

在一档美食节目《吃货老外The food ranger》中,老外UP主来到了广东顺德的街头,探索最地道的顺德街头美食。


老外UP主还尝试了另一种着名的中国街头食品 – 双皮奶,就在广东的小巷和街头市场里。还有豆花和龟苓膏~

最后一餐,一行人去了一场巨大的中国宴会,还参观了一家着名的顺德餐厅,进入了后厨,看厨师们如何准备举世无双的粤式菜肴。他点了一些“吓人”的中国街头小吃,比如中国生鱼片-- 将草鱼迅速切片并送到餐桌上。还有一盘蒸蛇和蛇蛋,甚至有一盘油炸知了...




The Food Ranger

Make sure to watch until the end cause wefound Chinese SASHIMI at the end and steamed SNAKE! So rare! What an amazingday of eating this was in Shunde, just south of Guangzhou and just a shortdistance from Hong Kong! I hope you’re doing well and eating well and thank youvery much for watching our street food tours! We are loving the food in China,more Sichuan videos coming up and then we are thinking of going to Japan!!! Ican’t wait to share with you guys what we find!


Mousy Medias1 个月前

That Juicy goose and pork, really tempts toeat.


TubeDeviant1 个月前

Psst... Trevor, that guy lowkey stole yourfood.. haha..



People here are so mean for that old man .This world is harsh .

这里的人对那个老人太吝啬了吧。 这世界就这么严格么?

Franklin MacGillacuddy1 个月前

Man no joke! The combination of that gooseliver and pork meat looks like one of the most amazing things you could eatanywhere in the world!!!


Jeroen1 个月前

I love the food Trevor. But the thing Ilove even more is all these traditional places and authentic restaurants.


shai K.M.1 个月前

You have the best food show I know onYouTube, it's awesome how you also speak the language, it makes it so much morefun to see!


dingzhong li1 个月前

I can guarantee you that the goose andchashao is definitely amazing, half fat and meat, thats the best ratio oftaste!


灵魂幻影1 个月前

I dont dare to try the sashimi even thoughI am cantonese myself...maybe there are parasites inside


Amar Gobbur1 个月前

The Roast Duck Chef was best.. He pouredTea for you and that's the humbleness a good Chef must have. Nice Video. Wouldlove more Chinese food videos..


Bry Guy1 个月前

Love your videos Trevor! Would be nice tohear you speak with locals and Ting ting in Cantonese. It would feel more athome especially whilst watching videos of you in Southern China andGuangzhou/Shenzhen/HK. Look forward to more southern videos. Not sure if youhave been to Hainan yet.. If not, hope to see a video of the further south ofChina as well.


amor sen1 个月前

I enjoyed watching most part of the videoexcept the last part,, just a reminder, you should only eat animals and fishwhen they are fully heated(fried steamed roasted etc..) only certain seafoodand qualified beef are safe to eat raw.'. grass carp is river fish which hasparasites that can afect human body, while grass carp sashimi is popular dishin cantonese china, it is deadly, i occasionally read news on the internet thatcantonese or southeast asians get parasite diseases even die due to eating toomuch raw river fish sashimi or raw pork I remember one video showed parasites creepingunder an affected guy's skin and he liked eating grass carp sashimi.. verydisgusting man,, in trevors video the old man shows trevors to put garlic inthe sashimi which kills germs but garlic, chili even spirits arent enough tokill parasites


ambrose ym1 个月前(修改过)

I would really be puzzled if someone comesto my table, takes half of the sashimi with dressings, and the tells me that ishow you eat


Somoko Chou3周前

lol that man who demonstrated for you howto enjoy the sashimi was actually very rude, especially when he knocked thedishes with his chopsticks. If I were you, I'd get really mad at him.


Zefyr1 个月前

i just love how all these people you meetare so sincere and care so much about their work, and then they're even supernice to you, it's heartwarming


Antony Yang1 个月前

Chinese cuisine is one of the most diversein the world. You will spend a lifetime and still discover something new. Someare not for everyone, but if you want to eat like the locals, you have to divedeep. Keep up the good work. It's funny how your Mandarin was better than someof theirs as Cantonese is their mother tongue.


TIᗰOTᕼY KIᗰ1 个月前

Your videos are wonderful! I wouldrecommend to go to Korea next, they have some really unique foods, similar toChina



that old man is so smart "make one foryourself" haha he stole some of your food


Daisy Wong1 个月前

Chinese style sashimi is rare and veryancient. goes way back in time. only Cantonese people preserved it. Japanesesashimi/sushi came from this style prehistory


Era Aion1 个月前

You're the best, I would have agreed tonothing but Chinese duck as the tastiest dish in the world and that's the firstthing that shows up on screen.


秦始皇Qin ShiHuang1 个月前(修改过)

In case you didn't know, sashimi actuallycame from China, known as Kuai and Xuan, with fish, beef and lamb for Kuai andveal and pork for xuan. They are also dipped in a sauce made from scallion,Sichuan pepper or mustard seed, a role fulfilled by wasabi in Japanese cuisine.It slowly went out of popularity until the Qing dynasty and is only consumedmainly in Southern China like Guangdong, ChaoZhou as well as Singapore andMalaysia during Chinese New Year today in as Yusheng, in the form of a saladtype dish dressed in a sour type of sauce like vinegar or plum sauce. It is infact quite similar to the original dish.


Heidi W1 个月前

lol when the man teaches you how to eat thesashimi, i heard the convo between him and a lady. The lady says that you areenjoying the food and tells the man don't interrupt you. But the man arguesback and says shut up lol


Emily Yang1 个月前

Trevor, are you in the countryside ofShunde? You used the word "Canton" which was an old version ofGuangdong. "Canton" is no longer used in modern English.


sergeigen11 个月前

the roast goose place looked epic. thosegenerstional restaurants are rare gems


Tony Tang1 个月前

Grass Carp Sashimi........As a Chinese,I've never heard of it... lol.. China is too big.


Tung Chan1 个月前

Very nice even I am a Chinese from HongKong there is so many dishes I never seem before


Bledi Gegolli1 个月前

My mouth is watering, seems so delicious,esp the goose...


Liyan Huang1 个月前


prreggae1 个月前

The Goose, liver, and pork looked amazing.It got me Hungry!!!! Thanks to you and Ting for the great video. Take care bro.


Mr. Talented1 个月前

so fun to see cantonese guys struggle tospeak mandarin


Moontess1 个月前

Whoa the knife skills! I personally loveCantonese desserts, especially the tou hua - I remember refusing to eat themwhen I was a kid but I've come to love them as an adult. (And the uncle at theend... classic Cantonese hospitality there - loud, warm, and centred aroundfood ^_^)

这刀工!!我个人比较喜欢广东菜,特别是豆花,我记得小时候我是拒绝吃豆花的,但是长大以后我爱死豆花了(还有视频最后那位大叔,经典的粤式招待 – 喧闹、暖心、以食物为中心)

Reuel Enerio1 个月前

That guy was like. I'll teach you how to dothis and I'm just gonna grab a bowl. Bye


Dayu Yu1 个月前

when I was watching this video, I decidedto eat the steamed snake with lots of eggs. I live in Shenzhen, not very faraway from Shunde. I couldn't find 新辉大排档 at my navigation, but only 星槎村. So I drive to the village and asked a local guy. the guy told methat I could drive to 星槎市场 and will find the 新辉大排档 beside a basketball playground. the restaurant only serves from 5pmto midnight, so you couldn't have lunch there.


manullim1 个月前(修改过)

I cringe at carp sashimi part: You are NOTsupposed to eat fresh-water fish as raw Sashimi. Japanese certainly don't..

我有点害怕鲤鱼生鱼片部分,你不应该吃淡水鱼生鱼片。 日本人绝对不会吃的..

Kento Komoto1 个月前

I need to like this more than once! thatcombo bite of goose liver and char siu.... culinary genius. That is perfection!that is my culinary Everest! Damn the USA food Nazis for making goose illegalcommercially!


People's Republic of Bananas香蕉人民共和国1 个月前

Fatty char siu tastes like heaven. One ofmy favorites. I think the siu mei from this restaurant may be the best. Peoplewho have not tried their food are so poor guys. You will never forget the tasteonce you have tried that. I m so envious. Seriously, i want to cry.


Jean-Louis Dupuis1 个月前

Hey ! Thank you for your hard work, it is areal pleasure to look and listen at it. A little question for you, when youorder a plate of something you barely don't touch because you don't likeit....is there a culture who will not appreciate the fact that you leave a fullplate ? Sorry for my bad English, i am à french from Quebec Canada. Very goodjob you two


Ben Hong1 个月前

Trevor, you have done well in blending inwith your respect and fluency. A doff of my toque to a fellow Canuck. Iemigrated fron Toysaan (Taishan), just north of Kwangchou, in 1948, and havebeen back home for business and pleasure many times. Gotta have my regular fixof real food,。


Nanie Flowers1 个月前

I respect how you eat alot of differentcountries food's .. I've been following you for a while & because of you Itried authentic Chinese cuisine @ a place called "A taste ofshichwan" here in LA .. I think I'm too a custom to American version ofChinese food .. Soo the real thing wasn't really my type .. But my husbandloved it & it was really nice trying something new



The fact that you can actually speak thelanguage shows your greatness and wide respect for it's culture and history


darkmster 61 个月前

Nah that old guy was just out for a freemeal and saw a westerner with lots of food i love the country but the peoplecan be ignorant they dont realise that some western looking people are bornthere so when they ask were your from and you say sichuan they think yourjoking same as japan


Bean Bag1 个月前

If you ever get a chance, make sure tovisit Fuzhou in Fujian province! Beautiful city and where my parents grew up!Pretty sure if I remember correctly, they have a ton of amazing street food andrestaurants.


Sam Greenaway1 个月前

Been watching you for years I won't bwanting ANY MORE preg snake being killed is to much good bye.


T zwcard1 个月前

i prefer eating raw fish slices withdipping sauce rather than putting it into the bowl and mixing it, usually justput the oil/soy into the bowl mix with some ginger/onion/garlic slices, thendip slices of fish into it.


PK Produktions1 个月前

This looks so exotic and tasty! Chinesefood is my number one favorite! I prefer cooking it at home than ordering takeout, here in the U.S., this really makes me want to go to China and try thefood! Also, props on knowing Mandarin! I would love to learn it!


Ingrid Alcazar1 个月前

I'm impressed by the way cantonese food isprepared. Always look simple, as it needed few ingredients and only throw itall to the pan. I know it is not the case but the dishes look rustic, I reallyaprecciate that; pork Thank you Trevor for another magicalexperience.


Chan Xenon Sze Long1 个月前

Hey i am from hong kong and i am very surethat the 龟苓膏 guilinggao(chinese herb jelly) is still using the turtle shell as this is the traditionalmaterial to be used, yes most of the places are no longer using the shells butsome of the more traditional and formal desert shops in china still uses turtleshell as the main ingredient.


霜夜 彬4周前

I never been to China. I grew up eatingroast pork, roast duck, cha siu. It's really delicious but I can feel myarteries clog when I see how shiny that roast duck is lol.



dude i did not know China has " BASA" fans !! (the guy showing you the oven , is wearing a FCB jersey ) , andi really like the Tandori oven they had in the basement ... (it is muchdifferent in design but the concept is exactly the same as in India. )


it's me1 个月前

I heard from my mom (a traditional chinesedoctor/acupuncturist) that guilin gao helps with your "heat" and acneprevention. You should've seen how many cups of them I bought from the store!


Brian Brian2周前

I really dig that the host speaks Chineseas so many of these travel/ youtube hosts seem to just crave the fame andtravel but not the commitment to respecting the people and culture of wherethey are traveling. Also knowing the language and being a Westerner is so rarethat you see the surprise on people's faces when the host speaks to them intheir own language. Very cool


Simulator Mortalis1 个月前

Guangzhou has the best cuisine, created bybest chefs in Shunde. Traditionally the best chefs in Guangzhou come fromShunde, so they got this saying as a common sense.


Anima Manager1 个月前

If you feel like cantonese people give youthe cold shoulders, that's because we are all tsunderes.
