

Big changes in agriculture are taking place in Singapore.


  • take place发生
  • big changes巨大变革
  • changes 可变名词 变化、变革
  • 注意句型 change in ... be taking place

Some people say the small, Southeast Asian nation is leading a farming revolution.


  • 东南亚国家southeast asian nation
  • 领导一场农业革命 lead a farming revolution
  • farming n 农业=agriculture
  • fish farms可数名词养殖场;饲养地
  • revolution=changes可数名词重大变革;巨大变化

Singapore aims to increase its own food production by growing vegetables on top of office buildings.


  • aim to 目标
  • 增加粮食产量 increase food production
  • production不可数名词产量 Production is the amount of goods manufactured or grown by a company or country.
  • product 制品,产品something that is produced and sold in large quantities, often as a result of a manufacturing process.
  • 种植 grow /plant/farm
  • 在……顶部 on top of
  • 办公楼office buildings

It also has set up tiered fish farms and is using laboratories to grow shrimp, a popular treat.


  • 建立set up
  • tiered分层的
  • a two-tiered system 一个双层系统
  • tier一排
  • 养鱼场fish farms
  • 实验室laboratory【拼写】
  • grow养殖= = cultivate, breed, farm
  • shrimp虾
  • prown 大虾,对虾
  • shellfish贝类
  • crab蟹
  • a treat
  • treat noun[搭配]极大的乐事; 特别的款待
  • great, real, special ,popular+treat
  • 短语很出色的东西 If you say, for example, that something looks or works a treat, you mean that it looks very good or works very well

That way, the island nation will not have to depend as much on imports to feed its 5.6 million people.


  • 岛国island nation
  • 不必not have to
  • 过度依赖depend as much on
  • overdependence过度依赖 n
  • 过度 excessively
  • as much多
  • 进口 imports
  • 出口 exports
  • 养 feed
  • nourish, feed, graze 这些动词均含“提供所需食物,喂养”之意。
  • nourish → 指提供生长、健康或维持生存所必需的食物或养料,尤指用营养品促进生长。
  • feed → 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指给人或动物提供食物,又可指给植物以养料或为机器等加燃料等。
  • graze → 侧重指用正在生长的青草喂养牲畜。

Singapore produces about 10% of its food.

But as climate change and population growth threaten food supplies, it wants to raise that to 30% by the year 2030, under a plan known as ‘30-by-30'.



  • produce
  • products
  • production
  • make, fabricate, manufacture, produce这些动词均有“做,制造”之意。
  • make → 普通用词,很常用,含义广,既可指制造具体的东西,也可指完成一种行为。
  • fabricate → 特指按照标准样式制作或把材料或部件组合成一个整体。
  • manufacture → 正式用词,一般指用机器大规模地批量生产各种生活或生产用品。
  • produce → 普通用词,侧重大量地生产出各种生产用品和生活用品。强调结果。也用于引申。
  • climate change 气候变化
  • population growth 人口增长
  • threaten 威胁---近音strengthen
  • 粮食供应 food supplies---注意连读d和s
  • raise to提高到;by提高了多少(增加部分)
  • by the year 2030 到(未来的时间)
  • 30-by-30 30×30计划
  • under a plan 通过……计划

The problem is space.Singapore is a small country, with only 724 square kilometers of land.


  • 新加坡是一个小国家,国土面积只有724平方公里。
  • 有……国土面积with num+ of land
  • square kilometers平方公里

Only one percent of that land area is used for agriculture. Food production costs are higher there than the rest of Southeast Asia.


  • be used for用于+sth
  • be used to do 用于
  • 农业agriculture
  • 食品生产成本 food production cost
  • production 生产
  • 其他the rest of

The pressure is on new farmers to answer the government's call to "grow more with less."


  • pressure 压力+on sb
  • answer one's call 响应……的号召
  • 用更低的成本生产更多的粮食grow more with less

"Whenever I talk about food security in Singapore, I tell folks don't think land - think space.Because you can go upwards and sideways," said Paul Teng.

Paul Teng称:“每当谈到新加坡的粮食安全问题时,我告诉人们要抛开土地,开发空间。因为你可以向上开发和向侧面延伸。

  • Whenever 每当
  • 粮食安全 food security
  • folks人们
  • go upwards向上开发
  • downwards
  • 近音-wards/words/worlds
  • go sideways向侧面延伸