
网友1Fred Schlimm, High Risk International Business Consultant

Answered Oct 16

I live near Shanghai now and am going home to America in December.

My first visit to China was to a SAR. Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong. English. Cantonese. Mandarin. They drive on the British side of the road. It’s a very British … albeit exotic place … , so I’ll pass.



My first real visit to China was Beijjng. 2012. Mandarin Chinese language. Ancient China and the modern People’s Republic of China. They drive on the right side of the road … the American way.


Surprise number one. Fireworks. Anywhere. Any time. For any reason. WOW!!

Surprise number two. Car horns!!!

1.The spoken language is Mandarin Chinese.

2.Written language 1 is Simplified Chinese Characters.

3.Written language 2 is pinyin with tone marks. Roman alphabet. Thank god!

4.Gestures … try to count to ten on one hand. They do. Perfect!!!

5.Honking car horns is a language of its own. You get used to it … after nine months.

6.E-Bikes. Electric bikes. Silent Death!!! You never hear them or see them and one day, you will be hit from an unexpected direction.


  1. 讲普通话

  2. 写的是简体汉字

  3. 用罗马字母拼写拼音带声调

  4. 用一只手势表示1-10个数,他们做的太棒了

  5. 他们按汽车喇叭沟通。

  6. 电动自行车。安静的要死。你永远不会听到或者看到他们,有一天你会被悄无声息的撞到

Food. Great. EXCEPT CHICKEN FEET!!! OMG!!! Horrible. It also looks horrible. America doesn’t eat chicken feet. America exports chicken feet to China.

Lots of people. I mean LOTS.

One has to boil his water.

K-TV. Karaoke Parlors on steroids. EVERYWHERE!!!

Squat toilets … yes, I got used to them in South East Asia, but …

Surprises …

Not a surprise … the country looks great. The people are wonderful.

食物非常棒,尤其是鸡爪。 太恶心了。看起来很恶心。美国人不吃鸡爪。美国出口鸡爪到中国。






网友2Jeffrey Ripley-Gonzalez, Sport and Exercise Science & Medicine MSc from University of Glasgow (2017)

Answered Nov 5

My first trip to China was May this year (2017). Before my travels there, I had been living with three Chinese guys at University. They had told me not to worry as most people can speak English and it would be super easy. Another thing was the “Normal” advice that every parent will tell you, be careful, you are in a foreign country etc.


I arrived in Guangzhou and was completely lost, tried to speak to some people and quickly realized that my friends may have been slightly wrong. However I did meet a couple of Indian guys outside the airport who were quite helpful. Thereafter my experience communicating got slightly better, however, most people won’t speak English to you, but they will attempt to understand you if you try to communicate.

Overall I will list a few of my experiences below:



1.People are incredibly friendly, having lived in London for a long time I realized I missed this. I can’t express enough my gratitude to those that helped me and offered to show me around.

2.It is Busy. I mean it is really busy.

3.Food! Amazing, Incredible, lovely Food. If you are like me and love spicy food, your experience may be greater. Please try all the street food too.

4.Very tall buildings, I already knew there would be apartment blocks, but I grew up in rural Colombia. This is always a shock.

5.Beautiful scenery. I was lucky enough that some friends of mine took me to see the scenery around Guangdong and Hunan.

Overall I had an amazing experience in China and will go again this month.

  1. 中国人十分友好,我在伦敦信了很长时间我发现我真的借过了。我不能向那些给我提供帮助 的人表达我的谢意

  2. 太忙了,真的太忙了

  3. 食物真的是太棒了,非常喜欢,如果你喜欢听辣的食物,你的经历会更棒,请大胆尝试街上所有的食物吧

  4. 非常高的建筑物。我已经知道很多是公寓楼,但是我长在哥伦比亚农村,真的很震撼。

  5. 非常美丽的风景,我非常幸运认识很多朋友带我去广州周边和湖南旅游


网友3Gagan Salh, worked at Caltrans

Answered Nov 9

My first trip to China was to Beijing in winter time.

The biggest surprise was persistent smog but it took me couple of hours to figure out that I was looking at Smog and not Fog. It was still there when I left Beijing and got off the train in Binhai, a distance of 170 km.



The first thing that surprised me was that I was unable to use my foreign credit card at the central train station. I was shocked because this was the central station in Beijing. It was entirely unexpected. Credit Cart/ATM machines are ubiquitous in Beijing! All major stores, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops accept credit cards but not the central station!

It was all more surprising that there no other comfort that was denied to any visitor that they couldn’t have in their own country. I had just purchased a ticket to high speed train super tech train that traveled at speed of 250 km/hr.



网友4Sonja Sorrick, Automotive Validation Engineer

Answered Nov 5

I went in 2006: Hong Kong for vacation before 2 monthlong stints in Shanghai for business (also flew up to Beijing for one weekend). Surprises were:


1 traffic - someone else already mentioned it but every taxi ride felt like I was putting my life in some strangers hands.


2 people going to the bathroom in public (saw a taxi driver park in the middle lane of a large parkway and walk to the bushes to go the bathroom- mind blown).


3. Negotiations - everything is negotiable and if you don’t negotiate they won’t respect you. I think the most respect I got was in Beijing when I spent 40 minutes dickering over the cost of some scarves (I even left and the merchant chased me down the aisle); in the end I think I saved a buck, but I was looked at with approval - however, that was after weeks of getting used to negotiating. When I was first in China , I only negotiated for 5 minutes at a different market and had a guy chase me down just to tell me that I was robbed and could have gotten a much better deal (I only spent $5, but he was appalled and embarrassed for me).


4 squat toilets - avoided like the plague


5 the way they saved energy - ie the office would be nice and then you go out into the hallway and it was hot and humid - they didn’t waste energy keeping hallways etc temp controlled (Shanghai is similar to New Orleans in that it is at the end of a river delta - and really hot and humid in July).


6 more of a note or maybe a pleasant surprise but the great wall and forbidden palace are worth it. Don’t care how “touristy” it is- wouldn’t miss those for the world. Oh and the science museum in Shanghai is world class.


网友5Elena Bulavkina, Clinical Trials Coordinator (2013-present)

Answered Oct 30

I have been to China (went to Beijing, Xian and Luoyang) from the end of December 2015 till the beginning of January 2016. There are severeal things that surprised me:


1.The passport control staff spoke Chinese to me upon my arrival to the Beijing airport. I could not say any and it turned out she thought I could speak Chinese because I wrote Saint Petersburg in Chinese in the customs papers.

当到到达北京机场时海关官员对我说中文,我不会说任何中文,她以为我会中文因为我用中文写了Saint Petersburg 在海关入境表。

2.I was stared at everywhere though it was winter and I had a lot of clothes on. I have never been looked at by strangers so much in my whole life. I felt uncomfortable.


3.People do not care about anything or at least it looked like that. What I mean is, for example, people never waited for others to get off the train in the subway. When train doors opened those standing on the platform just tried to get in no matter how many people were coming out. Another example of it: whenever I was in a line to get tickets there was at least one person who tried to get in front of me all of a sudden. It was not his/her turn, by the way, they just did not care…


4.People do not care about New Year. Well, this is just not a big holiday for the Chinese but for me as a Russian it is the biggest holiday of the year so not being able to celebrate it while in China made me very homesick.


5.I got to eat strawberries in winter. It is the first time for me, I was super happy.


6.Absence of coffee mostly. If I managed to find any like Starbucks it was extremely expensive.


7.Almost everything I tried was delicious


8.Somehow I felt almost like at home, the atmosphere was somehow similar to Russia


网友5:Waitai West Rakete, Likes Chinese history, culture, food, people, and shopping.

Answered Jan 6

The first time I traveled to China, I arrived in Hong Kong. Immediately I left the airport to catch a taxi, I was struck by the smell of, well, poop. There was a pervading smell like sewerage. I was quite shocked.


The second time I traveled to China, I arrived at Baiyun airport in Guangzhou. We exited the plane via steps to a bus. I was hit by the smell of poop yet again. I mean, I know heaps of people live there, but I wasn’t ready for the smell.


The third time was better, I wasn’t greeted by the smell of poop. But walking around the streets, I still got the odd whiff every now and again. By then I had a daughter, and she confirmed what I smelt.


Maybe I am just unfortunate, and at inopportune moments people choose to pass wind when I was about. I can’t compare with any other great centers of civilisation, maybe Europe or the Middle East has the same problem.


Apart from that there were mostly pleasant surprises.


I do remember, I first traveled to Singapore. The day after I arrived I left the hotel to have a walk around. I was in Geylang, a rather colourful district. It had been raining, and it was relatively cool. It too smelled like poop. I eyed the drains suspiciously. In the end I regarded it was a mixture of Durian, and Roast Chestnuts, that caused the offending smell. Perhaps that was also the case in China. That there are some less obvious causes to the occasional bad smell.

我还记得,我第一次去新加坡,我到的第二天我离开酒店散步,在Geylang 一个非常有多彩的区。一直在下雨,天气相当的凉爽,闻起来像屎一样,我看到了下水道。最后我认为是榴莲和烤栗子的混合物引起了臭味。也许这也是在中国这种情况。偶尔的臭味有一些不太明显的原因。

网友6John Pearl, former traveler for a bit

Answered Nov 7

The absolute first thing that surprised me was that foreigners were banned from staying in the lowest-budget motels.


I visited China for the first time as a budget traveler around the north-central regions (Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, others), in 2013. I landed first in Lanzhou at about 2am. I figured I would slip into the cheapest place I could find for the night and then wake up early for a bus the next morning, but this was much more difficult than anticipated.


There are plenty of tiny motels that cater to (male) Chinese travelers for the equivalent of $10 per night, if I remember correctly. However, the government has strict rules about accepting foreign guests. Providers of accommodation are required to have authorization from the government to accept foreign guests, and are further required to keep strict logs of the passport numbers numbers of foreigners and other assorted paperwork.


The ultimate consequence of this is that the cheapest places don’t want to worry about this, and will simply refuse all foreign travelers. The cheapest hotels/motels that accept foreigners are business hotels that charge upwards of $50 per night. Of course in many cities there are hostels that cater to foreign travelers and will charge cheaper rates, but at the time I don’t think Lanzhou had any.

I ended up spending my first night in a booth at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant.


我最后在kentucky 炸鸡摊渡过了一晚。

网友7Ken Graham, Hotel Co-owner Southern Mexico

Answered Oct 31

We were being checked in to a 4 star hotel which had some delay, anyway we were treated to a bevarage, a glass of hot water. That was a common thing, but my 1st surprise..

We were aware of the squat toilets so they were not a surprise,

I must have seen a old National Geographic film so had avoided train travel, when in fact they are running about 180 miles an hour, When leaving via Shanghai to airport we used the levitating monorail 430 kilometers per hour peak speed.




网友8:Syed Irfan, studied at Dawood University of Engineering and Technology

Answered Nov 17

I arrived in China in September 2017 and lived in Sichuan chengdu. I find Chinese people very helpful besides having the language barrier almost all the people with whom I interracted try their level best to help me in finding locations shop etc. This is the most pleasant and surprising thing I observed while living in China.


网友9: Sarah Maceda, Travel Enthusiast | Travel Blogger | www.myquirkysoul.com

Answered Dec 3

Too many people!

Everywhere’s crowded, really. I recently went to Shanghai during the Chinese New Year - work-related. It’s a common knowledge, I know, that China has the biggest population but it never dawned on me until I personally experienced it.

It’s actually insane!




网友9Raymond McAneny, Have traveled and worked in Europe, Asia, Africa and New Zealand.

Answered Oct 20

This was shortly after the Nixon thaw when I was on a business trip to Shanghai and the surrounding country. Having grown up in a traditional Republican conservative family and survived my tour in Viet Nam my preconceptions of the Chinese were not good.

These people taught me a valuable lesson that has stuck with me. Preconceptions are baseless and stupid. The Chinese people I talked to from the mayor of Shanghai to the girls working at a small country dairy were charming, honest and ready to smile. I loved talking to them and sharing a bit of their enthusiasm for knowledge and new technological developments.

