喀布尔时刻”更暴露了将美式民主强加于人带来的严重危害。但令人匪夷所思的是,美方不但不吸取教训,反而以“民主领袖”自居,推出所谓“领导人民主峰会”,以国际社会的分裂和对立为代价,服务美国的一己私利。这必然遭到国际社会普遍批评和反对,最终落得个草草收场的结局。The American democracy is problem-ridden and the “Kabul moment” featuring the hasty withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan further laid bare the serious harm of imposing American democracy on others. However, it is beyond our imagination that the US didn’t learn a lesson but still styles itself as a leader of democracy. It hosted the so-called “Summit for Democracy” to serve its own selfish interests at the cost of creating division and confrontation in the world. This was bound to be criticized and opposed by the international community and came to a hasty end.
Democracy is the common value of humanity, not a tool for political manipulation. No democracy is superior to others and no democratic model fits all scenarios. The exploration of a path to democracy by a country’s people in light of national realities is the only right way to achieve and develop democracy. Labeling, politicizing and weaponizing democracy is not a grand show, but a petty trick. This will only further reveal one’s ugly face of seeking hegemony in the name of democracy to the whole world.
美方需要做的是放下傲慢与偏见,摒弃自私与霸道,正视自身的“民主赤字”,尊重各国探索和发展符合本国国情的民主道路的权利,纠正强行对外移植美式民主的错误做法,停止打着民主旗号在世界上制造分裂和对抗的危险行径。The US should set aside pride and prejudice, abandon selfishness and hegemony and face up to its own “democracy deficit”. It needs to respect the right of all countries to explore and develop paths to democracy suited to their national conditions, redress the wrong act of forcing American democracy onto other countries and stop the dangerous practice of using democracy as an excuse to create division and confrontation.
中方愿同各方一道守护真正的民主精神,共同抵制以意识形态划线的伪民主、反民主行径,携手推进国际关系民主化,让民主不再成为分裂世界的工具。China is ready to work with all sides to uphold the true democratic spirit, boycott pseudo-democratic and anti-democratic acts, and promote greater democracy in international relations so that democracy will no longer be used as a tool to divide the world.


