


Chengdu Plus联合拜仁慕尼黑送出的






#Finally, we got you#

The Chinese Lunar New Year is around the corner.

"Greetings from Chengdu, China to the World - Season 2:

Bayern Wishes You the Best" in multi- languages

(Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese)

welcomes its WORLD PREMIERE!





At this moment,

the Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany,

sends greetings to Chinese fans in Chinese for the very first time.


这次拜仁慕尼黑与Chengdu Plus的合作







This collaboration also provides a platform for sports exchange.

When Bayern's most luxurious squad

heard that the mascot Berni came to Chengdu,

the host city of the 31st

World University Games Summer in 2021,

they have also expressed their expectations of Chengdu.



Robert Lewandowski, the Best FIFA Men's Player of 2020,

'plays' football in the street of Chengdu.

当伯尼熊来到2021年第31届世界大学生夏季运动会的举办地成都,拜仁的当家球星2020年世界足球先生莱万亲自给它传出了一记好球,希望伯尼熊代替自己在成都街头踢回球。当然,伯尼熊也不负所托,邀请来了成都泡桐树小学的孩子们,一场别开生面的足球赛在成都网红景点宽窄巷子展开。Robert Lewandowski, Bayern Munich's World Player of the Year 2020, "passed" the ball to Berni when he arrived in Chengdu, the host city of the 31st World University Summer Game 2021. Berni also invited the children from Chengdu Paotongshu Primary School, as a unique football game kicked off in Chengdu's Kuanzhai Alley.



Manuel Neuer, FIFA Goalkeeper of the Year,

just wants a cup of Chengdu tea.

作为拜仁和德国队的双料队长,诺伊尔一直都保持高水准的发挥和低调的性格。在得知伯尼熊要到成都之后,诺伊尔对中国的茶叶表示出了极大的兴趣。当伯尼熊亲自置身于成都这座雪山下的公园城市,它专门来到了成都人民公园里的鹤鸣茶馆,不仅向诺伊尔展示了成都茶的魅力,还深刻的体会了一盘成都人的幸福生活。As the captain of Bayern and Germany, Neuer has always maintained a high level of performing and a low-key personality. After learning that Berni was coming to Chengdu, a park city lies at the foot snow mountains, Neuer expressed great interest in Chinese tea. When Berni visited the Heming Teahouse in Chengdu People's Park, Neuer not only felt the charm of Chengdu tea, but also experienced the happy life of Chengdu people.



Thomas Müller, the most popular 'king',

shows his love on Panda.

全世界人民都爱大熊猫,从来不是一句空话,包括拜仁的人气球星穆勒。当他得知伯尼熊来到熊猫的家乡时,赶紧交代伯尼熊,替自己去亲眼看看地球人都爱的胖达君。当然了,伯尼熊也不负重托,来到成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,和大熊猫来了个亲热的双“熊”合璧。Bayern Munich's popular star Müller is a super fan of giant pandas. When he learned that Berni has come to the panda's hometown, he told Berni to see Pandas for himself. Of course, the bear has been invited to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda.



Alphonso Davies, named to the team of the year,

wants to know how magical Chengdu paper-cut is.

有人说民族的就是世界的,这话一点不假。就连远在德国的拜仁球星戴维斯,也拜托伯尼熊去往美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)评选出的全球最美街道榜首——成都的锦里,实地拜访一位非遗剪纸大师。在伯尼熊的配合下,这位非遗大师还为戴维斯亲自制作了一幅精美的剪纸自画像。The Bayern Munich star Alphonso Davies hoped that Berni can go to Chengdu's Jinli Street, the world's most beautiful street selected by CNN and pay a visit to an Intangible Cultural Heritage paper-cutting master. With the help of Berni, the Intangible Heritage Master also created a beautiful paper-cutting self-portrait of Davies.



Joshua Kimmich, named to the team of the year,

'sees' Face Changing in Chengdu.

和戴维斯牵手入选年度最佳阵容的基米希,江湖人称基哥。牛年新春到来之际,基哥亲手写下了“牛”字送给成都球迷。当伯尼熊来到世界美食之都成都,热情的成都球迷也在成都太古里为伯尼熊准备了丰富的年夜饭。饭桌上伯尼熊不仅带来了基米希的祝福,还用成都独有的川剧变脸形式把“基米希本人”带到了年夜饭现场。When the Chinese Luna New Year is coming, Kimmich personally wrote down the word 'ox' to Chengdu fans. When Berni came to Chengdu, the world's City of Gastronomy, enthusiastic fans of Chengdu also prepared a rich Chengdu New Year's Eve dinner for him. At the dinner table, Berni brought not only Kimmich's blessing, but also 'Kimmich himself' to the scene with “Sichuan face-changing performance”, which made Chengdu fans excited.



CEO of Bayern Munich &

President of Bayern Munich Asia Pacific

send greetings to Chengdu.

在牛年新春来临之际,除了拜仁的一众球星,还有拜仁董事会主席鲁梅尼格和拜仁慕尼黑亚太区总裁鲁文·卡斯帕专门为中国球迷送出了一份特别的牛年祝福,也希望拜仁俱乐部在2021依旧能取得好成绩。The Spring Festival is around the corner, Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Bayern Munich's Asia Pacific President, Ruben Caspar, sent best wishes to all Chinese fans, as well as the club.

此时此刻,“中国成都的问候”第二季——牛年新春,“拜”贺成都多语种视频,正在陆续通过德国本地媒体:拜仁慕尼黑全球社交媒体平台(Twitter, YouTube, Ins, Facebook)、拜仁慕尼黑会员杂志、德甲联盟等德国机构;各大驻德国中国媒体;拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部中国官方微信、微博、抖音平台进行全球传播。

Starting from the first release on February 8, "Greeetings from Chengdu, China to the World - Season 2: New Year with New Luck; Bayern Wishes You the Best" will also successively launch at German local media, including FC Bayern Munich's global social media platform (Twitter, YouTube, Ins, Facebook), FC Bayern Munich Membership Magazine, Bundesliga, German National Tourism Administration and other German institutions; major Chinese media in Germany; FC Bayern Munich China’s official WeChat account, Weibo, and Douyin for global communication.

与此同时,德国柏林、新加坡、泰国曼谷等16个中国文化中心以及教育部下属的中外语言交流合作中心;俄罗斯金砖国家电视、凤凰卫视欧洲台、香港卫视、澳门有线电视、台湾旺旺中时媒体集团等媒体机构;Chengdu Plus旗下YouTube、Facebook、Instagram、Twitter等海外社交媒体平台账号等,都将传递这份成都的新春祝福。还有世界各国文艺界、科学界、高校学者、文化传播机构的权威人士以及Chengdu Plus遍布世界二十多个国家和地区的海外通讯员也将在“云端”接力,让中国成都的新春祝福传遍全球。

At the same time, 16 Chinese cultural centers including Berlin in Germany, Singapore, Bangkok, Thailand, and Center for Language Education and Cooperation under the Ministry of Education; TV BRICS in Russia, Phoenix CNE Channel, Phoenix North America Chinese Channel, Hong Kong TV, Macau Cable TV, Taiwan Want Want China Times Media Group and other media organizations; Chengdu Plus's YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other overseas social media platform accounts, etc., will all deliver Chengdu's New Year wishes. Authorities from literary and artistic circles, scientific circles, academics from universities and cultural communication organizations from all over the world, as well as Chengdu Plus overseas correspondents in more than 20 countries and regions around the world, will also relay to globally spread the New Year wishes from Chengdu, China.

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"Greetings from Chengdu, China to the World - Season 2: New Year with New Luck; Bayern Wishes You the Best" with videos in multiple languages(Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese).