





Shinzo Abe was not a man of peace or humanity. He glorified Japanese militarism and imperialism and whitewashed the Nanjing Massacre and other Japanese atrocities during the war. His ancestors were involved in the war. His only apparent remorse was that Japan lost the war, and he wanted Japan to recapture and relive their atrocious past glory.


Abe deliberately posed for a picture in the cockpit of a plane painted with the numbers “731”—symbolic of the so labeled Japanese Chemical & Biological Warfare Unit during the war—to show his defiance. The Japanese #731 Unit (which was absorbed by the US into Fort Detrick) was even more atrocious than the Nazi’s Auschwitz operations and had actually used biological warfare against the Chinese.


安倍故意在一架涂有数字“731”的飞机的驾驶舱内摆姿势拍照——这象征着战争期间日本化学和生物战部队的标志——以表明他的蔑视。 日本#731部队(被美国吸收到德特里克堡)比纳粹的奥斯维辛行动更加残暴,实际上对中国人使用了生物战。

It is not that Chinese are celebrating Shinzo Abe’s death by assassination but that the Chinese are observing that Abe died a death befitting his life—he glorified the death and destruction of others and died a violent death himself—slaughtered in the street—just a bit better than Benito Mussolini.

不是中国网友在庆祝安倍晋三被暗杀,而是中国人在观察安倍的死是符合他的生命的——他美化了他人的死亡和破坏,自己也死于暴力——在街上被屠杀——只是一点点 比贝尼托·墨索里尼好。


Betcha not only Chinese, but South Korean as well.


What do they have against Abe? He’s of fascist blue-blood - the grandson of Nobusuke Kishi, known as the “Monster of the Showa era” for his exploitative rule of Manchukuo, later served in the wartime cabinet of Prime Minister Hideki Tojo and in post-WWII Japan was indicted but not prosecuted and instead aided by the CIA to organize the LDP and installed as Prime Minister.


Abe concealed with pedigree upbringing and training well while being Japan’s Prime Minister. But once retired, he let his true color showed.

安倍在担任日本首相期间,有着良好的血统教养和训练。 但一旦卸任,他就露出了本色。

  • Abe posted photos of his visit to the Yasukuni Shrine days after stepping down to tell his followers he had gone there to inform the spirits of his resignation. . . . . obviously also to commune with the war criminals also enshrined at Yasukuni.
  • 安倍在退位几天后发布了他参拜靖国神社的照片,告诉他的追随者他去那里通知他辞职的亡灵。显然也要与供奉在靖国神社的战犯通灵。
  • Abe in a military trainer jet giving a thumbs-up from the cockpit of an air force T-4 training jut numbered 731 - this number evoking memories of Unit 731 - a Japanese biological and chemical warfare research facility that carried out lethal human experiments during the 1937-45 Sino-Japanese War and the second world war - on prisoners from China, Korea and the U.S.S.R.
  • 安倍在一架军用教练机上,在一架编号为731的空军T-4教练机的座舱里竖起大拇指——这个数字让人想起了731部队——一个日本的生物和化学战争研究机构,在1937年至1945年的中日战争和二战期间对来自中国、朝鲜和苏联的囚犯进行了致命的人体实验。


I don’t believe that the Chinese needed to care about former PM’s death. However, far-left extremists may be.


So far, the shooter testified that he wrongly believed as if Abe had ties with a certain religious organization, and he meant to avenge against the org.


On the other hand, the design of his hand-made gun was similar to the far-left extremists of 1950s, who were closely related to Korean communists. When Korea was annexed with Japan until WWII, millions of Koreans (no separation of South and North) voluntarily worked in Mainland Japan (some of them in 1944–45 were conscription workers, though). After WWII, hundreds of thousands of Koreans refused to return to Korea, where the Korean War was to start few years later.


Many of the remaining Koreans were supporter of North Korea (later they were disappointed by the North Korean regime and changed their nationality from North Korea to South Korea, though). Still, a half of South Koreans are politically left, including the former president, Moon Jae-in. They frequently denounce Japan by falsifying history, and denounced Abe, who was a conservative.

剩下的朝鲜人很多都是朝鲜的支持者(后来他们对朝鲜感到失望,把国籍从朝鲜改为韩国)。不过,有一半的韩国人在政治上是左派,包括前总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)。他们经常通过篡改历史来谴责日本,并谴责保守派安倍。

One of the activists in South Korea constructed the statue of Abe kneeling below a comfort woman. Yoon Meehyang, the former leader of the fraud ‘comfort women’ organization confessed on her Facebook in May 2020, that the famous activist, Lee Young-soo, had told her that she had not been a comfort woman herself but her friend had been.


Lee Yong-soo continued to spread hate stories against Japan over 3 decades, and she even testified both at the US Congress and at the EU Parliament, accusing how the Japanese military was cruel against her at the brothel. Then Yoon’s Facebook devulged that Lee was not even a comfort woman from the beginning! Also, the organization donated a portion of their donation revenues to North Korean schools in Japan, not South Korean schools in Japan. Worse, Moon Jae-in Administration protected the org’s serious defamations against the Japanese.



Let me think. Could it be that Abe regularly pay respect to over a thousand convicted WW2 war criminals, including 14 Class A war criminals such as Tojo?


How would a Jew feel if the German Chancellor visited Hitler's shrine every year?


Could it be that Abe denied Rape of Nanking and Unit 731, a WW2 biochemical unit that experimented with humans? I wonder if his grandfather, the “Monster of Manchuria”, had anything to do with it afterall Unit 731 was stationed in Manchuria.


How would a Jew feel if the German Chancellor denied the Holocaust?


Shinzo Abe came from a powerful political family line that was in power during WW2. He is a conservative right wing politican, or even a ultra right or militarist like his grandfather. He wanted Japan to have a normal military that can legally start wars, have nuclear weapons. While he's nationalistic he's also such a suck up in public towards the US, followed US foreign policy against China and that's one of the reasons that he stay the PM of Japan for so long without being “kicked out” by the Americans like some of his predecessors.


What I don't understand is, why all of a sudden Abe seemed to became a Saint, loved by everyone regardless political affiliations.


He got shot while giving a political speech, sad event but it's not dying to save a dozen children from fire so I guess I just don't understand the sudden admiration that came out everywhere.



cuz no matter as the Japanese governnment leader or as simply a human being, he doesn't deserve any respect.I actually like Japanese culture very much and have great respect for this nation, but when it comes to politics and history, it is totally another story.China was once invaded by lots of countries, but we forgived them all except Japan.


One reason is the disaster and humiliation Japan once caused to us is too heavy to forget.another one is they never admit their sin and keep provoking us.Respect is mutual!He doesn't show any, why should we?

