

2019年12月30日,在Grains and Industrial ProductsTrading Pte Ltd and another v State Bank of India and others [2019] SGHC 292一案中,(判决请见:阅读原文)新加坡高等法院确认了在合同中同时存在法院管辖权条款和仲裁条款时,法院管辖权条款应被解释为仲裁准据法的选择,赋予新加坡法院管辖权授予临时救济以支持在SIAC的仲裁,而非提交新加坡法院解决争议。此外,若在不同的合同中包含互相冲突的法院管辖权条款和仲裁条款时,关键问题即在于当事双方客观上打算适用哪个争议解决条款,即哪个合同与该争议关系更紧密,法院应从该争议的核心来进行具体判断。






第一份GRIPT代理协议中既包含仲裁条款又包含非专属管辖权条款。其中规定:12.Governing Law(原文如此)

11.1.This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of Singapore.

11.2.The Parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Singapore.





Any dispute shall be referred to the final and binding arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre …



Bhasi先生以代理身份去获取的实体之一是AOPL。Bungs于2004年注册成立AOPL,以作为Bungs的贸易对家。在将AOPL股份转让给ABC之后,ABC,Singh先生和Jijo John签署了日期为2012年1月4日的股份转让协议规定,ABC不会行使其作为AOPL股东的权利,而这些权利将保留给Singh先生和Jijo John。

在履行合同过程中发生纠纷,原告提出了很多主张,其中包括主张Bhasi先生违反合同和信托义务,从事可能导致本人与GRIPT和/或BSA之间发生利益冲突的活动赚取不当利益。原告主张Bhasi先生将AOPL引入Bunge作为潜在的交易对家时,其因为担任ABC的董事并对ABC有大量持股而在AOPL中有利益纠纷,向原告提供了其已经与AOPL没有关系的虚假陈述的违约索赔主张(Agency Breach Claim)。此外,要求其保证赔偿其在另外的事件中在Kantawala方面主张的赔偿额给原告保证索赔主张(Indemnity Claim)。原告提起了第438号诉讼,并于同一天申请域外送达,其申请为单方申请并获批,其后从法院获准向AOPL及Bhasi先生送达传票。而被告也提出了很多申请和反驳,其中包括中止Bhasi先生的诉讼主张以进行仲裁。



关于原告对Bhasi先生提出的违反第一和第二GRIPT代理协议的索赔主张方面,即代理人违约索赔主张(Agency Breach Claim)和保证索赔主张(Indemnity Claim)。Bhasi先生申请撤销索赔主张的送达令状,或中止诉讼以根据GRIPT代理协议中的仲裁条款进行仲裁。

因此,需要解决二者之间的冲突问题,以及哪个条款优先适用的问题,这也将决定撤销申请的审查标准。无论是以撤销或中止审理申请,对新加坡法院管辖权的任何异议都将构成当事人解除非排他性管辖权条款,而对此Bhasi先生必须提出强有力理由才能获得批准。依照Shanghai Turbo Enterprises Ltdv Liu Ming [2019] 1 SLR 779案,其审查标准不仅仅在于外国辖区是否是更合适的法院,相反,除非有“正当理由”构成在特殊情况,新加坡法院通常会支持当事人在合同中做出的在新加坡提起诉讼的承诺,而举证责任属于申请中止诉讼程序的一方当事人来证明这一点(In such a case, the test is not simply whether the foreign jurisdiction is the more appropriate forum. Rather, the court will generally hold parties to their contractual commitment to litigate in Singapore, unless there is “strong cause” amounting to exceptional circumstances why the proceedings brought in Singapore should be stayed. The burden lies with the party seeking the stay to show strong cause)。

在本案中,原告主张第11.2条和第13条一起理解所得出的结论仅仅是使得当事人可以选择以相互同意将某事项提交仲裁解决,而不排除任何一方选择在新加坡法院或任何其他具有管辖权的法院提起诉讼的权利,而不是一定要以仲裁的方式解决其争议。原告主张这种解释并不异常,在Wilson Taylor Asia Pacific PteLtd v Dyna-Jet Pte Ltd [2017] 2 SLR 362案(Dyna-Jet案)中新加坡法院就认为这种让当事人可以自由选择诉讼或者仲裁的争议解决条款有效。Bhasi先生则援引PT Tri-MG Intra Asia Airlinesv Norse Air Charter Limited [2009] SGHC 13案(Norse Air案),主张第11.2条中提到“新加坡法院的非排他性管辖权”的目的仅限于赋予新加坡法院管辖权以裁定临时救济以支持在SIAC的仲裁,而非提交新加坡法院解决争议。Norse Air案的涉案合同与本案非常相似,既有仲裁条款又有准据法和管辖权条款,而该案采用了英格兰法院的方法,并裁定这两者可以调和,其解释是将司法管辖权条款理解为将对仲裁的监督性仲裁管辖权提交新加坡法院。

本案法院认为,将管辖权条款解释为仲裁准据法的方法,在原则和法理上都是有充分根据的。这方面的权威性案例是英格兰高等法院的PaulSmith Ltd v H & S International Holding Inc [1991] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 127案(Paul Smith案),而该案中,许可协议中的仲裁条款规定根据ICC规则进行仲裁,而专属管辖权条款规定当事人应服从英格兰法院的专属管辖权(the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction over it to which jurisdiction the parties hereby submit),而在该案中ICC确定伦敦为仲裁地,英格兰高等法院认为“over it”是指当事人之间的协议,但实际上其应解释为仲裁准据法(curial law),因为将仲裁条款视为不存在的话则在国际商业合同的语境下没有吸引力(On its face, the court acknowledged that it was clear that the phrase “over it” referred to the agreement between the parties. However, the court held that it should be construed as referring to curial law instead because treating the arbitration clause to be pro non scripto (ie, as though it were not written) would be unattractive in the context of an international commercial contract.)。英国高等法院随后在其他案件中采用了相同的方法。本案法院认为Paul Smith案的方法是主流方法,并被Gary Born描述为是对两个相互竞争和矛盾的争议解决条款的解释的“即使有些创造性但也合情合理”(“sensible, if somewhat inventive”)的方法(In a frequently-cited English case, [Paul Smith], one clauseof a contract provided that any disputes ‘shall be adjudicated [sic] upon’ under the ICC Rules of Arbitration, while another clause provided that the ‘Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction.’ The court reached the sensible, if somewhat inventive, conclusion that the reference to English courts was only a designation of the courts with supervisory jurisdiction … thereby giving full effect to the unhappily-worded arbitration clause. …)。其他司法管辖区法院的裁决和仲裁裁决具有相同的效力,都通常是力求使同时规定仲裁和诉讼的条款有效。在大多数情况下,法院和仲裁庭会狭义地解释对这种情况下对于法院程序的规定以使其仅包括对仲裁裁决的审查或对仲裁程序的某些其他类型的司法协助(In most cases, courts and arbitral tribunals interpret references to national court proceedings narrowly to include only review of the arbitral award or some other type of judicial assistance for the arbitral process.)。

2、Norse Air案不单纯旨在填补仲裁协议空白

原告主张,本案应与Norse Air案区分适用,其理由是该案中的仲裁条款中包含了ICC规则但未指定仲裁地,因而存在空白,而该案中的非排他性管辖权条款视为当事双方旨在填补仲裁协议空白(即仲裁地)的条款。在本案中,第一份GRIPT代理协议的第13条提到了SIAC规则,而虽然没有明确约定适用哪个版本的SIAC规则,但各有效版本的SIAC规则均将新加坡作为默认仲裁地。因此,当事人的意思并不是将在第一份GRIPT代理协议中规定第11.2条以将本案仲裁的监督管辖权提交给新加坡法院,而是直接将本案提交新加坡法院。

本案法官否定了这种主张,并参照Ace Capital Ltd v CMS Energy Corporation [2008] EWHC 1843 (Comm案,认为Norse Air案适用于本案,理由是在解释协议时,法院应努力使合同中的所有条款生效。在这方面,必须忍受合同语言中的轻率行为,尤其是如果不这样做的后果是无视仲裁条款的存在特别应如此,而在本案中,Norse Air案的做法平衡了各方面的考虑。(In my judgment, the approach taken in Norse Air wasapplicable to the present case. In construing agreements, the court should strive to give effect to all clauses in a contract. In this regard, infelicity in the contractual language will have to be endured, especially if the consequence of not doing so would be to disregard the existence of an arbitration clause: Ace Capital Ltd vCMS Energy Corporation [2008] EWHC 1843 (Comm) at [95]–[96], cited in Norse Air at [40]. In the present circumstances, the Norse Air approach balanced these considerations.)

此外,一方面,Norse Air案公司的法院没有将填补空缺这一点作为判决的依据,而其关键是法院必须调和两个约定的不一致之处,同时以具有商业意义的方式实现合同当事人的意图(For one, the court in Norse Air did not cite “gap filling”as the basis for its decision. The key concern which drove the court’s reasoning was the need to reconcile the inconsistency, while giving effect to the intentions of the parties to the contract in a way which made commercial sense.)。

在BXHv BXI [2019] SGHC 141案中也涉及一份既包含提及SIAC规则且明确指出该仲裁将在新加坡进行,也包含新加坡法院专属管辖权条款的合同,而该案法院认可并采用了Norse Air案方法,并指出该方法虽然不完美,但却是解释那些看似矛盾的条款的唯一实用方法。此外,对于原告引用Dyna-Jet案主张的应将第11.2条和第13条理解为是原告可以从中选择的互相替代方式而言,Dyna-Jet案的仲裁条款允许当事人一方可以选择将争议提交仲裁,而这与本案中的第11.2条的强制提交仲裁完全不同。



6 . —(1)虽然有《示范法》第8条的规定,但若本法适用的仲裁协议的任何一方在任何法院中针对该协议标的的任何事项针对该协议的任何另一方提起诉讼。在达成协议后,协议的任何一方均可在出庭后,在程序中提出任何诉求或采取任何其他步骤之前,随时向法院申请中止与该程序有关的程序。


6.—(1)Notwithstanding Article 8 of the Model Law, where any party to an arbitration agreement to which this Act applies institutes any proceedings in any court against any other party to the agreement in respect of any matter which is the subject of the agreement, any party to the agreement may, at any time after appearance and before delivering any pleading or taking any other step in the proceedings, apply to that court to stay the proceedings so far as the proceedings relate to that matter.

(2)The court to which an application has been made in accordance with subsection(1) shall make an order, upon such terms or conditions as it may think fit, staying the proceedings so far as the proceedings relate to the matter, unless it is satisfied that the arbitration agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed.

依照Tomolugen Holdings Ltd andanother v Silica Investors Ltd and other appeals [2016] 1 SLR 37案,如果申请人可以证明(1)争议各方之间存在有效的仲裁协议;(2)该争议属于仲裁协议管辖的范围;(3)该协议并非无效、不可适用、或无法执行,则法院应批准中止程序以仲裁。当事人在此牵涉两个主要争议点:


在本案中原告主张根据Dyna-Jet案,仲裁协议可能会因合同无效的一般合同法原则而失效,而Bhasi先生已在诉讼程序中迈出了第一步,因此其放弃了其第一GRIPT代理协议中的仲裁权利。原告主张Bhasi先生曾在SUM 3235案中申请可导致印度法院有管辖权的无条件的替代性救济措施,其意思表示应该是其认为印度法院是最适当的争议解决手段,是其首要选择,其不受仲裁协议约束。而虽然其尚未向印度法院提起诉讼,但由于其主救济是以上救济,因此其传达出了同样的意思表示。

本案法院驳回该论点,并根据Carona Holdings Pte Ltd andothers v Go Go Delicacy Pte Ltd [2008] 4 SLR(R) 460案和Marty Ltd v Hualon Corp (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (receiver and manager appointed) [2018] 2 SLR 1207案指出,如果申请人采用法院程序以为其案件的实体内容进行指控或者辩护,或者其对参见的参与已经超出了对诉讼程序的送达,以表露出毫无疑义的对法院程序的参加的偏好而非对仲裁的偏好,则视为已在诉讼中迈出了一步(Generally, a “step” is deemed to have been taken by an applicant if the applicant employs court procedures to defeat or defend those proceedings on their merits, or he proceeds beyond a mere acknowledgement of service of process by evincing an unequivocal intention to participate in the court proceedings in preference to arbitration)。根据Zoom Communications Ltd v Broadcast Solutions Pte Ltd [2014] 4 SLR 500案,如果外国被告出于法院为错误法院为由而申请中止诉讼,而非对新加坡法院管辖权提出异议,则不能认为其已在诉讼中迈出了一步,而这种被告在其对新加坡法院管辖权的存在提出异议的主申请中不会遭受不利(Where a foreign defendant prays for a stay of proceedings on improper forum grounds, as an alternative to a prayer challenging the existence of the Singapore courts’ jurisdiction, he cannot be regarded to have taken a step in the proceedings. Such a defendant is not prejudiced in his primary application challenging the existence of the Singapore courts’ jurisdiction: Zoom Communications (at [44]–[45]).)。因此Bhasi先生的行为并不构成诉讼程序中的“一步”以明确放弃其仲裁权,其行为只是使用两个潜在的救济措施之一,中止本案诉讼以在印度法院的起诉,而另一个救济则是中止诉讼以进行仲裁,而其主申请最终对新加坡法院管辖权的存在提出了异议,其并未明确表示要求中止程序以在印度法院进行起诉申请并不影响其另一个选择即选择中止程序以进行仲裁,而这并不意味着其打算其有仲裁权以在印进行度诉讼,而这显然不是明确的放弃仲裁的意图。(it was clear that Mr Bhasi’s actions did not constitute taking a “step” in the proceedings which evinced an unequivocal intent to abandon his right to arbitrate. All that Mr Bhasi hadd one was to seek as one of two potential reliefs, that the proceedings bestayed in favour of the Indian courts (the other being a stay in favour of arbitration). Mr Bhasi’s primary prayer ultimately challenged the very existence of the Singapore courts’ jurisdiction. The fact that he did not expressly caveat that his request for a stay in favour of the Indian courts was without prejudice to his alternative request for a stay in favour of arbitration did not mean that he intended to abandon his right to arbitrate in favour of litigation in India. In my view, this was a very long way off from establishing an unequivocal intent to forgo arbitration.)







若在不同的合同中包含互相冲突的法院管辖权条款和仲裁条款时,关键问题即在于当事双方客观上打算适用哪个争议解决条款(Where different contracts contain competing arbitration clauses and jurisdiction clauses in favour of litigation in national courts, the key question is which dispute resolution clause the parties objectively intended to apply.)。

如果索赔主张是由包含仲裁条款的合同中产生的,或者与该合同紧密联系的,即使其他有冲突的管辖权协议的在字面上足以涵盖争议,则该诉讼也应中止以进行仲裁。为确定哪个合同与该争议关系更紧密,法院从证据和具体情形上考虑该争议的“核心和实质”来判断:Oei Hong Leong [36](Proceedings will be stayed in favour of arbitration if the claim arose out of, or is more closely connected with the contract which contains the arbitration clause, even if the other competing jurisdiction agreement was wide enough, on a literal reading, to cover the dispute: Oei Hong Leong v Goldman Sachs International [2014] 3 SLR1217 (“Oei Hong Leong”) at [25]–[26], citing Transocean Offshore International Ventures Ltd v Burgundy Global Exploration Corp [2010] 3 SLR 821 at [26]. To determine which contract is more closely connected to the dispute, the court must consider the “pith and substance” of the dispute as it appears from the circumstances in evidence: Oei Hong Leong at [36].)。



