





I am a mainland Chinese who has lived in Singapore for 12 years. Let me share my thoughts.


Are Singaporean Chinese culturally Chinese? The answer depends on who you ask.


For my compatriots, who live in the mainland and learn about Singapore through local TV and newspapers, the answer must be yes. Compared with all other countries in the world, Singapore is the only country in which Chinese are the majority.


In the old era, people thought that "there is no royal land under the sky, and there is no royal courtiers on the shore of the land". People were flowing in the ups and downs of history. They believed that all Chinese people under the sky were a family, and it was automatically regarded as a part of "us", a group that integrated Chinese culture and blood (or race).


On the other hand, for my mainland friends and I who have stayed in Singapore for some time, we learned that Singapore's traditional Chinese culture is fading. As a cultural Chinese, as the older generation receiving Chinese education and learning Chinese history grows older, the young generation's understanding of Chinese culture is fading. Chinese people in their 30s and under are mainly English educated and know little about Chinese history, so they have no meaning to the old ideas I mentioned in the previous paragraph.


For mainland people, culture is not just food, dragon dance or moon cakes. For us, Chinese culture is a sense of belonging, which is built by sharing the same long history and being proud of it. In this sense, we understand that Singapore is not an authentic Chinese culture since the moment when it implemented education in English. We do not know what kind of culture Singaporeans have, but we are convinced that this is not the Chinese culture in the minds of mainland people.



I have to assume that people in Chinese Mainland will not think that we are "culturally similar". I define "culturally similar" as having similar cultural customs with Chinese Mainland.


Some people in Chinese Mainland don't even think that we are Chinese, and they often make fun of our behavior of following the West.


Of course, we are Chinese. The word here refers to race. Our race is an unchangeable scientific fact. As for culture, except for Chinese New Year and eating moon cakes, other Asian races, such as Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese, have nothing in common.


Of course, many Singaporeans come to China, and no one will realize that they are foreigners, but this is only because of the language and our appearance, but our culture is very different.


Chinese people think that a week's National Day holiday and the Mid Autumn Festival are part of your culture, right? There is no such thing here.


Christmas and the New Year are also important holidays for us. Like New Year's Eve, they are also national holidays. We will spare no effort to plan to do something with our friends. Although this is not the case in Chinese Mainland, where some young people may celebrate, it is not a national holiday, and some people even denounce it as a western festival incompatible with their culture.


Singaporeans speak Putonghua with the same accent as people in southern Chinese Mainland, but our working language is not Putonghua. Sometimes it is difficult for us to communicate because there are many words we only know in English. I heard some people in Chinese Mainland say that knowing Mandarin is enough to walk around Singapore, which is really a misunderstanding. 30% of non Chinese Singaporeans cannot speak Mandarin, and a few Chinese cannot speak Mandarin. For the same reason, people in Chinese Mainland, even people from the south, cannot become local people in Singapore just because of their language.


We don't usually talk in Mandarin. Our common language for conversation is Singapore English, which is a mixture of all languages in the region and a unique part of our culture. We will not send messages or emails to each other in any language other than English, so when we communicate with you in Mandarin, we will use our common language for communication.


Let's look at other differences.


We use Mastercard, Visa and Paypal, while people in Chinese Mainland usually use UnionPay, Alipay and WeChat to pay.


We use Whatsapp for communication, while Chinese Mainland uses WeChat, but more of us are also using WeChat.


We don't drink tea every meal, and most of us rarely do.


We usually split the bill among our friends instead of taking turns paying it. We are used to living in a society with many non Chinese people. We must pay attention to their needs, which is an important reason why we use English.


In short, we have some basic cultural similarities and festivals, but these are very few. We do speak Mandarin, but we use it quite differently. We use very different social media, communications and payment methods. We use very different media sources and languages.


So I think it's hard for a Chinese Mainland person to think that we are similar in culture.


In fact, Australians, Americans or Britons have more in common with us. They have no language barrier in Singapore, use the same media, and use the same electronic software and services as us. Now I see many people feel disdain for this, please remember, it will make you narrow minded. Different from what you may be used to, being a Chinese, being a Chinese citizen and practicing Chinese culture are different things.


We may be Chinese, but first of all we are Singaporeans. We have been growing up in a multicultural society. In this society, we have abandoned racial discrimination, and cultural differences with Chinese Mainland are predictable. We should not copy China in everything, nor should we regard different cultures as our negative characteristics. This does not mean that we think we are superior, but different.


新加坡网友Eamon Dan的回答

According to my understanding, Chinese Singaporeans are regarded as Chinese in terms of race and culture, but there is a gap between the so-called Chinese Mainland culture and Singapore culture.


First of all, China is a big country spanning three time zones. There are more than 50 ethnic minority tribes, and dialects, accents and habits are quite different from place to place. To say the least, it is a very diverse country. There are at least four different genres of Chinese food. Each city in a province has different hobbies, and even villages have their own views, practices and ideas about the whole world.


For a Chinese who travels frequently, it is not uncommon to know which province (perhaps city) you come from from just your accent, dialect, hell, or even your clothes, and even to predict your future career according to your birthplace.


Nevertheless, it is worth noting that there are some fundamental differences between modern Chinese society and Singapore, partly because of the separation from the society in Chinese Mainland, the contact with other cultures and languages overseas, and the absence of similar great events in the mainland.


First of all, Singapore has changed from a system partially educated in China to a system educated in English, which has had a profound impact on the way Singaporeans speak Chinese and interact with Chinese culture. Don't get me wrong. Singapore has an older generation, immigrants and outstanding scholars who can speak accurate Chinese. That is to say, many Singaporeans' literacy level in Chinese is different from that in Chinese Mainland. Some conjunctions and characters are used more frequently, and some expressions can be unique to Singapore.


Because everyone lives in a different world, the lifestyle of Chinese Mainland people and overseas Chinese is also very different.


Let me list these things to make it clearer. These are subtle, but they can affect the subtle differences in the way the two peoples behave.


In addition to its strong Chinese heritage, Singapore has a series of incredible eccentricities that stem from economic, political and social factors, not from the People's Republic of China. There are still some unique aspects in Chinese culture, such as frequent observance of Confucian social values, Buddhism and Taoism and other religions, and appreciation of ancient Chinese art and culture. These all connect us with the backbone of Chinese culture. But at the same time, there are also some unique Singapore flavors, such as the taste of internationalization, the intermediary view of international politics, the concern for economy, the present, rather than the vague greatness of the past.


Singapore has its own brand of Chinese culture in Singapore. It has its own brand of chicken rice, shrimp noodles, barbecue, wonton, its own standard of living, and its own way for students to think, learn and imagine their motherland and the world around them. It's not much like mainland, but who cares? This is your own city, with your own culture and lifestyle. What are you ashamed of?


中国网友Razor Tao的回答

First of all, most or at least many people in Chinese Mainland do not know what Singapore is like, so they have little opinion about Singapore.


Then I will speak from the perspective of a Chinese Mainland person who has studied in Singapore for two years. My answer is that most young people are not Chinese culturally, but some adults or elderly people may be Chinese.


Some people believe that the Chinese people do not have a monopoly to define Chinese culture.


Being a cultural Chinese means that one should be able to speak his mother tongue fluently. A person can choose to speak his own dialect, which does not matter, because they are considered Chinese. However, I'm sorry to say that, but young Singaporeans really can't speak Chinese well.


Whether the use of words different from other Chinese means that they do not belong to Chinese culture is debatable. However, mixing English and Chinese (and it is difficult to express complex ideas in Chinese) when speaking, and being unable to read Chinese text fluently (no matter what accent or dialect you like) will definitely make a person lose the qualification to become a Chinese culture.


However, on the other hand, there are also Chinese people, usually the elderly, who speak Chinese very well and have a deep understanding of Chinese literature and classical literature. I am sorry to see that their cultural heritage has not been passed down.


Then I talked about the knowledge of Chinese history and literature. To be sure, not all Chinese people know their history very well. Therefore, we can only compare the two peoples collectively in this regard. We find that almost all mainland high school graduates can read Chinese classical literature well (written a thousand years ago), but it is clear that young Singaporeans cannot. For history, this is the same, although the difference may not be so obvious.


It is true that culture is a developing thing, and Chinese culture is indeed changing. China has experienced iteration, and its culture will be different from that before. However, even if more traditional standards, such as history and classics, are used, mainland Chinese are still more "Chinese" than Singaporeans.


Finally, let me explain why I think Singapore should not hold the Chinese definition. Because Singapore is more multi-ethnic and westernized than China, Singapore's Chinese culture is not "pure" Chinese culture, so it does not have a very objective standard to become a Chinese.


Singaporeans have created what they call Singaporean culture. I do not oppose it, but I hope to see Singaporean Chinese become more "culturally Chinese", at least not too westernized.
