

Gilt gold copper figure of Buddha is to point to use copper or bronze casting, the Buddha that the surface gilt gold makes an image, common name "gilt gold copper figure of Buddha". The figure of Buddha of gold of gilt gold is to reveal the divine sex with brilliant brightness, the colour of figure of Buddha is brilliant aureate, because too precious, rare pure gold figure of Buddha, great majority is gilt with mercury stick gold in surface of copper Buddha. This kind of Buddha statue is for the court, the temple, the use; It began in the han dynasty, prevailed in the sui and tang dynasties, and continued into the Ming and qing dynasties. To the republic of China, and even the modern Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, gilt bronze Buddha statues are still in use. The kind of figure of Buddha of gilt gold copper has a few, common have cihang true person, sakyamuni, view sound, wen shu, pu xian, day king, mu du to wait.


The gilt craft of the surface is to use mercury to add temperature gold commonly, high temperature melts its hind, daub next to the surface of copper figure of Buddha, pass high temperature to return again former, the copper figure of Buddha that gets to take gold to pledge calls figure of Buddha of gilt gold.


From historical value: figure of Buddha of fine gold of Ming dynasty is the peak of the Chinese gold copper sculpture art master and brings together across Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, zhongyuan good workman's wisdom crystallization, tilting force of countries create accord with aesthetic form, of all ethnic groups of the excelsior craft, shaped in HuaJinTong DiaoSuShi on the most brilliant chapter. The third religious value, as we all know, the Ming dynasty gilt Buddha mainly to shape Tibetan statues. "Thing is expensive with rare" : the independence of figure of Buddha of Ming dynasty gilt gold sits in resemble, this one subject matter is what global place sees at present is the most. Therefore, this respect is the world's museums are not, from the volume to contain all the history, religion, culture, art value crystal, unique national treasure of China.

此尊铜鎏金坐像。 莲座上刻有“大明永乐年施”六字楷书款,乃标准明永乐时期宫廷御用监“佛作”铸造。在明代永宣时期的宫廷造像中却比较罕见。在尺寸上(高87cm宽38cm),明永乐宫廷造像,比较罕见。此像造型比例完美,细节精致。

This honour copper gilt gold sits resemble. Lotus inscribed with "daming yongle nianshi" six-character regular script, is the standard Ming yongle period court imperial supervision "Buddha for" casting. In the Ming dynasty in the yongxuan period palace statues are relatively rare. In size (87cm high and 38cm wide), Ming yongle palace statues, relatively rare. This shape proportion is perfect, the detail is exquisite.


Bronze Buddha statues originated in India and were introduced into China during the eastern han dynasty. Because of its long history, vivid image and exquisite production, the Buddha statue has a high artistic and economic value. From the clinch a deal of market of auction of New York of the United States in recent years and Hong Kong su fu looks, auction the Chinese figure of Buddha with higher price, besides figure of Buddha of early han dynasty, the palace copper Buddha that counts Ming dynasty to have money to know makes an image.


In recent years, the figure of Buddha of golden bronze of Ming and qing dynasty fine gold is auctioned greatly on the international market shine brilliantly, get each collector to pursue after sb with all one's might, especially Ming dynasty yongle, xuan DE two dynasties use the figure of Buddha of Tibetan type of fine gold Tibet type that gives gift to Tibetan upper class monk, because its craft is exquisite, modelling is vivid, create high price repeatedly on auction market.

此藏品經多位博物館權威專家老師鑒定為 “明代永乐鎏金铜造佛像” 中之精品.

This collection by a number of museum authority experts and teachers identified as "Ming yongle gilt gold and copper statues" in the works.


VIP customers who are interested can contact us directly.


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Note: the right of final interpretation belongs to yanhuang international.

珠海炎黄国际艺术品投资有限公司深圳分公司是一家以艺术品投资、鉴定、收购、拍卖、质押为一体的的综合性平台,公司是文化部正式备案单位,具备文物鉴定资质,有着深厚的人文背景和社会资源, 提高了中国艺术品在世界上的地位和影响;为海内外收藏家和机构提供一个物畅其流、物尽其用的高层次、高品质的文化交流空间 。拥有一支过硬的鉴定评估专业团队,业务遍布大陆、香港、澳门、台湾、新加坡、印度、法国等多个国家和地区。配有多个功能齐全的展示厅、评估鉴定室及现代化办公区域。公司软硬件设施一流,人才汇聚,并已拥有拍卖师、鉴定师、估价师、中(高)级古玩艺术品投资者、专业管理人才近百人。与全国各地的收藏协会、博物馆建立了良好的交流渠道,并与嘉德、保利、雅昌、新亚太等国际国内知名拍卖公司有着密切的合作关系,是中国收藏家协会、中国文物学会、中国炎黄文化研究会和广东茂华慈善基金会、珠三角馆藏联盟的战略合作伙伴。

Zhuhai international yanhuang art investment co., LTD. Shenzhen branch is a work of art investment, identification, acquisition, sale, the pledge for the integration of the integrated platform, the company is the ministry of culture official record unit, with the cultural relics appraisal qualification, has a profound cultural background and social resources, and improve the Chinese art in the status and influence in the world; For collectors and institutions at home and abroad to provide a flow of goods, make the best use of high-level, high-quality cultural exchange space. We have a professional team of professional appraisals and appraisals, and our business covers the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore, India, France and other countries and regions. Equipped with a number of fully functional exhibition halls, assessment and identification rooms and modern office areas. The company has first-class software and hardware facilities, talent pool, and has auctioneer, appraiser, appraiser, medium (high) level antique art investors, professional management talent of nearly 100 people. With collection association all over the country, the museum has established the good communication channels, and with Gardner, poly, ya chang, new Asia Pacific and other international well-known domestic auction companies have close relations of cooperation, is the Chinese collector association, the Chinese society of relics, China yanhuang culture research association and guangdong library alliance of the pearl river delta, China charity foundation, strategic partner.


At noon Beijing time on October 27, 2017, zhuhai yanhuang international art investment co., ltd. was listed in qianhai equity trading center in shenzhen and officially landed on the equity market with the equity code 669507.


Yanhuang international is committed to creating a national brand in the field of domestic art and culture, and the brand of yanhuang's descendants. The company mainly deals in art appraisal, evaluation, exhibition and sales, private transactions, auction. The major shareholder of the company is macau jinjiang entertainment group. Our sellers are mainly members of macau jinjiang entertainment group, macau golf club, jiangxi chamber of commerce, hunan chamber of commerce, chaozhou chamber of commerce, Hong Kong collection association and guangdong maohua charity fund


All businesses of the company follow international practices, in line with the purpose of fairness, justice and modern scientific and technological means to create a high taste of art identification, evaluation, financing, auction platform, for the majority of collectors and art investors to work