



保险条款 Insurance Clause


Insurance is to be effected by the buyer.

由卖方按合同金额110%投保,保险种类为一切险, 从启运地至最终目的地.

The Product shall be covered by the Seller for 110% of total contract value against all risks from the place of departure to the final destination.


Marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full CIF invoice covering the risks of WAR & W.A. as per the people's insurance co. of china dated 1/1/1976. with extended cover up to Kuala Lumpur with claims payable in (at) Kuala Lumpur in the currency of draft (irrespective of percentage)

Insurance policy or certificate settling agent's name is to be indicated, any additional premium to cover uplift between 10 and 17% may be drawn in excess of the credit value


Insurance policy (certificate) … name of assured to be showed: a.b.c.co. ltd.


Insurance policy or certificate covering W.A. (or F.P.A.) and war risks as per ocean marine cargo clause and ocean marine cargo war risk clauses of the people's insurance company of china dated保险单或凭证根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日的海洋运输货物保险条款和海洋运输货物战争险条款投保水渍险(或平安险)和战争险

Insurance policy/certificate covering all war mines risks


W.A. this insurance must be valid for period of 60 days after the discharge of goods


In triplicate covering all risks and war risks including w.a. and breakage in excess of five per cent on the whole consignment and including w/w up to buyer's godown in penang


Insurance policy issued of endorsed to order … for the face value of invoice plus 10% covering including war with 15 days after arrival of goods at destination, only against fpa and t.p.n.d.


Insurance policy or certificate issued by an insurance co. with w.p.a. clause covering the merchandise for about 10% above the full invoice value including unlimited transhipment with claims payable at Singapore


covering all eventual risks 投保一切以外风险

covering all marine risks 投保一切海运风险

marine insurance policy including "both of blame" collision clauses and fully covering the shipment


insurance … including deviation clauses 保险包括绕道条款

covering overland transportation all risks as per overland transportation cargo insurance clauses train, trucks) of the people's insurance company of china dated…


Covering air transportation all risk as per air transportation cargo insurance clauses of p.i.c.c.


Insurance policy or certificate covering parcel post all risks including war risks as per parcel post insurance clauses and parcel post war risk insuracne clauses of the people's insurance company of china dated…


Covering all risks including war risks as per ocean marine cargo clauses and air transportation cargo insurance clauses and ocean marine cargo war risk clauses and air transportation cargo war risk clauses of the people's insurance company of china dated…


Covering all risks as per ocean marine cargo clauses and overland transportation cargo insurance clause (train, truck) of p.i.c.c. dated…


Covering all risks including war risks as per overland transportation cargo insurance clauses (train, truck) and air transportation cargo insurance clauses and air transportation cargo war risk clause and war clauses (for cargo transportation by rail) of the people's insurance company of china dated



The Seller should make insurance with good-reputed insurance company in favor of Buyer, covering all risks, against 110% value of commercial invoice. The insurance should cover the value of contracted price, the insurance claim must be available in Indonesia in contract currency. No free clause for claim can't be included.

Including shortage in weight in excess of 0.5% (with 0.5% franchise) on the whole consignment


including risk of breakage and clashing 包括破裂或凹瘪险

including risk of chipping &

including risk of bad odour


including damage by hooks, oils, muds and contact with other cargo(insured value)


including damage caused by rain fresh and/or water, internal combustion(total or partial loss)


including loss and/or damage caused by sea water, fresh-water, acid, grease


including t.p.n.d. loss and/or damage caused by heat, ship's sweat and odour, hoop-rust, breakage of packing


including damage caused by infestation mould 包括虫蛀霉烂的损失

including damage due to rough handling during transit subject to c.t.c.


including loss and/or damage from any external cause as per cic


including damage by slings, stains, grease, acids 包括吊具、斑污、油脂、酸蚀造成的损失

excluding risk of breakage


including the breakage does not cover the goods remarked in the invoice as originally damage


excluding natural loss in weight 不包括途耗短量的损失

Including 60 days after discharge of the goods at port of destination (or at station of destination) subject to c.t.c.


Including w.a. & risk of fire for 60 days in customs warehouse after discharge of the goods at port of destination subject to cic


This insurance must be valid for a period of 60 days after arrival of merchandise at inland destination


insurance policy or certificate covering f.p.a. including the risk of war and risks of s.r.c.c. as per i.c.c. dated…and institute war clauses dated…and institute s.r.c.c. clauses dated…


the people's insurance company of china investment insurance (political risks) clauses


保险由买方办理 insurance to be covered by the buyers.

由卖方按发票金额的110% 投保水渍险,加保短量险,按1981年1月1日中国人民保险公司海洋运输货物保险条款为准。

Insurance to be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against W.P.A including shortage in weight as per and subject to the Ocean Marin Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981.


As to the goods priced on CIF basis, our company will insure against All Risks for 110% of invoice vale.


Effect insurance against All Risks for the invoice value plus 10% for the goods sold on CIF basis


Cover insurance on these goods for 10% above the invoice value against All Risks.

保险责任终止于…之日 the Period of Cover ends on the date

有权终止本保单 shall be entitled to terminate this Policy…

The Supplier shall effect with a reputable insurance company a policy or policies of insurance covering all the matters which are the subject of indemnities under these Conditions and shall at the request of the Purchaser produce the relevant policy or policies together with receipts or other evidence of payment of the latest premium due thereunder.


CONTRACTOR agrees to procure and maintain at its expense during the term of this Contract insurance coverage of the types and with limits of liability not less than those set out below:


In case under any Individual Contract Supplier is required to provide marine insurance, such insurance shall be provided with first class insurance companies satisfactory to the Distributor for an amount equivalent to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the invoice amount, covering Institute Cargo Clause "All Risks" and "War and S.R. & C.C. Risks", unless otherwise agreed.


In accordance with the provisions of contract, the Contractor shall at its expense take out and maintain in effect, or cause to be taken out and maintained in effect, during the performance of the Contract, the insurance set forth below in the sums and with the deductibles and other conditions as specified. The identity of the insurers and the form of the policies shall be subject to the approval of EMPLOYER. The costs for insurance to be included in Bid price


The following insurance shall be taken out and maintained by the Contractor during the period of delivery/installation/ construction/ field testing/commissioning/trial operation at the Site of the Works covered under the Contract:


LANDLORD shall, at its sole cost and expense, 1) procure the Property All Risk Insurance for the Premises with the policy form of All Risk at replacement and/ or reinstatement value of the Premises; and 2) Public Liability Insurance, which shall include Advertising Sign and Decorations Extension Clause, Elevators, Lifts and Hoists Liability Extension Clause as well as Cross Liability Extension Clause. The limits of indemnity for each insured event under this Policy shall be USD 1,000,000 and no limits of sums of indemnity during the valid policy term. LANDLORD shall provide WAL-MART with all the original insurance documents for WALMARTs inspection, photocopy and record keeping, and shall keep such insurance policy in full force and effect at all times during the Term. LANDLORD ensures to include the insurance carriers waiver of subrogation right in the Property All Risk insurance policy, by which the insurance carrier waives its subrogation right against WALMART. The insurance carrier shall be the qualified one according to the relevant laws of the PRC. Without prior consent of WALMART, neither LANDLORD nor the insurance carrier shall cancel the Policy or modify any and all terms of the Policy. As a result that LANDLORD does not name WAL-MART as an additional insured or beneficiary of the policy, LANDLORD agrees to indemnify WAL-MART any actual losses arising from the Property All Risk Liability in accordance with the insurance coverage and compensation principles stipulated in the insurance policy. WALMART may, at its sole discretion, purchase insurance for internal renovations, improvements, inventory, cash and other physical assets within the Premises and public liability.














Before the commencement of the Project, the Contractor should purchase all insurances for the Project hereunder, such as, the insurance for the Project and for lives of the Contractors own employees and the personnel of any third party in the Site. All insurance fees have already been included in the Contract Price.


The Contractor shall purchase insurance for the materials to be used for the Project and the equipment to be installed which are delivered into the Site, and pay the insurance fees.


The Contractor shall purchase insurance against accidents for the employees who engage in doing dangerous jobs, and cover insurance and pay insurance fees for its own personnel on the Site for their life and properties.


The JVC shall purchase appropriate comprehensive insurance to cover various kinds of risks as would be usual for a joint venture enterprise engaged in the same type of industry and in manufacturing products similar to the Products including, without limitation, product liability covering the manufacture and supply of the Products and such insurance shall be underwritten by an insurance company registered in the PRC. The types, value and duration of insurance shall be decided by the Board of Directors after discussion with the insurance companies and Party B.


The premises, plant, machinery and equipment, raw materials, components and the Products shall be insured by JVC for adequate replacement value against fire, storm, tempest, accident, flood, theft and other risks which may destroy or diminish the value of the Products or which may render the Products unfit for consumption.


INSURANCE: To be covered by the seller for110% of invoice value against All Risks and war risks.


Insurance shall, to the extent it is available on premium and terms comparable to those abroad and as required by applicable Chinese law, be obtained in China and such policies will be denominated in Renminbi or foreign currency or both, as appropriate.


Party A may self-insure their consignment, and can also commission Party B to handle insurance issues, insurance premiums shall be borne by Party A, the costs of which are not included in the those the two sides agreed; In case Party A is not insured, Party B shall not be responsible for the damage from non-B causes.

甲方可以对其托运的货物自行投保,也可委托乙方代为办理保险事宜,保险费由甲方承担,此费用不在双方约定的费用以内,如甲方未予保险 ,则非乙方原因产生的货损乙方不予负责。

The Company shall, at its own cost and expense, at all times during operation of the factory and other facilities and during any construction work take out and maintain full and adequate property insurance covering the buildings, contents, and other first party risks of the Company as are customarily insured against in China.


The Company shall maintain product liability insurance, third party liability insurance and other relevant insurance coverage in order to protect the Company, its employees, agents and other appropriate parties from claims.


No insurance will be effected except upon express instructions given in writing by the Customer and accepted in writing by the Company, and all insurances effected by the Company are subject to the usual exceptions and conditions of the policies of the insurers or underwriters taking the risk. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Company shall not be under any obligation to affect a separate insurance on the goods, but may declare it on any open or general policy held by the Company.


During the term of this Agreement, Party A shall undertake, renew and maintain for its benefit and interest, and at its own cost and expense, the following primary insurance policies:


General Public Liability Policy with Party B being named as a co-insured covering all loss, damage or liability incurred or arising from the operation of the Services including, without limitation, for bodily injury, death or property damage, for an amount not less than RMB25,000,000 per accident or occurrence;


Employer’s Liability Policy with Party B being named as a co-named in conformity with local laws and regulations and accepted practice in the PRC;


Property Damage Policy covering its premises against all risks of direct physical loss or damage from any cause, or if such a policy is not available, against the risks of fire and associated risks such as explosion, electrical damage, water damage, riots, strikes, civil commotion, terrorism, windstorms, hurricanes, cyclones, floods, burglary, theft and other similar risks;


Property Damage Policy with Party B being named as the sole beneficiary covering loss or damage to the materials, Products, Bulks Products, Equipment and other property of Party B as a result of natural disaster or negligence or omission by Party A; and Party A shall inform Party B of any change to its insurance policies listed above which would result in a reduced insurance coverage.


Any other insurance policy or policies against such other insurable risks as shall be normal and customary in the PRC for operation similar to that of Party A, in each case with Party B named in the policy or a certificate of insurance as loss payee, additional insured, or in such manner as Party B’s insurance company and Party A’s insurance company may agree.


Throughout the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall at its own expense, obtain and maintain the following insurance policies: (a) Commercial General Liability insurance, with coverage of not less than US$ 1,000,000 per occurrence and US$ 2,000,000 in the aggregate for bodily injury and property damage, (b) Motor Vehicle Liability insurance for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, with limits of not less than US$ 1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage, (c) Worker’s Compensation insurance in the amount required by statue for all states in which the project or work is to be performed, and (d) Professional Liability insurance with limits of not less than US$ 1,000,000 per claim. Consultant will endeavor to notify Client in writing of any material change to its coverage as described herein. Consultant shall furnish certificates of insurance evidencing coverage or other acceptable evidence of self-insurance to Client upon request.


Insurance required under this Agreement shall be: 本协议项下要求的保险应是:

(a) Commercial General Liability insurance including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, advertising injury and products/completed operations, with a limit of not less than US$ 1,000,000 each occurrence and US$ 2,000,000 annual aggregate.


(b) Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance covering all persons whom the Contractor may employ in carrying out the services hereunder. Worker’s Compensation insurance will be in accordance with the Worker’s Compensation Law of the jurisdiction where the work is performed. Employer’s Liability shall be provided with limits of not less than US$ 500,000 each accident; US$ 500,000 each disease; and US$ 500,000 disease policy limit.


(c) Professional Liability insurance covering the negligent acts, errors or omissions committed by Consultant pursuant to rendering or failure to render professional services pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the contract with limits of not less than US$ 5,000,000 per claim.


Prior to the commencement of services hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish Party B with Certificates of Insurance (or evidence of self-insurance) for all insurance required herein. Each insurer must be reasonably acceptable to Party B, and possess a minimum Best’s rating of ‘A-VII’ (or equivalent rating agency in the country) and licensed to conduct business in all states/countries where this Agreement shall apply.
