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English Version

Hello! My name is professor Raghavendra. I'm a professor of finance at the University of Cambridge Judge Business school. It gives me a great pleasure to speak to you today. First I'd like to congratulate KingLead on everything you're doing for international schools. I hope the Nobel innovation forum will be a great success. Also I want to congratulate the international schools on the 2022lists. And I applaud the publishing of their Research Report for international schools.

What I like to talk to you today is about innovation. Innovation is a new way of doing something, perhaps enabled by technology but perhaps not. It's a paradigm shift in the way we think about things. It's a brand new way of doing stuff. Let's take a couple of examples. Plus I talk about general examples, then I talk about examples and finance. Then I talk about Nobel prize warning in available ideas in finance.


The history of university innovation

Let's start by thinking about universities.Many of you are thinking of going on to universities. But have you ever thought about, why a university comes to be founded? When we think of university, we think of education.

But the first university is in the world, in the Western Board, were created in early 1088.Right?Almost all the great universities in the world started around that point in time. Examples include Oxford, Cambridge, Salamanca, Bologna, places like that. But why would somebody found a university? Well, in Europe, Bologna and places like that, Students basically said, new developments happening in the science, and other areas like this.So we gotta hire people to teach us what the new developments are.

Now this is fine. That's in Bologna, Salamanca, except the problem is, students are not very rich, so these universities never became very rich.

So, what is the innovation?It turns out that people in England, in Oxford, essentially which is the oldest university in English speaking world, talk of a different system. Remember, there were monks pretty much at that time. And the income for monks just coming over the dark ages is not very high.So they sell agricultural products,but really there's not much money in agricultural products. So who's a better source of money?The only people who are rich are noble people,the kings,the dukes, and the funeral societies are lots of these people. But what’s innovation? How do you go to a king and say, send your kids to us and be educated? These are rich people.If they have enough money,they’ll have a tutor brought to their house to educate that kids.

And more importantly, if you let your child go away from your house,what's gonna happen?The child might be kidnapped,might be helped to ransom, might be for making you forced to do things you do not want to do.Basically,a child is a potential hostage once he leaves your house.However,the monks said,let's see if you can find a way about this.What could they do?Well,if you go to the king and say,let me educate your elder child, the King would forget it, not gonna happen. But you go to the king and say,what about your second son, your third son? They go on spending the entire time plotting to kill the elder brothers, possibly you, possibly your entire family.

Do you want to take that risk?Maybe if you send your younger kids to us, we can teach them there's a way to make a living without having to kill your whole family and everybody in there.That was an innovative mode of thinking.That's one of the reasons, why Oxford and Cambridge became so wealthy and so famous.They've been doing this for over 1,000 years. That innovation was persuading people to send their children to university.It was never been done before.No one had ever thought of the idea of sending your children away from home to get an education.That was the beginning of educational innovation.


Innovation of ideas in finance

In finance, there are only about six major ideas.Five of those ideas have Nobel prize as associated with them.Each of them involves a paradigm shift,a way of thinking that is very different from anybody who came before.That's why they got a Nobel Prize.

What are these six ideas?The first idea is simple.It is something called net present value.I will give you something like some investment, in return, you promise you pay me something.Should I do this?It depends on how much you're paying me and when you're paying me.

So if I give you¥100 now and you promise you give me¥1,000 50years from now.That's not as attractive as me give me¥100 today and you give me¥1,000 next month.There's a time value of money.So have to somehow compare what's the value of thousand Yuan next month thousand Yuan 50 years from now.That means I need a discount rate.That's the first big Nobel prize winning idea in finance.It looks at something called portfolio theory,portfolio theory,and the equation which derived from it,the capital asset pricing model come up with an equation that tells us precisely how much risk a person will repay and what is the return they need in order for bearing that risk?How do they do this?Given that over a several billion people in the world, how do they find a unique measure risk for everybody?

The innovative idea they had was to say, let's not worry about what people think about is a risk for something else. What we know is if you know what they hold, what smart investors will hold, you can see what's the addition to risk taken on by adding something new to what I'm already holding. They showed that every rational person would want to hold a market Portfolio, and all risk is measured relative to the market portfolio. That's the essence of portfolio to it. However,finance people also not only have to decide whether to investment something, they have to raise money to do their actual investment.

The 4th idea and the third Nobel Prize-winning in finance, is option pricing theory that tells me what is a right to do something. Suppose I can change my mind. I can buy a plane ticket, but I can cancel the plane ticket before I fly. That's a valuable right. How do you price this right? The guys who came up with the answer, or option price theory, were Black and Scholes, were awarded twice for that. Yet another idea is that the asymmetric information. The same thing holds with any kind of what we call asymmetric information problems. That means, you know something that I don't. But I know that you know something I don't. So I take that into account when I'm deciding to buy or sell something from you. Right. For example, if you tell me this is an amazing item, I guarantee it is perfect, I say well, but you know more about it than I do. So are you lying?Are you telling the truth?How do I judge for the possibility that you might be lying?That's the area of asymmetric information and that’s why people like George Akerlorf, Micheal Spence, and Joseph Stiglitz’s work.

The final idea is that the market efficiency and behavioral finance. That's the idea that information hit prices. Does Information accurately reflect what's happening to prices?Some people say yes, some people say no. And since an entire area of finance and innovation consists of thinking about information, lots of people again have got Nobel Prices for this idea, including Karama, Bob Shiller, Eugene Fama and Richard Thaler.

So this is an overview of innovation. in my classes, I like to focus on these ideas, I like to focus on innovation. It's good to question everything. Well, it's also good to think like other people in society, it helps people to build a strong and stable society. But that's not enough. Innovators think differently. Why does something be done in a particular way?I have better ways of doing this. That's what innovators are thinking of. If there's one message I want to leave you, it is this – question everything. This is tough. You will stick out. People will say, why is that person always questioning everything?It's uncomfortable because you're the only one who's asking question, but everybody else is quiet,but innovation is all about change.And change is not always welcomed by everybody.If you want to change the world,innovation is the key.But innovation means question.So with that,let me thank you for your attention.And I hope you enjoy the forum.

How should we do the actual investment?That's NPV and the portfolio capitalizing the prize and model, but raising investment. How should I do? The guy who came up with the answer to this one, Modigliani Miller got the second Nobel prize for it. They introduce in simple. They said, let's do a thought experiment where forms are only allowed to raise debt and buy that equity, or you give equity and buy that debt. That means they don't do any investment. They just changing the assets on the balance sheet and the ideal circumstances, this will have no impact on the value of the form.


Question everything

So this is an overview of innovation. in my classes, I like to focus on these ideas, I like to focus on innovation. It's good to question everything. Well, it's also good to think like other people in society, it helps people to build a strong and stable society. But that's not enough. Innovators think differently. Why does something be done in a particular way?I have better ways of doing this. That's what innovators are thinking of. If there's one message I want to leave you, it is this – question everything. This is tough. You will stick out. People will say, why is that person always questioning everything?It's uncomfortable because you're the only one who's asking question, but everybody else is quiet, but innovation is all about change. And change is not always welcomed by everybody. If you want to change the world, innovation is the key.But innovation means question. So with that,let me thank you for your attention. And I hope you enjoy the forum.

Goodbye. Good luck.