




The world's most welcoming city? According to a new ranking, it’s not free-spirited New Orleans, hip Berlin or sociable Stockholm, but a place where chewing gum is banned and eating or drinking on the metro can result in a hefty fine. It's Singapore.


The Asian city state pipped the Swedish capital to the top spot not for its stringent rules but rather its safe environment, efficient and ultramodern airport and willingness to host tourists.


Third place went to Helsinki and fourth place to San Francisco.



达卡有 1623.5 万人口,折合每平方英里 11.43 万人。达卡还是经济学人智库发布的全球最不宜居城市榜单上的常客(2014 年排在第 2),很少有游客前来。如今达卡越来越拥挤,也是全球 20 个发展最快的城市之一。

Dhaka has a population of 16,235,000, which works out at 114,300 per square mile. It's not on many travel itineraries, however, being a regular on the Economist Intelligence Unit's annual ranking of the world's "least liveable cities" (it came 2nd in 2014). Space is getting even tighter - it's also among the world's 20 fastest growing.

排在第二名的是巴基斯坦的海德拉巴(每平方英里 10.68 万人)。印度维杰亚瓦达排在第三(每平方英里 8.07 万人)。

Second place goes to Hyderabad, Pakistan (106,800 per square mile), and third place to Vijayawada, India (80,700 per square mile).


经济学人智库的全球生活成本调查评估了全球 133 个城市的 150 多次不同的购买情况,来确定穷游的“驴友”应该去哪里,以及该避免去哪里。

The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Worldwide Cost of Living Survey assessed more than 150 different purchases in 133 cities around the world to determine where budget travellers should go - and where they should avoid.

远东地区和西欧地区的城市占据了榜单前列。新加坡已经连续四年高居榜首,位列其后的是中国香港、苏黎世和日本东京、大阪。排在前 10 的还有首尔、日内瓦、巴黎和哥本哈根。

The Far East and Western Europe dominate the upper end of the table. Singapore, which has topped the charts for four consecutive years, is followed by Hong Kong, while Zurich and two Japanese cities - Tokyo and Osaka - complete the top five. Seoul, Geneva, Paris and Copenhagen also featured in the top 10.


阿拉木图击败尼日利亚的拉各斯成为全球花费最低的城市。印度对囊中羞涩的游客来说也是不错的选择,比如班加罗尔、金奈、孟买和新德里都位列全球城市消费榜倒数 10 位。除了阿拉木图,布加勒斯特、基辅和圣彼得堡的消费水平都处于最低之列。

Almaty pipped Lagos in Nigeria to the title of world’s cheapest city. India also looks a good bet for travellers on a shoestring, with Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi all among the bottom 10. After Almaty, Bucharest, Kiev and St Petersburg offer the lowest prices.


人口超过 5 万的城市中,海拔最高的是秘鲁塞罗德帕斯科。这里是秘鲁的矿业中心,海拔 4330 米。

The highest settlement with a population above 50,000 is Cerro de Pasco, a mining centre in Peru that sits at 4,330 metres above sea level.

海拔最高的首都是厄瓜多尔首都基多(海拔 2850 米)或是玻利维亚首都拉巴斯(3640 米)。这里的不确定性在于玻利维亚官方首都其实是苏克雷(2750 米),但政府实际所在地是拉巴斯。

The highest capital is either Quito, Ecuador (2,850m) or La Paz, Bolivia (3,640m). The doubt lay in the fact that Bolivia's official capital is actually Sucre, which stands at 2,750 metres above sea level, but the country's seat of government is in La Paz.

全球城市中海拔最高的是秘鲁的拉林科纳达(5100 米)。欧洲海拔最高的首都是安道尔首都安道尔城(1023 米)。英国海拔最高的城市是布拉德福德(324 米)。

The highest settlement of all is La Rinconada, also in Peru, at 5,100 metres. Europe's highest capital is Andorra la Vella, at 1,023m. The UK's highest city is Bradford, at 324m.



在最近两次《每日电讯报旅游奖》的调查中,读者将开普敦评选为最喜爱城市。2016 年有超过 7 万读者参加了评选。2017 年的评选结果将于几周后公布,开普敦还会高居榜首吗?

Readers named Cape Town their favourite city in the last two Telegraph Travel Awards (more than 70,000 people voted in 2016). The results of the 2017 awards will be published in the coming weeks – will it hang on to the top spot?


根据经济学人智库发布的 2017 年安全城市指数,东京是全球最安全的城市,总分为 89.8。在 4 个主要分类中,东京在数据安全中排名第一、健康安全排名第二、个人安全排名第四、基建安全排名第 12。新加坡和大阪分列榜单第二、三位。

That's according to The Safe Cities Index 2017, produced by The Economist Intelligence Unit. The Japanese capital, number one in the last Safe Cities Index, held onto the top spot with an overall score of 89.8. Of the four main categories, it came first for digital security, second for health security, fourth for personal security and 12th for infrastructure security. Singapore and Osaka came second and third overall.


根据世界旅游及旅行理事会发布的报告,未来 10 年中,位于中国西南部的重庆市旅游业将增长 14%。

Chongqing in south-west China is poised to grow its travel industry by 14 percent in the next 10 years, according to a report by the World Travel and Tourism Council.


But why might you want to spend a long weekend in Chongqing? Our family editor Sally Peck, who lived in China for two years and returns frequently, explains. “Greater Chongqing, population 30 million, is a major manufacturing centre and transportation hub,” she says.


“It occupies a strategic position along the Yangtze, serving as the start of most Three Gorges cruises, and also as the port for many cargo ships. While hot pot probably originated in northern China, its greatest iteration comes from Chongqing: you cook raw vegetables and meat in a bowl of fiery chilli-laden soup and it is delicious.”


2016 年冬天,德里的污染程度再创新高,空气质量指数达到 999。为了给大家一个直观感受,伦敦最高的空气质量指数是 88,超过 500 就属于“危险”。

Pollution in Delhi hit staggering new heights last winter, with the city’s Air Quality Index (AQI) reaching 999. To provide a little context, the highest AQI in London is currently 88, and anything above 500 is considered “hazardous”.

根据世界卫生组织的数据,印度德里是全球污染最严重的城市,年均PM 2.5 浓度为 150。另外三个印度城市,巴特那、瓜廖尔、赖布尔紧随其后。

According to the World Health Organisation, it is the most polluted city in the world, with an average annual PM 2.5 concentration of 150. Three more Indian cities - Patna, Gwalior and Raipur - follow it in the rankings.


全球高级餐厅之都无疑是东京,共有 302 家米其林餐厅。

The undoubted world capital of fine dining is Tokyo, with a remarkable 302 stars in total.

Three stars: 12

东京共有米其林三星级餐厅 12 家。

Two stars: 53

二星级:53 家

One star: 160

一星级:160 家


香港有 316 座超过 150 米高的大楼,63 座超过 200 米高的大楼,还有 6 座超过 300 米高的大楼,让人难以置信,超过了纽约和迪拜。

Hong Kong has an incredible 316 buildings of 150m or more, 63 buildings of 200m or more, and 6 buildings of 300m or more, putting it ahead of New York and Dubai.


汉堡在全球城市中桥梁最多,有 2300 架,比威尼斯、伦敦、阿姆斯特丹桥梁的总和还要多。

Hamburg claims this crown, with 2,300. That's more than Venice, London and Amsterdam combined.