


4月月11日,分布式创新协作社区 Neutrino 通过官方博客对外宣布,与位于法国巴黎 Station F 的 OuiCrea 达成战略合作。目前 Neutrino 全球社区网络节点已在东京、新加坡、北京、上海、柏林、大阪、首尔、巴黎等八个城市落地,会员可在任意 Neutrino 全球网络节点中自由移动办公。



Neutrino 社区的伙伴们,又双叒叕有好消息要告诉大家:Neutrino 网络已经扩张至法国巴黎啦!位于 Station F 办公中心的 OuiCrea 成为我们在欧洲的第二个迷人的地方,这也是我们全球第八个网络节点。会员们不仅可以在柏林的 Full Node 与朋友们尽情享用特酿啤酒和德国烤肉后,还可以开车到巴黎市中心,去感受最优雅的法国风情及在 Station F 的 OuiCrea 结交新朋友。

Neutrino community, we’re so happy to tell you OuiCrea in Station F has been our second fascinating spot in Europe! After enjoying the brewed beer and roasted pork with Full Node friends in Berlin, driving to the heart of Paris to feel the most elegant view and meet new OuiCrea friends in Station F.


“To know Paris is to know a good deal!”


Neutrino X OuiCrea· Station F巴黎社区

OuiCrea in Station F

OuiCrea(欧创慧) 由 ACECE (海创会)设立于2010年,致力于开发第一个能够能够识别、选择、推广和资助,法中创业项目的这样一个创新生态系统。OuiCrea 不仅仅是一个共同工作的空间,还专门研究和监控“独角兽”项目,利用政府、前沿企业和投资者(如阿里云、La French Tech和 bpifrance)的强大纽带,带来并加速技术突破。经过十年来的跨境孵化培育,OuiCrea 已经成为了一个繁荣的创业社区,从这里孵化了大量优质的项目,包括Vechain、iTravelPay、Flyinstinct 等。

OuiCrea started by ACECE in 2010 for the sake of developing the first innovation ecosystem which enables to identify, to select, to promote and to fund French-Chinese entrepreneurial projects. More than a co-working space, they also specialize in researching and monitoring “unicorn” projects that can bring and accelerate technological breakthroughs taking advantage of the strong bond of government, cutting-edge companies and investors, such as Alibaba Cloud, La French Tech and bpifrance. With the decade cultivation for cross-border incubation, it has been a prosperous startup community gathering tremendous incubated cases, including Vechain, iTravelPay and Flyinstinct, etc..

亲爱的,让我们尽情的在 Station F 遨游吧!Station F 是现今世界上最大的校园创业公司,总占地面积达 34000 平方米。在这里你可以参加创业创新大赛,参加 Ouicrea 商务旅行,在各种工作坊练习等等丰富多彩的活动。最吸引人的是!OuiCrea 还为法国企业家提供了为期 6 个月的免费加速计划。如果你想进入法国市场并在这里开展业务,一定不要错过这个难得的机会。

Cher, let’s surfing in Station F, today the largest campus startup in the world with a total area of 34,000 square meters. Attending the startup innovation competition, joining Ouicrea business tour, practising at various workshops, the most attractive thing is the 6 months free acceleration program for French entrepreneurs provided by OuiCrea. You don’t want to miss out on the chance if you’d like to dive into France and start the business here.

作为 Neutrino 区块链创新协作社区的运营管理方,Queschain 团队不仅持续拓展 Neutrino 的线下实体空间,同时在愿景上,我们希望建设高品质的全球区块链社区网络,帮助区块链爱好者们能够进入到全球区块链专属社区。随着 Neutrino 社区的发展,我们将提供高效的网络和其他优质社区产品,让项目方拥有更多资源,毫无顾虑的去专注实现自己的使命。同时,我们会为社区成员搭建优质的线上线下沟通渠道,帮助成员获取更清晰有效的观点,产生更有价值的合作互动,使成员避免被社交网络中涌入的大量信息分散注意力。

The Queschain team behind Neutrino Blockchain Co-working Space has expanded Neutrino both geographically and in its vision: to provide global blockchain community Network that allows blockchain enthusiasts to have access to all the most exclusive blockchain communities around the world, with a roadmap of Neutrino growing to provide the necessities of community while giving more leeway for project teams to focus on their mission at hand. These communities need clear points of interaction to be it through online or offline mediums without the myriad of distractive information pouring through social networks and the like.

目前,在全球范围内,Neutrino 已在亚洲拥有 6 个节点,在欧洲拥有 2 个节点:东京,上海,北京,新加坡,以及柏林的 Full Node,大阪的 Singularity HIVE 和首尔的 Nonce,位于巴黎 Station F 办公中心的 OuiCrea 作为我们的合作伙伴节点。只要你是 Neutrino 会员,就可以轻松访问任意全球网络节点进行自由移动办公。另外,Neutrino 全球社区网络节点仍在不断扩张中,是不是很酷!

Right now, Neutrino Blockchain Co-working spaces have a network of 6 nodes in Asia and 2 in Europe: Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore, Full Node in Berlin, Singularity HIVE in Osaka, Nonce in Seoul and OuiCrea in Station F Paris our partner nodes. Members of Neutrino when travelling could easily access other facilities in other cities and more are coming onto the map.


Contact us to extend your community globally!

无论您是正考虑在本地建立自己的社区,还是您已拥有社区中心,Neutrino 都欢迎您与我们联系,以期帮助或建立合作伙伴关系!

No matter whether you are pondering about diving into a community building for your regions or already hosting your local community hub, you are welcome to contact us for assistance and partnerships!

Neutrino 团队致力于不断将更多的节点带到我们的网络当中,为社区伙伴提供更多可供选择的全球落脚点,让大家在这里可以很轻松找到有趣的活动或者志同道合的朋友。我们正在仔细调查研究区块链从业人员的不同点,以便不断升级完善设施和空间设计,帮助社区成员应对行业中的压力和特殊的节奏,与此同时尝试连接到更广泛的开源社区和其他领域的创新技术。我们专注于并期待更多的合作伙伴和运营商的加入,为项目在当地和全球的发展提供支持。

Neutrino team is dedicated to bringing more spots to Neutrino network for offering more alternatives to our community members to easily find interesting events or like-minded people while travelling around the world. We are meticulously researching about the particularities of people working in blockchain industry, and constantly upgrading the amenities and space design to cope with the stress and special rhythm in the industry, while trying to connect to a broader range of open sources community and innovative technologies in other realms. We focus on bringing in more partners and operators that can provide support to projects growth in local regions and globally.

去年在 Neutrino 空间已经举办上百场活动和见面会,并且我们很荣幸的邀请到各种大咖来分享自己的经验和见解。Neutrino 社区对 OuiCrea 的会员发出最诚挚的邀请,欢迎来空间参观访问。同时我们也呼吁更多的会员和合作伙伴与我们一起在全球建立更多的加密货币俱乐部。

We have hosted over hundreds of events and meetups in our spaces last year and we are honoured to have so many brilliant minds shared their knowledge and visions here. Neutrino Community would like to extend our warmest welcome to OuiCrea members to come to visit. We would also like to call for more members and partners to join us in creating the crypto clubs around the world.

Neutrino 会员和来自 OuiCrea 的巴黎新朋友们,想加入,或了解更多信息请点击这里:

For Neutrino members and new friends from OuiCrea please see more information here to join or visit (




Warmest regards from Paris.

Neutrino 东京社区

Neutrino 上海社区

Neutrino 北京社区

Neutrino 新加坡社区

Neutrino X FULLNODE 柏林社区

Neutrino X Singularity HIVE 大阪社区

Neutrino X Nonce 首尔社区

网站 Website:



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Station F:


Neutrino Space:

Neutrino China: