

gogohands a look at the world, take you to see the whole world

项目名称 Project Name –主教门广场一号

项目地点 Location –英国伦敦:80 Houndsditch, London, UK, EC3A 7AB

项目面积 Area –49800 ㎡

完工时间 Project Year – 2021

▼场地平面,location plan ©PLP Architecture

▼首层平面,ground floor plan ©PLP Architecture

▼2层平面,level 2 plan ©PLP Architecture

▼4层平面,level 4 plan ©PLP Architecture

▼6层平面,level 6 plan ©PLP Architecture

▼26层平面,level 26 plan ©PLP Architecture

现场实景Live action

▼主教门大街一号,One Bishopsgate Plaza ©Julian Abrams

▼街景视角,view from the street ©Nathanial Moore

▼塔楼幕墙,tower facade ©Julian Abrams

▼幕墙细部,details ©Julian Abrams

▼塔楼入口,Entrance ©Julian Abrams

▼泛太平洋酒店大堂,Pan Pacific Lobby ©Jack Hardy

▼泛太平洋酒店室内游泳池,Pan Pacific London Pool ©Jack Hardy

▼高端住宅室内,The Sky Residences ©Julian Abrams

▼室内夜景,night view, the Sky Residences ©Julian Abrams

▼德文郡宫屋顶,Devonshire House Rooftop ©Julian Abrams

▼夜景,night view, One Bishopsgate Plaza ©Jack Hardy

结 语

该项目由华业集团(UOL Group Limited)打造,标志着新加坡开发商在英国的第一个重大项目。
主塔楼设有欧洲第一家泛太平洋酒店,酒店上方是Sky Residence高端住宅。

Created for UOL Group Limited, this marks the Singapore-based developer’s first major project in the UK
The main tower houses Europe’s first Pan Pacific hotel, with luxury residential apartments (The Sky Residences) above
The development opens up and reconnects the site with the surrounding richly historic neighbourhoods