





Capital is a wonderful thing.


The United States is the biggest supporter and promoter of capitalism, but we should realize that global capitalism means that there is nothing in the world that can prevent China from manufacturing semiconductor chips except China's inherent destructive force.


Among all semiconductor design companies in the United States, China accounts for 38% of the market. This means that cutting off the supply of Chinese parts will hit the operating performance of these companies by 38%, and there is no alternative market. Japan is saturated, South Korea is saturated, and the demand of emerging markets is less than 0.1% of that of China.


The Chinese company ordered 12 EUV lithography machines from a Dutch manufacturer at a price of 1.64 billion US dollars. However, a Dutch court ruled that the first two EUV machines must be delivered regardless of the US sanctions, since the initial order was issued before the sanctions. Therefore, on March 8, 2021, the delivery of two EUV machines was only delayed for three weeks.

中国公司以16.4亿美元的价格向一家荷兰制造商订购了12台EUV光刻机。然而,荷兰一家法院裁定,由于最初的命令是在制裁之前下达的,因此无论美国的制裁如何,必须交付首批2台EUV机器。因此,2021 3月8日,两台EUV机器仅延迟了3周交付。

America can't do anything!!!!


The second delivery will expire in June 2022. There are two EUV machines in total. This transaction has also been approved by the Dutch court, so the United States cannot interfere in any way.


This is the third batch of two other EUV machines to be delivered in June 2024. The problem will arise because the payment for this order was issued after the sanctions proposed by Trump.


However, China has companies in 47 countries, including Singapore and Malaysia, which can import EUVs and repackage and sell them to China without violating any global laws.


To make matters worse, American companies are selling products to China in violation of US sanctions


If you look at the top 20 private technology companies in the United States today, you will find that 15 are registered in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda or the Bahamas. This makes them happy to establish technology transfer platforms with Singapore or Malaysia companies completely controlled by China.


Therefore, China has indirectly obtained this technology, while private technology companies will not bypass the law and tell Americans - "Sir, I only sold it to Singapore". Therefore, the United States must sanction half of the global companies in order to achieve its goal, which will cause these companies to lose a lot of business.




The Chinese people have made good use of the judicial system of Western countries and the initial advantages of global trade to invest in many countries, and have taken advantage of the fact that all companies need a bottom line in the market, and China is a huge market that cannot be ignored.


Therefore, no matter what politicians say, market forces will find a way. The United States cannot contain China in this childish way.


China will obtain all the necessary equipment without any restriction. Therefore, curbing China's development will bind the United States in the short term and make China a leader in another field.



When I grew up in my hometown, Dallas, Texas, the United States, this question reminded me that for many years, the second largest city in Texas was dominated by two newspapers, the Dallas Morning Post and the Dallas Times Herald. The Morning Post has more subscribers and believes that it is a newspaper of higher quality.


Despite this, the Times Herald still has many loyal readers, because the Morning Post is considered to be too supportive of "big enterprises" and Dallas's "institutionalism". The Time Herald is considered a rebel, but it has been struggling financially. The owner has agreed to sell its franchise to a larger newspaper.


The Morning Post was pleased to acquire their main competitor. They closed the Time Herald and Dallas became a city with only one newspaper. The inevitable result is that the Dallas Morning News has reduced the quality of local news reports, lost many subscribers, and had to conduct large-scale layoffs. Since then, it is no longer one of the best newspapers in the country.


The lesson learned from this story is to explain how competition creates excellence, and how monopoly produces the opposite effect as expected. In the global technology industry, the two main business competitors are the United States and China.


The United States, like the Dallas Morning News, believes that they only need to invest in acquiring competitors. If they fail there, they will lobby Washington, London and Brussels to stop Chinese technology companies. If they can do this, we will see that American high-tech companies are no longer developing because they have no competitors.

美国就像《达拉斯晨报》(Dallas Morning News)一样,认为他们只需要投入资金来收购竞争对手,如果他们在那里不成功,他们就会游说华盛顿、伦敦和布鲁塞尔阻止中国的科技公司。如果他们能够做到这一点,我们将看到美国高科技公司不再发展进步,因为他们没有竞争对手。

Companies that become monopolies only care about their own interests. If there is no competition, they will often bully customers by increasing the price of products and services and reducing the scale of R&D investment and operation.


They can take action with impunity, which is why the governments of many countries, including China, impose strict supervision on anti-monopoly activities.



In the short and medium term, American companies may achieve some success in eliminating competition from China, but in the long run, they are doomed to lose. Chinese technology companies will change their operations and localize their production, development and consumer base.


Chinese enterprises will have more incentive to upgrade, because they can succeed only by expanding in domestic markets and emerging markets. At the same time, American technology companies have no incentive to upgrade, because they think their competitors are eliminated in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union.


China's high-tech companies are innovative. Noting that the world is moving towards a digital economy and that China has led the advanced army in 5G and related industries using AI, China can make greater progress in global innovation through the combined use of AI, cloud storage and big data analysis.


In other words, the decoupling of the US and China's science and technology strategy will not restore the US to its former glory.



The high-tech supply chain of the United States is very small for China's high-tech industry. Only software design tools occupy a slightly higher weight, the rest can be ignored, and there are other options.


The United States itself will not destroy China's technology industry, but the United States is trying to abuse its dollar system to threaten the global supply chain to choose whether to supply to China.


This task is doomed to fail, and many companies, including American companies, cannot strive to lose the Chinese market. Ultimately, most suppliers will find ways to circumvent threats and prohibitions.


Most likely, it accelerated the decline of the high-tech industry in the United States. Disturb the global supply chain and global supply, such as the current shortage of semiconductor chips in the market.


This will encourage China to increase its efforts to become self reliant in key components and materials and to achieve sufficient output. It also helps China identify reliable suppliers from unreliable suppliers.


In general, this will help China consolidate its efforts to build a strong and reliable high-tech industry and become an invincible global high-tech center.


The impact on the U.S. high-tech industry will be negative. The global trend of free American content may gain traction. U.S. technology companies will lose market share, reduce revenue, reduce R&D funds, and reduce competitiveness. It will eventually be replaced by the market.


China will accelerate its leading position in the global high-tech market.



This problem is often mentioned by those who do not know what technical progress needs. To understand the dynamics of technological breakthroughs, you must first determine the prerequisites. You can't develop 5G technology with a group of red necks. American politicians, the media and the government keep spreading rumors. China's progress is due to stealing American trade secrets, copying American technology and espionage. Will you tell the ignorant American people the truth? No one can surpass the United States by copying or stealing its old technology.


In 2016, China trained 4.6 million STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates, while the United States only trained 568000. The number of Chinese is more than eight times that of the United States. The trend line shows that there will be more STEM graduates in China every year.


With so much intellectual reserves, will the Chinese have more discoveries and inventions? Data shows that in recent years, China has submitted more than twice as many patent applications as the United States. The trend line also shows that China is increasing this number year by year. With wisdom, they can develop 5G and then 6G, leaving the United States far behind. Is it strange?


Historically, when the United States made progress at the beginning of the 20th century, Britain tried to delay providing the United States with the required technology in order to delay its rise. It did work in a short time, but in the end, the United States quickly replaced Britain. Similarly, China will also encounter some problems, but eventually there will be enough smart people to help China quickly overcome these problems.


The refusal of US high-tech companies to use rare earth elements is even more worrying. This mutual denial of technology and resources will be very harmful to both countries. It is inconceivable that the United States cannot overcome the blockade of rare earth elements. Even if both countries can overcome the blockade, they will bear higher costs and suffer from it.



The above results are reflected in the reality on the ground. The more the United States obstructs China in space technology, the more difficult it will be for China to break through China's Beidou positioning system. In 165 countries, China's Beidou has surpassed the GPS of the United States. The same applies to space stations.


Previously, the United States banned Chinese from participating in their space station project. Soon, the only space station will be China's space station, and China rejects the participation of the United States. The technology competition reported in the Harvard Report well explains the competition between China and the United States, which will provide some guidance for the future.

此前,美国禁止中国人参与他们的空间站项目。很快,唯一的空间站将是中国的空间站,中国拒绝美国的参与。《哈佛报告》(Harvard Report)所报道的技术竞赛很好地诠释了中美之间的竞争,这将为未来提供一些指引。

In short, if the United States cuts off the supply of key components from Chinese technology companies to the United States, it will not be able to restore the competitiveness of the United States and consolidate its absolute technological advantage in the world. These hard data show the future outline of China's rise. The Harvard report clearly shows that China will win the technology competition in the future. It would be futile for Biden to lead the United States to deny the truth. If the United States wants to continue to prosper with China, it must make a wise response. China's rise is unstoppable.



No, in the overall situation, it is not enough to have the most advanced tools, designs and experts. What is important is logistics, management, market, capital and incremental changes.


The biggest problem of adopting the method of cutting technology from China is not that China will develop on its own (possibly in some areas, but unlikely). Two bigger problems are that this will occupy a large part of the income, otherwise it can provide funds for further projects and operations... Because of our tough approach, almost all countries in the technology industry will start to exclude the technology and industrial chain of the United States to protect themselves and their interests, which will cut off our ties.


It is really ignorant to claim that China has no innovative work. They are also the source of a great deal of technology. Although the United States dominates, we also need some of their technology to make everything work. But if the United States cut off the ties on its own initiative, we will lose our direction. We do not know what they are doing, nor what they are doing with other countries and non American companies. It is necessary to be vigilant, but don't be short sighted or stupid.


Therefore, my answer to this question is absolutely negative. This will not help us become more competitive, more dominant or more secure.


No logical or educated person would believe that simply restricting China's access to American supplies or technology would ensure the dominance of the United States in this field.


Moreover, they have a large number of STEM graduates in China, and the International Science Olympics has been dominated by Chinese students. Together with their economic strength and the government's concern for technological progress, the situation will only get better.


Other countries also have smart students and great scientists. The education system of other developed countries is not as backward as that of the United States. Advanced European countries also have smart scientists. Who can say that their abilities must be inferior to those of American scientists?


Americans should stop believing that they are the "choice of God" and the outstanding people who dominate the world. Learn to accept the fact that there are other smart people on the planet, whether they are from Europe, Africa or Asia.


The obsession with "exceptionalism" is driving the United States back. Whenever another country seems to be making progress, Americans try to drag it down. Why not spend energy on research and development? This is the only way to maintain progress and innovation, so that you can stay ahead. Know that technological progress is an endless journey for mankind.
