

Via 外交部网站

Q: A DPRK foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement on June 4 that the US has deliberately avoided implementing the joint statement reached in Singapore and insisted on the DPRK's unilateral denuclearization. Whether the joint statement will turn out to be a mere blank sheet of paper depends entirely on how the US responds to the DPRK's position. What's your comment?


A: In June last year, the DPRK and US leaders held a historic meeting and released a joint statement, bringing the Peninsula issue onto the right track of dialogue and consultation, which is in line with the historical trend and people's aspiration. Now the peace talks are at a critical stage. We hope the two sides will stay committed and patient and show flexibility. They need to meet each other halfway, continue to act on standing consensus, accommodate each other's legitimate concerns and work for progress towards a political settlement. China will continue to work with the rest of the international community towards this end.



