


With the improvement of the internationalization level of Chinese enterprises, international arbitration plays an increasingly important role in resolving commercial disputes. In recent years, Singapore has become the most respectful and favored seat of arbitration in Asia and is tied with London as the most popular seat of arbitration in the world. In addition to a stable political environment, Singapore also enjoys an excellent legal environment and the support of local courts, which respect and try not to interfere with the arbitration proceedings.


Advantages of Arbitration in Singapore


1. 2016年,新加坡被评为腐败指数最低的亚洲城市,在全球腐败指数最低城市中名列第七。

2. 新加坡国际仲裁中心对于客户的信息保密非常严格。

3. 作为《纽约公约》的成员国,新加坡的仲裁裁决可以在全球159个国家强制执行。

4. 新加坡仲裁及司法人员的专业素质在国际社会中久负盛名,新加坡法院以及其他争议解决机构给予仲裁全方位的大力支持。

5. 新加坡有着先进的立法,新加坡法院体系对于仲裁是非常友好的,而且新加坡有支持仲裁的司法理念,所以新加坡法院系统给仲裁提供最大的支持,最小的干预。

6. 当事人及其代理人在仲裁过程中获得充分的自由选择权和意见发表权,其仲裁规则也是在日新月异的社会发展中不断变革改良,以适应国际仲裁市场的需要。

As a dynamic international city, Singapore has its unique advantages in international arbitration.

1. In 2016, Singapore was rated as the Asian city with the lowest corruption index, and ranked seventh among the cities with the lowest corruption index in the world.

2. The Singapore International Arbitration Centre is very strict with the confidentiality of client information.

3. As a member of the New York Convention, Singapore's arbitration awards can be enforced in 159 countries around the world.

4. The professional quality of Singapore's arbitration and judicial personnel has a long-standing reputation in the international community, and Singapore courts and other dispute resolution institutions have given all-round strong support to arbitration.

5. Singapore has an advanced legislation and the whole Singapore court system is very friendly to arbitration. Singapore has a judicial philosophy that supports arbitration, so the Singapore court system provides maximum support to arbitration with minimal intervention.

6. The parties and their agents have full freedom of choice and the right to express their opinions in the process of arbitration, and their arbitration rules are constantly reformed and improved in the ever-changing social development to meet the needs of the international arbitration market.


Introduction to the Main Arbitration Institutions in Singapore

1. 国际商会

(The International Chamber of Commerce,以下简称“ICC”)

ICC是世界上最古老的,也是最受欢迎的国际仲裁机构[2], 这也使新加坡成为其亚洲区域枢纽:在ICC仲裁案件数量方面, 新加坡在亚洲排名第一,世界排名第五。每年在新加坡有30-50例ICC案件(ICC每年有超过800例案件),而中国是当事方数量最多的国家之一[3]。

The ICC is the oldest and the most popular international arbitration institution in the world, which also makes Singapore its regional hub in Asia: Singapore ranks first in Asia and fifth in the world in terms of the number of ICC arbitration cases. There are 30-50 ICC cases in Singapore each year (ICC has more than 800 cases per year), and China is one of the countries with the largest number of parties.

2. 新加坡国际仲裁中心

(The Singapore International Arbitration Centre,以下简称“SIAC”)


SIAC is a 25-year-old arbitration institution that has become Asia's leading international arbitration center, attracting many Asia-related cases, mostly from China and India. In addition, SIAC is now the third most preferred arbitration centre in the world (after the ICC and LCIA). SIAC's caseload continues to increase year over year, doubling over the past decade. The standards of registered arbitrators are at the same level as the ICC.

3. 新加坡海事仲裁院

(Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration)


SMAC deals with maritime disputes.


Comparison of Arbitration Institutions

根据香港国际仲裁中心研究报告(The HKIAC Study)、伦敦国际仲裁中心研究报告(The LCIA Study)、斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院研究报告(The SCC Study)、新加坡国际仲裁中心(The SIAC Study)显示:

According to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (The HKIAC Study), the London International Arbitration Centre (The LCIA Study), the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (The SCC Study), and the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (The SIAC Study):


SIAC remains the most cost-competitive option for sole-arbitrator and three-arbitrator case, especially for three-arbitrator cases.


According to these data, SIAC arbitration is the most efficient compared to other arbitration institutions.


Introduction to Singapore Arbitration Legislation

新加坡仲裁立法采用了“双轨制”,即对国内、国际仲裁作出区分,主要依据的法律分别为《仲裁法》(Arbitration Act,以下简称为“AA”)和《国际仲裁法》(International Arbitration Act,以下简称为“IAA”)。AA适用于新加坡的国内仲裁,IAA则适用于国际仲裁。

Singapore's arbitration legislation adopts a "dual-track system", that is, to distinguish between domestic and international arbitration, and the main laws are the Arbitration Act (hereinafter referred to as "AA") and the International Arbitration Act (International Arbitration Act, hereinafter referred to as "IAA"). AA applies to domestic arbitration in Singapore, while IAA applies to international arbitration.


1. 在签订仲裁协议时,至少一方当事人的营业地在新加坡以外的国家;

2. (1)仲裁地位于当事人营业地所在国之外的国家;或者(2)商事关系中主要义务的履行地或争议事项的最密切联系地位于当事人营业地所在国之外的国家;

3. 当事人明确约定仲裁协议事项与超过一个国家有关。[6]

Regarding the definition of "international", Article 5, paragraph 2 of the IAA clarifies that an arbitration under one of the following circumstances is an international arbitration:

1. At the time of entering into the arbitration agreement, at least one of the parties has its place of business in a country other than Singapore.

2. (1) the place of arbitration is located in a country other than the country where the parties have their place of business; or (2) the place of performance of the main obligations in the commercial relationship or the place of closest connection to the matter in dispute is located in a country other than the country where the parties have their place of business.

3. The parties expressly agree that the matters of the arbitration agreement are related to more than one country.


Although an arbitration does not meet the definition of "international arbitration" under the IAA, the parties may elect to apply the IAA by written agreement (as per Article 5(1) of the IAA). In other words, for an arbitration with Singapore as the seat of arbitration, the relevant provisions under the AA will only apply if it is neither an international arbitration as defined by the IAA nor the parties have agreed to apply the IAA. Conversely, if an arbitration is an international arbitration under the IAA, the parties cannot choose to apply the AA by agreement.


Tips for Arbitration Proceedings in Singapore

1. 任命仲裁员

Appointment of Arbitrators



Parties can appoint arbitrators not listed on the ICC and SIAC panels or lists.

Both institutions require from the arbitrators a declaration of independence and to disclose any possible conflict by reference to IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration. The parties can challenge any arbitrator and the courts of arbitration of ICC and SIAC shall decide on the challenge.

2. 程序的安排和组织

Schedule and Organization of the Proceeding


The arbitral tribunal is free to conduct the arbitration in such manner as it considers appropriate and to determine the schedule and the steps of the proceeding. Both ICC and SIAC require the tribunal to have a preliminary meeting with the parties (a “Case Management Conference“ for ICC) to discuss the most appropriate procedure.


Furthermore, according to the ICC rules, the tribunal shall within 30 days of the date of receipt of the file issue and make the parties sign the “Terms of Reference” (TOR): the TOR determine the content and extent of the dispute, the applicable procedural rules and the schedule of the case. More generally, the ICC rules are stricter on the deadlines: according to Article 31 of the ICC rules, the tribunal must render its final award within six months of the signature of the TOR. The tribunal still keeps the possibility to extend the schedule beyond that time limit upon approval by the ICC Court.

3. 程序工具

Procedure Tools


  • 合并两个或多个仲裁案件;
  • 连接一个或多个其他当事方。

如果明显无根据或在法庭管辖范围之外,则可请求早期驳回仲裁申请或答辩:SIAC在其规则中明确规定了早期驳回,而ICC规则中虽然没有明确说明,也可根据第二十二条,要求法庭以高性价比的的方式进行早期驳回程序;临时救济和紧急临时救济;如果当事方需要紧急临时保护, 不能等待组成法庭,则任命一名紧急仲裁员。

Both ICC and SIAC rules offer parties a range of modern procedural tools:

  • Consolidation of two or more arbitration cases;
  • Joinder of one or more additional party(ies).

Early dismissal of claims or defenses if manifestly without merit or outside the jurisdiction of the tribunal: SIAC provide expressly for early dismissal in its rules (Clause 29) whereas ICC clarified that early dismissal, even if not expressly provided, can be used under Article 22 of the ICC rules requesting tribunals to conduct the procedure in an expeditious and cost-effective manner,

  • Interim and emergency relief;
  • Appointment of an emergency arbitrator in case a party needs urgent interim or conservatory measures that cannot wait for the constitution of the tribunal.

4. 加速处理程序

Expedited Procedure


For small cases, both the ICC and SIAC offer a lower-cost expedited procedure: if the ICC dispute does not exceed US$3 million, or the SIAC dispute does not exceed S$6 million, the expedited procedure applies. Cases in expedited proceedings shall be referred to a sole arbitrator. The arbitral tribunal shall issue its award within shorter time frames: within six months from the date of the ICC governing meeting, and within six months from the date on which the SIAC tribunal is constituted.

5. 裁决书的审查

Scrutiny of the Award


One remarkable characteristic of both ICC and SIAC rules is that all draft awards issued by the arbitral tribunal will be reviewed by the respective arbitration courts of the ICC and SIAC, which means that the draft award is reviewed by members of the court, which is a further guarantee for serious and enforceable awards.

6. 仲裁费用

Costs of Arbitration


Costs of arbitration are roughly the same for both ICC and SIAC. Costs include the administrative expenses (paid to the institution) and the arbitrator’s fees that are calculated according to a schedule determined on the basis of the amount in dispute.






In the case of a $30 million dispute by a three-arbitrator court, the fees were:

  • ICC:$77,000 in administrative fees and an average of $430,000 in arbitrator's fees;
  • SIAC:approximately $49,000 for administration fees, up to approximately $550,000 for arbitrator’s fees.

The arbitrator's fees will vary, taking into account the time spent by the arbitrators and the complexity of the cases.

The ICC will also take into account the work attitude and efficiency of the arbitrators, and whether the arbitral tribunal adheres to the time limits for making the award and may reduce or increase the arbitrator's fees accordingly.


It should be reminded that choosing Singapore for arbitration undoubtedly has its unique advantages, but for the parties, it is extremely important for the parties to be able to preserve the other party's property through the arbitration procedure and to actually execute the other party's property. In foreign-related contracts, if an overseas arbitration institution is selected, it is difficult for the foreign party to take a property preservation order issued by the overseas arbitration institution to the Chinese court for enforcement. According to the New York Convention and relevant laws in China, Chinese courts are obliged to recognize and enforce arbitral awards made by overseas arbitral institutions in accordance with the law, but this does not include temporary compulsory measures such as property preservation.


If you choose a Chinese arbitration institution, the award made by the arbitration institution will be regarded as a domestic award, and you can directly apply to the court for enforcement. The procedure is relatively convenient and fast. If it is an arbitral award made by an overseas arbitration institution, it should be handled in accordance with the procedures for recognition and enforcement of overseas arbitral awards, which are relatively complicated and lengthy.


In a word, Singapore arbitration combines the characteristics of the common law system and the civil law system to formulate fast, efficient and flexible arbitration rules. The arbitration cost is relatively low and the efficiency is high, which has been recognized by the international community including the Chinese parties.

注 释

[1]英国玛丽皇后大学调查(2021).Queen Mary University Survey (2021)。

[2]英国玛丽皇后大学调查(2018).Queen Mary University Survey (2018)。

[3]根据ICC统计数据.ICC Statistics所示,2018年有59名来自中国的当事方。

[4]根据新加坡国际仲裁中心.SIAC Statistics所示,2018年中国相关案件有73例。

[5]英国玛丽皇后大学调查(2018).Queen Mary University Survey (2018)。

[6]袁培皓 张瀛天:《新加坡仲裁相关介绍》,http://www.junzejun.com/Publications/17044465af80ec-9.html。

[7]DS Avocats law firm, Olivier MONANGE:为什么选择新加坡仲裁? WHY TO CHOOSE ARBITRATION IN SINGAPORE? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IghlIz6LV9yqoNny0PdMVg。


