• 03月23日 星期日





作为与敦豪国际快递合作的一部分,新加坡航空公司 (SIA) 将通过韩国在新加坡和美国之间开展新的货运业务。

Singapore Airlines (SIA) is set to launch a new freighter operation between Singapore and the United States via South Korea as part of a partnership with DHL Express.

作为与敦豪国际快递合作的一部分,新加坡航空公司 (SIA) 将通过韩国在新加坡和美国之间开展新的货运业务。

To be operated in a new Boeing 777 freighter which arrived at Singapore Changi Airport on August 16 is the first of the five freighters to be based in Singapore, the location of DHL's South Asia Hub.

一架新的波音 777 货机将于 8 月 16 日抵达新加坡樟宜机场,这是五架货机中的第一架,该货机将设在 DHL 南亚枢纽的所在地新加坡。

The freighter, which sports a dual DHL-SIA livery, has a maximum capacity of 102 tons.


这艘货机采用双重 DHL-SIA 涂装,最大运力为 102 吨。

SIA will operate it on routes to the US via South Korea thrice weekly from August 2022.

从 2022 年 8 月起,新加坡航空将在每周三次经韩国飞往美国的航线上运营该飞机。


Supporting e-commerce growth


"SIA's longstanding partnership with DHL reinforces Singapore's position as a key air cargo and e-commerce logistics hub and highlights our firm commitment to our cargo business," said Lee Lik Hsin, executive vice president of commercial, SIA.

“新航与 DHL 的长期合作巩固了新加坡作为主要航空货运和电子商务物流中心的地位,凸显了我们对货运业务的坚定承诺,”新航商业执行副总裁 Lee Lik Hsin 表示。

"Air cargo also plays a vital role in keeping global supply chains open. Apart from supporting the fast-growing e-commerce segment, this new freighter operation provides a foundation to expand the partnership between SIA and DHL in the future," Lik Hsin added.

“航空货运在保持全球供应链开放方面也发挥着至关重要的作用。除了支持快速增长的电子商务部门外,这一新的货运业务为未来扩大新航和 DHL 之间的合作伙伴关系提供了基础,”Lik Hsin 补充道。


DHL partnered with SIA in March for a crew and maintenance deal to deploy five Boeing 777 freighters.

DHL 在 3 月与 SIA 合作,达成了一项部署五架波音 777 货机的机组人员和维护协议。

These freighters will be operated by SIA pilots, with the maintenance overseen by SIA.


"Our global DHL Express aviation network consists of a combination of owned and partner airlines, which allows us to respond to increasing customer demand with agility and flexibility. The new Boeing 777 freighter demonstrates our ongoing effort to strengthen our network and adjust flight routes, as well as lower our carbon emissions to achieve greener logistics," commented Robert Hyslop, executive vice president for Aviation, DHL Express.

“我们的全球 DHL Express 航空网络由自有航空公司和合作伙伴航空公司组成,这使我们能够以敏捷和灵活的方式响应不断增长的客户需求。新的波音 777 货机展示了我们不断努力加强我们的网络和调整航线,DHL Express 航空执行副总裁 Robert Hyslop 评论道。

"Singapore Airlines' expertise in flight operations will enable us to better meet our customers’ needs in cross-border commerce, as we leverage the strategic location of our South Asia Hub in Singapore," he added.



The second Boeing 777 freighter is slated to enter into service in November 2022, following which both freighters will operate the Singapore-Incheon-Los Angeles-Honolulu-Singapore route six times weekly.

第二架波音 777 货机计划于 2022 年 11 月投入使用,之后两架货机将每周运营六次新加坡-仁川-洛杉矶-檀香山-新加坡航线。

The remaining three freighters are planned for delivery throughout 2023. Following this, all five freighters will operate on routes between the United States and Singapore via points in North Asia and Australia.

其余三架货机计划于 2023 年全年交付。此后,所有五架货机将在美国和新加坡之间的航线上运营,途经北亚和澳大利亚。








