

2019年5月31日,上海汇舸环保科技有限公司在江苏如皋隆重举办了“2019汇舸环保新品发布会暨南通工厂奠基仪式”。如皋市委常委、政法委书记缪小华,如皋市石庄镇党委书记薛煜、镇长陈飞,汇舸环保总经理赵明珠、运营总监周洋、技术总监陈志远、新加坡分公司总经理Subir Ghatak等领导出席活动。

The Great Success of the Ceremony for ContiOcean's Release 2019 and Foundation-laying of ContiOcean (Nantong)

Dated May 31, 2019, ContiOcean Environment Tech Co.,Ltd. started the Ceremony for ContiOcean's Release 2019 and Foundation-laying of ContiOcean (Nantong) at Rugao, Jiangsu. Ceremony attendees include Miao Xiaohua, the Committee of Rugao's Municipality Standing Committee; Xue Yu-the Party Secretary of Shizhuang Town, Rugao; Chen Fei-Town Mayor, as well as ContiOcean's team, including Zhao Mingzhu-Managing Director; Jacky Zhou -COO, Jerry Chen- CTO, and Subir Ghatak, General Manager of ContiOcean's Singapore Subsidiary.



At this event, ContiOcean eminently released its latest development of Gen-II EGCS. Jerry Chen- CTO chaired news press and elaborated functions of exhaust-gas scrubber system of Gen-II COUS.



According to Jerry Chen’ introduction, defroster arrangement, pump starter improvement, fume inlet, spraying arrangement, and packing layer betterment are design differences between COUS's MK-I and MK-II. In case of MK-II's design, fresh water cleaning is cancelled, exhaust-gas treatment is considerably improved, energy consumption is reduced, and outline dimension of EGCS of equal kw is correspondingly decreased.

据了解,在今年1月,汇舸环保的EGCS系统在新加坡Eastern Pacific Shipping(EPS)的好望角型散货船“Mount Faber”号上实船测试成功。首次试航即取得成功,充分说明汇舸环保在脱硫技术、产品建造、系统调试、运营管理等方面的强大实力。各项数据指标完全满足国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会第68次会议259次决议的法案要求。目前,汇舸环保已为客户成功交付EGCS近30台套,所有项目均经过实船验证,并取得IAPP证书。

It is understood, ContiOcean's EGCS was tested successful at “Mount Faber”-the vessel of Capsize's bulk cargo ship of Singapore's EPS (Eastern Pacific Shipping) in January. The success at the first trial trip fully demonstrated ContiOcean's magnificent competency in aspect of desulfurization technology, product make, system debugging and operation management, with a variety of data targets that are fully met with the No. 259 resolution decided by IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee at the 68th Session. At present, ContiOcean has successfully delivered 30 units of EGCs to clients. All projects have been authenticated at site of vessels and granted IAPP Certificate.


At present, COUS/COIS/COBOS- ContiOcean's multi-machine gas collection & washing system havn been granted certification by NK Classification Society, DNV-GL, Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR), American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Bureau Veritas and China Classification Society, and ContiOcean has become as one of the enterprises conferred upon the most number of classification society's certificates.

当天上午,汇舸环保还在石庄镇新生港工业园区举行了南通工厂奠基仪式。南通工厂由汇舸环保投资建设,一期项目用地约25亩,拟投资人民币1.2亿元,建筑面积12000平方米。该项目建设周期十个月,建成投产后预计年产脱硫设备系统50台/套,实现年应税销售额不低于2亿元,税收额不低于800万元,项目预计于2020年初实现转化。 如皋市石庄镇党委书记薛煜、汇舸环保运营总监周洋先生以及EPS船东Sachin分别代表政府、建设方及合作伙伴做了致辞。

At morning of the same day, ContiOcean also took place Nantong factory's foundation ceremony at Xinshenggang Industry Park, Shizhuang Town. Nantong factory is the estate invested by ContiOcean for erection which covers 25 mu of land use the Project I. The proposed investment is at RMB 120 million and building area covers 12,000 square meters. This project has 10-month erection cycle. Estimated make of desulfuration system/ equipment by year after erection is 50 sets/ unit. Taxable sales at a sum not less than RMB 200 million will be realized, with tax yield not less than RMB 8 million. It is anticipated the Project will have been realized transformation until beginning of 2020. Xue Yu- the Party Secretary of Shizhuang Town, Rugao; Mr. Zhou Yang-Operation Director, Jacky Zhou -COO and Sachin-EPS's shipowner, separately represent government, constructor, and partner delivered speech.

当天下午,汇舸环保还与包括北京ABB传动系统有限公司、VDM Metals International GmbH、丹麦艾恩泵业有限公司等10余家配套企业举行了战略合作签约仪式。ABB华东区大区经理梁芗伦、VDM中国董事总经理李保军、艾恩泵业亚太区销售总监龚涛涛等人参加了签约仪式。汇舸环保总经理赵明珠出席见证了签约仪式,并在仪式上做了重要讲话。

At afternoon of the same day, ContiOcean entered into strategic collaboration agreements with 10 companies, including ABB(Beijing), VDM Metals International GmbH,IRON Pump A/S, Liang Xianglun- manager of ABB's East China Region; Li Baojun- VDM's Director & General Manager, and Gong Taotao- Sales Director of IRON Pump's Asia-Pacific Region attended signing ceremony. Zhao Mingzhu-ContiOcean's Managing Director, presented, witnessed and delivered important speech at the said ceremony.


Invitees to this event also accommodate more than 200 companies, institutions and individuals, including EPS's ship-owner, Genco's ship-owner,Shanghai Lanbin Petrochemical Equipment Co., Ltd., IRON Pump A/S, NK, LR, DNV-GL, ABS, HACH Shanghai, ABB China.