
2019 年7月经全国书画大师数据库考核认定,具备中国杰出书画家的资质。
2022年元月,参加“炫姿冰雪舞 翰墨迎冬奥”——2022冬奥会、冬残奥会艺术家书画推介展。

He Lihua, female, was born in A military family in Xiamen, Fujian province in January 1957. Jiangsu, graduated from Nanjing University OF POSTS and Telecommunications, now lives in Guangzhou, love painting and photography when he was young, his works have been exhibited and won awards for many times, "Peony Tianxiang" picture as a representative work of late creation, showing his inner world's aspirations, and many times won the exhibition honor and was collected and praised by the relevant units and friends. The photography "Elegant heart nature" expresses the heart of the love of natural flowers and elegant taste
"Peony Tianxiang" picture won the honor:
It was collected by Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2015.
In March 2018, he participated in the 21st anniversary exhibition of Hong Kong's return.
In June 2018, he participated in the Art exhibition for the 40th Anniversary of China's reform and opening-up across the Straits of Hong Kong.
In July 2018, he participated in the 12th Beijing Stamp Products Inaugural Award Exhibition.
In November 2018, he attended the grand Duke fine Art tour in Singapore and recommended his works.
In February 2019, it was certified by the National Master of Art Information Database.
In July 2019, the national Database of painting and calligraphy masters was assessed and determined to be qualified as an outstanding Chinese calligrapher and painter.
In October 2019, he participated in the 70th birthday celebration -- the inaugural ceremony of the 16th famous Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Stamp Products, and the Huaxia Star Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.
On January 6, 2020, I participated in the recording and broadcast of the documentary "Attacking the Ancient and Creating the Present" column of Minsheng Website of People's Daily.
In order to celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on August 1, 2020, The National Gift Art network specially organizes large-scale online painting and calligraphy activities -- "Danqing painting military soul, calligraphy and ink express China"!
In August 2020, he was invited to participate in the online mainstream media exhibition of "China on the Tip of a pen".
In October 2020, he was invited to participate in the Invitational Exhibition of contemporary Masters of calligraphy and Painting in Beijing.
In December 2020, he will be invited to participate in the official calendar art Exhibition for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party in 2021.
In December 2020, he was invited to participate in the "Cow" - one of the Top 100 themed postcards of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and Painting.
In 2021, he was invited to participate in the New Year's Day exhibition of Chinese peony painting masters held by Guoli Art Network.
In July 2021, he was invited to attend the "Centennial Course -- the First Cultural and Creative Summit and Fine Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" in Beijing.
In November 2021, I was honored to be the representative of National Art image in The Field of Transnational Cultural Communication by Times Weekly.
December 2021 invited to participate in chinahr.com "is a monument is also a new starting point" official website of character style reported.
In January 2022, he participated in the "Dazzling Ice and Snow Dance Calligraphy and Ink to welcome the Winter Olympics" -- the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Olympic Artists' Calligraphy and painting promotion exhibition.
In January 2022, I will take part in the art tour exhibition of The Theme of "Art Heritage" in Beijing Subway to welcome the Winter Olympics.
In February 2022, he will participate in People's Daily Europe website "Ice and Snow engagement, Help the Winter Olympics" famous art exhibition.

牡丹被喻为百花之首,是因为红艳露凝香,令人百看不厌,如果把人心比喻成牡丹花,会不会让人与人之间更加充满阳光、快乐、幸福呢?那么美好将会永恒。就好比: “雅称花中为首冠,年年长占断春光。何人不爱牡丹花,占断城中好物华。”
The picture meaning of Peony Tianxiang:
"Clouds want clothes to look like flowers, spring breeze blows sill Revlon. If it is not a group of jade mountain, will meet to the Yaotai under the moon."
Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, once interacted peonies with beauties. Flowers are people and people are flowers to describe beautiful people and moods. Here I put the peony and the heart together, to express the heart to the United States, good mind.
Peony is compared to the first flower, because red yan dew condensation fragrance, people never tire of seeing, if the heart is compared to peony, will let people more full of sunshine, happiness, happiness? Then the good will last forever. Just like: "elegant flowers in the first crown, year after year long break spring. Who does not love peonies, occupy the city of good things Hua."
Then the harmony of the peony day incense is up to: "suspected luochuan goddess made, thousands of jiao wan state broken dawn", "need is the peony blossom, the city square make music endless".

娇艳欲滴 可叙幽情——记著名画家何丽华
著名书画艺术评论家 史峰 2021年11月14日 书于览艺斋

Delicate and charming to drop can be described in a sentimental way -- remember the famous painter He Lihua
A perfect Danqing painting must have three aspects of creative support, that is, solid brush and ink foundation, profound literati heritage, and traditional aesthetic literacy! That is to say, only with the full creation of these three factors, the painter can find his own artistic positioning in the tide of The Times, and the painted Danqing art works can be sublimated to a pure and supreme state. And today's famous painter Ms. He Lihua is a literati painter who can stand out in the art of The Times! Ms. He's flowers and birds are the main vein of the traditional culture, but without losing the aesthetic consciousness of the self. The ink in the painting is concise, the color configuration is plastic in pure, the overall style of painting can be found in the aesthetic feeling of The Times, but also connected to the traditional feelings! It is called indulgent image, reflecting ancient and modern!
In the long history of Danqing art, Ms. He has always maintained the traditional flower and bird art, especially in recent years, the Danqing painting style, is worthy of a unique path! Painting force to avoid the vulgar wind, artistic conception force off the constraints, exquisite style but not frivolous, exquisite color but not sweet vulgar, is that Cang run all, extraordinary weather! With ms ho created works of "the peony day sweet", in the picture you can fully feel her quality of pen and ink and color apply, half of brushwork, CengJianDieChu, plump inky, shading, harmonious, and that between the brushwork and ink, like form the relationship between the fusion of a kind of very tacit understanding, view of xingyi pure, exuberant.
Not only that, the natural white space in the picture is also an important expression of Ms. He's skill to the depth! In a freehand brushwork of flowers and birds, what is done by the pen and ink is real, while where there is no pen and ink is virtual. The so-called virtual and real correspond to each other, and the virtual and real exist together. If either side appears abrupt or disharmonious, then the whole freehand brushwork of flowers and birds will appear very chaotic. As the inheritant of freehand brushwork in the current painting circle, Ms. He's freehand brushwork of flowers and birds naturally does not appear this situation. Instead, her paintings present a very natural white connotation and artistic conception. Petal shape of flowers, gradually wrapped phase complex, followed by the production is that light ochre whitewash water marks, view of the true is very clever, relaxed and happy!
Delicate and charming to drop, can be described. How to play in the tradition, how to play out in the era, these are two extremely controversial creative topics in the current painting circle! But in the face of this problem, Ms. He Lihua showed us exceptional artistic choices and individual answers! Solid painting skills, simple brushwork, pure ink color, structure of the meaning of the creative elements, are Ms. He respect tradition and follow the heart of the final artistic crystallization! In the end, her works of Danqing also successfully deepened the inner lyric and charm, and diluted the external complex appearance, which can be reached to the extreme and can be enjoyed by refined and vulgar people! Famous style, at a glance!
Famous painting and calligraphy art critic Shi Feng on November 14, 2021 book in the view of art Zhai