



All this talk about democracy dragging India down is nonsense. India's growth is not as fast as China's because we don't focus on key issues.


Let's take a look at the corresponding three stages of these two countries:


Despair and pain: the Kuomintang ruled China (1912-1949) and the British king ruled India (1857-1947)


Socialism and Capitalism: the early days of the founding of new China (1949-76) and the Nehru family rule (1947-91)


Liberalization and Globalization: China in the period of reform and opening up (1976-) and liberalized India (1991-)


Phase I:


Although the rule of the Chinese Kuomintang in China was corrupt and cruel in the first half of the 20th century, China still had a place on the world stage at that time. After World War II, China became a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, while India, although a founding member of the United Nations, did not obtain a corresponding seat. Without the veto power, India spent many years in a crisis ridden international environment and had to "buy" the veto power by forming an alliance with the Soviet Union and giving them a very favorable trade agreement.



Before 1949, despite the great damage caused by the civil war, China's literacy rate was still higher than that of India (30% and 12% respectively). However, in terms of economy, India is slightly ahead because it is in a relatively stable state.


Second stage:


In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, China completed many major events that directly affected future generations, laying the foundation for China as a big country.


1. For example, barefoot doctors have provided necessary medical services in rural China, which has greatly improved the health status of people in remote areas. However, India is still at the stage of traditional medical degrees that only a few thousand students can obtain, which makes India's medical resources extremely scarce and has a great impact. In 1975, the life expectancy in China was 64 years old and that in India was 51 years old. This is a huge difference. Indians die earlier in their career, which directly affects the productive capacity of this country.

1. 比如赤脚医生为中国农村提供了必要的医疗服务,极大地改善了偏远地区人民的健康状况。而印度仍然停留在只有几千名学生可以获得的传统医学学位上的阶段,这让印度的医疗资源极度稀缺,带来的影响很大,1975年,中国的预期寿命是64岁,印度是51岁。这是一个巨大的差异,印度人在他们的职业生涯中死得更早,因此直接影响这个国家的生产能力。

2. In the 1960s, China began to possess nuclear weapons and joined many international organizations - NSG, NPT, CTBT, etc. Nehru failed to realize the nuclear weaponization of India faster, and the nuclear program stumbled in the whole process. Due to the delay, we have to pay the price for the uncertainty and poor growth in the late 1990s.


Most importantly, China has brought far more women into the labor force than during the Nehru administration. Nehru did not take any revolutionary action to break the patriarchy in India, while China broke the shackles of feudal society and let women play a key role.


In 1976, China's GDP still lagged behind India, but it had all the elements to achieve large-scale growth - more female workers, healthier workers and safer energy.


Phase III:


By 1976, China gradually opened up a new road. He opened the economy and allowed companies like Walmart to enter and open stores. And India, even 40 years later, is still afraid of companies like Wal Mart.


Under the guidance of the new generation of leaders, China's industrialization and urban construction have developed rapidly. India gradually opened its economy in 1991, 13 years later, when China's GDP was already ahead. More importantly, India is at a disadvantage because of China's advantages in social infrastructure. For example, although the difference in literacy rate was only about 8% in 1950, by 1980, the difference had exceeded 20%. India's literacy rate fell to 44%, while China's literacy rate rose to 65%.


India had the worst prime minister ever in the 1980s, Indira Gandhi, who was completely unfit for the job. It was during this period that China eliminated India and took the lead.


In short, China's growth is due to:


1. They pay attention to the basic education of the people, such as literacy, public health and women's participation. From Nehru to the current Indian leaders have never paid such attention.


2. Before 1949, they had independence and global status, which helped them become members of the United Nations Security Council and other international organizations.


3. It is to accelerate the pace of economic opening up and be more decisive.


Whether India can have these advantages or not has nothing to do with whether India is a democratic country. We just lost our way in the middle and have been confused so far.



Until the 1980s, China and India were almost in the same position, but since then, China began to surpass India.


The first reason is political stability. China's domestic political situation is stable, and its policies are flexible and consistent.


The second reason is infrastructure. China has invested heavily in its infrastructure, which in turn has attracted foreign direct investment. Nowadays, almost every company has a manufacturing center in China.


The third reason is "made in China". China started their project in the 1980s, while India started "made in India" in 2014. It took China more than 40 years to make their project successful. In India, some political parties began to cry after six years, saying that "made in India" was a failure.


The fourth reason is mentality. China has long accepted the fact that China has a large population, and not everyone can find government jobs. Therefore, instead of encouraging children to prepare for IAS or UPSC, they have improved the skills of the younger generation to work in industry and manufacturing.


If India wants to surpass China, it needs to focus on its own investment and industrial sectors.


However, the business environment in India is too poor. Not only Chinese enterprises will be severely skinned by taxes in India, but even western countries such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea will be severely fined by the Indian government and then exit in embarrassment.


The United States had hoped that India would replace China as the world's major economy and encouraged American enterprises to actively invest in India. The Indian government also offered generous subsidies to try to attract Indian enterprises. However, these enterprises that came to India either shelved long-term investment plans or simply launched the Indian market, turning India into a veritable investment "black hole".


Although the United States, Europe, Canada and Japan all regard India as a major partner in the future, the enterprises of these countries either withdraw from India or reduce the scale of investment in India.


The 2021 investment environment statement issued by the US State Department directly describes India as "a challenging place to do business". Swiss building materials company Holcim, Royal Bank of Scotland, well-known motorcycle company Harley Davidson and Citibank of the United States have announced plans to lay off staff or leave India. German retailer Metro was forced to choose to sell all its 20-year-old Indian business. Ford Motor Company and Tesla company also announced that they have shelved the production plan of electric vehicles in India.


Even British telecommunications company Vodafone, energy company Cairn and Hong Kong Hutchison Whampoa have become victims of investment in India. They are all required to pay high taxes and fines by the Indian authorities because of mergers and acquisitions.


Foreign investors in India will not be welcomed by government departments and Indian civilians, nor will they receive many preferential treatments as in China. The Indian government can nationalize the money of foreign investors with any excuse.


Under the influence of the past colonial history and today's national pride, India is very alert to foreign capital. They believe that India's poverty is caused by the exploitation of colonists in the past, and foreign investors should "repay their debts". In the past three years, the proportion of foreign direct investment (FDI) flowing into India has decreased from 3.4% to 2.8%, while China's share has increased from 14.5% to 20.3%.


India was founded two years earlier than China. At the beginning of its founding, it had an unparalleled economic foundation and strength in the third world. Coupled with the strong assistance and support of the Soviet Union in the first three decades, it had not been able to establish a full range of industrialization like China. The population of India and China is equivalent, and the development is only equivalent to one fifth of China's total economy.



70 years ago, India and China were very close in terms of GDP and population. What made the two countries go further and further apart?


• the wrong way. India opened its economy in 1991. Even after becoming a western style democracy, India chose socialism economically, which made India's regime very distorted.


• in 1979, China and the United States re established diplomatic relations. Due to China's cheap labor and low rent costs, the United States brought a lot of foreign investment, while India's foreign investment was quite excluded.


• since the 1980s, China has achieved double-digit growth in the next 15 years, when it took over the position of India.


• population: although India and China have the same population, China has wisely used its demographic dividend. The Chinese government has promoted the skills development of young people and encouraged their population to join the manufacturing industry.


• as a large number of people began to choose manufacturing, in 1990 and early 2000, China gradually became a world producer by simply introducing top brands, and developed countries took advantage of this advantage to establish factories in China.


• technology transfer: as many developed countries began to set up companies in China, the Chinese government began to require technology transfer to set up production plants, and many companies accepted it. This is why today China has its own versions of Google, youtube and WhatsApp. This is "it is better to teach fish than to teach fish."


• long term vision: the Chinese government formulates and publishes a vision plan every five years, and they faithfully follow the goals in the plan. Another thing is that in China, people trust the government very much, and no one will question the government's decision as in India. In India, even the government's small-scale land requisition will become national news.


There are other factors, such as China's century long humiliation, which has created consensus and desire for China's development and competition with the western world. On the other hand, we Indians are forgetting what Britain has done to us.
