• 09月22日 星期日

每日新闻播报(September 5)

每日新闻播报(September 5)


>Bins out at Aussie school


Melbourne Girls' College is getting rid of all its bins and asking students to take their rubbish home in a bold bid to encourage them to move towards zero waste.


The Richmond college will over five weeks phase out receptacles in classrooms and the yard, leaving 1400 students and 140 staff to find their own home for chip packets and juice boxes.这所位于墨尔本里士满的学校将在5周内拆除教室和校园内的垃圾桶,全校1400名学生和140名教职员工要把薯片袋和果汁盒带回家。

As part of the shift, volunteer students will conduct daily non-compulsory food inspections in which children bringing "zero waste" lunch boxes will be rewarded.同时,学生志愿者每天会进行非强制性午餐饭盒检查,携带"零废弃物"饭盒的学生将受到奖励。

Students using only reusable packaging will receive a token that will go into a draw to win prizes such as keepcups.只使用可重复利用包装盒的学生将收到一张礼券,凭此可参与抽奖,赢得诸如keepcup咖啡杯等之类的奖品。

每日新闻播报(September 5)

Julie Andrews poses with the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement award at the 76th Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy, September 2, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Andrews honored in Venice



Julie Andrews, the star of much-loved movies "Mary Poppins" and "The Sound of Music", was awarded a lifetime achievement award at the Venice Film Festival on Monday.


The 83-year-old, who won an Oscar in 1965 for playing the strict but kind-hearted nanny Mary Poppins, held up and kissed the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement award to an applauding audience.现年83岁的安德鲁斯曾在1965年凭借其饰演的严厉却善良的保姆玛丽•波平斯获得奥斯卡奖。此次在威尼斯获终身成就奖后,安德鲁斯手捧金狮深情亲吻,台下掌声雷动。

Andrews began her career as a child actress on the stage in London's West End before heading to Broadway.安德鲁斯是童星出道,那时她作为一名小演员活跃在伦敦西区,后来进入百老汇。

Mary Poppins turned her into an international star, and she has gone on to feature in movies such as "Victor/Victoria" and "The Princess Diaries", and most recently lent her voice to 2018 blockbuster "Aquaman".玛丽•波平斯一角令她成为国际巨星,后来她又出演了《雌雄莫辩》、《公主日记》等片,她最近的作品是给2018年大片《海王》配音。

每日新闻播报(September 5)

Disney cartoon characters interact with visitors at the Shanghai Disney Resort. [Photo/China Daily]

>Disney expands discounts


Shanghai Disney Resort announced on Tuesday that it will be expanding its preferential access policies at its theme park and related hotels starting from Oct 8.


Children under the age of three or are 1 meter and below in height on the day of their visit will receive free park admission, the resort said. 该度假区表示,在游园当日年龄在3岁以下或身高1米及以下的儿童游客将可免票入园。

In addition, a discount of approximately 25% will be provided to children aged three to 11 years as well as those who are above 1 meter, up to 1.4 meters, in height. 此外,在游园当日年龄在3岁至11岁,以及身高1米以上至1.4米的儿童游客可享受门票价格约75折的优惠。

Shanghai Disney added that the new policy will be applicable to tickets that are purchased starting from Sept 9 and used starting from Oct 8. 上海迪士尼还称,新政策将适用于游客9月9日起购买、10月8日起使用的上海迪士尼乐园门票。

The new policies also include benefits for guests aged 11 and under at the resort's two themed hotels - Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel - as well as kids' meals at the resort's restaurants.新政策还包括11岁及以下游客可以在度假区的两座主题酒店,即上海迪士尼乐园酒店及玩具总动员酒店享受儿童福利,以及在度假区各餐厅享受儿童餐优惠。

每日新闻播报(September 5)

A downtown view of Tokyo. [Photo/VCG]

>Tokyo named safest city


Tokyo was named the world's safest city by the Economist Intelligence Unit, in an index ranking cities' ability to handle everything from climate disasters to cyber attacks.


Singapore took second place after Japan's capital while another Japanese metropolis, Osaka, came third. 新加坡仅次于东京,位居第二,另一座日本大都市大阪排名第三。

Two European and two North American cities made it into the top 10, with the Dutch capital Amsterdam in fourth place while Denmark's Copenhagen came eighth. Canada's Toronto came sixth, and the US capital, Washington DC, seventh. 欧洲和北美各有两座城市进入前十名。荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹位居第四、丹麦哥本哈根位居第八、加拿大多伦多位居第六、美国首都华盛顿位居第七。

The safest cities scored highly on access to high-quality healthcare, dedicated cybersecurity teams, community-based police patrols and good disaster planning, researchers said. 研究人员说,最安全的城市在获得高质量的医疗卫生服务、专门的网络安全团队、社区警察巡逻和良好的灾害应对规划方面均得分很高。

Nigeria's Lagos, Venezuela's Caracas, Myanmar's Yangon, Pakistan's Karachi and Bangladesh's Dhaka were the world's five least safe cities, according to the index.


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每日新闻播报(September 21)


