



The Vietnamese are not so smart. This is a trap of self boasting in public opinion propaganda. Every Vietnamese must be vigilant against such remarks.


I repeat: Vietnamese are not smarter than others. We cannot be compared with other countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan and China. We are even inferior to Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians and Filipinos. We are so ordinary and lowly that we should feel ashamed rather than think we are smart.


You think my opinion is harsh? Let's look at:


• name the world-class contribution of a Vietnamese person or team in any field. I repeat: world class, which means that what they have accomplished is a feat recognized by the world;


• list a company from Vietnam, whose influence and market share are among the best in the same industry;


• any noteworthy inventions and creations of Vietnamese;


• any speech made by Vietnamese on Ted or tedx will have a wide spread effect in other countries;


If you can say one, I will not oppose this view! If our people are smart, why do we still struggle at the low end of the world industrial chain? Please calm your self-esteem and let me help you understand this country again.


The Vietnamese think they are very smart, because they have inherited the cunning of their ancestors, so... We can only play some tricks at most, and have no ability to solve any problems in a systematic way.


I agree with the view that we have not achieved our full potential. As a nation, we are not even close to the collective power to achieve our goals.


That is because our leading collective team is fragmented, but our culture is rooted in Confucianism, so we are deeply immersed in collective thinking. The continuous war means that we can never calm down freely and think about any major issues.


We are not so smart. Let's take some time to admit that we were bad in the past. We must tell our future, saying: "let us become smarter, don't degenerate in poverty, don't pretend to be smart, and don't teach your children some bureaucratic and Confucian nonsense."


On the other hand, if we are smart enough, history will not be like this to us:


1. We should open up and learn western technology like the Japanese. On the contrary, Vietnam was isolated and became a hermit kingdom like Bhutan. Japan realized industrialization, while Vietnam became backward and could not resist the invasion of colonialism.


2. After the Vietnam War, we should have allowed the bourgeoisie in South Vietnam to develop freely, instead of cleaning up capitalism, so as to preserve the enterprises and industries in South Vietnam.


After the Vietnam War, we should not provoke China. Perhaps Vietnam should also stay away from Cambodia and focus on rebuilding its destroyed economy. We should implement a market economy rather than a planned economy at roughly the same time as the Chinese. This means that we will have an additional decade of growth.


Now entering the 21st century, we are still short-sighted and unable to recognize our shortcomings. I would like to say that the Vietnamese are not smart and we are very cunning. However, it seems that these small cleverness can only bring temporary short-term benefits, which is very unfavorable to future development.



I'm Vietnamese, but I don't think we're smart.


1. When foreigners buy things from Vietnam, the Vietnamese always say, "you've been blackmailed. It's cheaper to buy in another place."


Um... What can I say? They are devaluing their products, making people think that the Vietnamese are talking sweet words and cheating money. No wonder the Ministry of tourism of Vietnam has always complained that tourists' consumption in Vietnam is lower than that of other countries (the total consumption of US $8 billion is far lower than that of Thailand's US $52 billion and Indonesia's US $15 billion). Thai people would not do such stupid things. They really know how to make money from tourists.


2. When selling goods, Vietnamese always hope to sell at a lower price than their competitors. A big price war will reduce everyone's profit, resulting in a lose lose situation.


When I was in Thailand, the prices of all suppliers were about the same. No one plays this dirty trick. Even the taxi driver's offer is quite consistent. Tourists have no choice but to pay.


3. The misplaced nationalism in Vietnam is also worth mentioning. Is it helpful to the Vietnamese? No, Vietnamese still watch Chinese movies, drive Japanese cars, wear American brands and listen to Korean music. At the same time, Vietnamese nationalists became crazy, creating fake news, riots and protests, spreading fake news and slandering Vietnamese brands, and then complaining about why Vietnamese brands could not grow or produce good products, as did music and films.


4. Complain about why the construction of infrastructure and large-scale projects is not fast, but refuse to move when the government gives compensation, even if the government pays them a lot of money and provides them with housing. Then complain about why large-scale projects cost so much money and delay because of land acquisition. If all Vietnamese start from the overall situation, Vietnam will be built into a better place.


5. No liability. It is our fault to say that this is the government's fault. Blaring the horn in the street, littering everywhere, selling fake goods, bribing traffic police, and then complaining about why Vietnam is so chaotic, why there are so many vendors on the sidewalk, and traffic congestion


6. We believe that everything foreigners say is right, but there are a lot of lies and misleading values that need us to identify. The mentality of worshiping foreign countries and fawning on foreign countries has seriously hindered the establishment of Vietnamese national self-confidence.



There are several reasons why Vietnam's GDP is still lower than that of ASEAN countries of considerable size:


1. Limitations of planned economy


It was not until the Doi Moi policy was promulgated in 1986 that the real economic reform in the 1990s was officially started, and Vietnam was no longer a country that could not feed its people.

直到1986年Doi Moi政策颁布,1990年代真正的经济改革才算正式开始,越南才不再是一个无法养活人民的国家。

After the United States lifted economic sanctions and Vietnam joined ASEAN, a large amount of foreign investment and international trade began in the mid-1990s, and the real economic growth began in the mid-2000s.


2. Destruction caused by many wars


Vietnam has experienced more than 40 years of destructive Wars - World War II, the war against France, the Vietnam War, and the war against Khmer... The resulting infrastructure damage and mental trauma will take decades to recover.


3. Lack of help from overseas Chinese


Chinese and overseas Chinese in many places are the pillars of China's economic development in the early period of reform and opening up (such as Thailand and Malaysia). They are most willing to invest and inject vitality into the economy. There are few overseas Chinese living in Vietnam. Most of them were either killed by yueduan or fled as boat people in the 1970s and 1980s.


Vietnamese overseas Chinese have not contributed to Vietnam's economic recovery as overseas Chinese do. Although Vietnamese overseas Chinese usually perform well in foreign countries, they lack the economic strength of overseas Chinese, and they cannot invest in Vietnam on a large scale like overseas Chinese.


4. Weak industrialization


When the Doi Moi policy started after the Vietnam War, the industrial infrastructure was zero, and Vietnam needs to start from zero. The leadership is poor, and people like Yue Duan have been in power for too long.

在越南战争结束后Doi Moi政策开始时,工业基础设施为零,越南需要从零开始。领导层能力差,像乐段这样的人掌权时间太长了。

5. Education


Before the war, there was no university in Vietnam that was universally praised like Tsinghua University or Peking University. Vietnam's education system has not yet met the standards of Malaysian or Chinese schools. Vietnam lags far behind in science, technology and education.


6. Lack of investors


Funds from South Korea, Japan and Singapore are currently investing in Vietnam, but other ASEAN countries such as the Philippines are also competing for the same funds. Western Europeans and Chinese (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) capital are not interested in Vietnam at all.



No matter which country, they have both good and bad sides. There are both modern cities and less developed cities. Even in highly developed countries such as Europe and the United States, they are not very modern everywhere. For example, in the United States, even in large cities such as Los Angeles, some homeless people sleep on the roadside.


So is Vietnam. Although Vietnam as a whole is not very developed, they also have bright areas, such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.



Especially in the past decade, Vietnam's economy has developed rapidly. A large number of international enterprises have been introduced through industrial transfer. Driven by these companies, Vietnam's economic development is also very rapid, especially in commodity export. Soon, some people even predicted that Vietnam might become the next world factory.


With the continuous development of the manufacturing industry, the living standard and urban development level of the Vietnamese people are also changing. For example, there are many multinational enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City. In recent years, the economic growth rate is also very fast, so the urban construction of Ho Chi Minh is also very fast. Overall urban construction in Ho Chi Minh. I think it is similar to the second tier cities in China. The city may be better in the future.


In the impression of many people, Vietnam is a very backward country, and there may be several reasons why everyone has this impression.


First, Vietnam's GDP and per capita GDP are relatively low.


From the perspective of population, Vietnam is not a small country. With a population of nearly 100 million, Vietnam is already a big country. However, from an economic perspective, Vietnam's economy is relatively small.


In 2020, Vietnam's GDP is only 343.2 billion US dollars, about 1900 billion yuan, only equivalent to that of Chengdu, China.


In addition, Vietnam's per capita GDP is relatively low, except for its small GDP. In 2020, Vietnam's per capita GDP was only US $2785, ranking 146th in the world. It is because the gross domestic product is relatively small and the per capita GDP is in a relatively backward position, so the overall feeling is relatively backward.


Secondly, the wage level in Vietnam is relatively low.


In addition to the low per capita GDP, Vietnam's wage level is also relatively low. Most people earn between 1 million yuan and 2 million Vietnamese Dong. Even in big cities like Pingyang, Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, their wages are not high. However, for backward areas, such as Hejiang, ShanLuo and Dianfu, their wages are only about 1.8 million Vietnamese Dong.


Because of the relatively low wage level, many people feel that Vietnam is relatively backward.


Third, some media reported that some media only reported bad news when they reported Vietnamese news.


As far as Vietnam is concerned, we do not deny that Vietnam is indeed relatively backward on the whole, especially in those remote mountainous areas, where many people still live in huts, without modern communication and complete supporting facilities.


Everyone is usually exposed to news about Vietnam's backwardness, so in everyone's impression, Vietnam is very backward, but when everyone really goes to Vietnam to experience it, everyone will have a sense of disparity. Everyone found that the real Vietnam was actually very different from the media reports.


Perhaps in the impression of many people, Vietnam should live in low bungalows, even thatched cottages. These roads are "cement roads". Urban roads are crowded and chaotic, such as motorcycles or bicycles.


But when you really wait for everyone to experience this field, everyone will find that Vietnam has actually changed a lot in the past decade. All aspects of construction, including urban and rural construction, and the people's living standards have been continuously improved. Therefore, we should also look at others from the perspective of development, rather than looking at things with an inherent stereotype.


In fact, this kind of cognitive error is exactly the same as that of many foreigners who come to China.


Due to the one-sided reports of Western media, many foreigners still know China in the 1960s and 1970s. They think that China is very backward, and even everyone can not eat enough. There are no high-rise buildings in the city, no cars on the road, and so on.


However, when these foreigners come to China to have a real experience, they find that the real China is completely different from the China they see in the media. Great changes have taken place in China in the past few decades. Both have undergone tremendous changes, especially in the eastern region, which is not much worse than some developed countries.


In fact, this cognitive error is affected by unilateral media reports, so when we judge things, we can't just watch the media reports. To truly understand the essence of things, we should experience them on the spot, then see ourselves, see ourselves, think, judge ourselves, learn to think about ourselves, and you can get the correct answer.


Of course, there are some obvious defects in Vietnamese society, that is, "lack of creativity" and unique "box thinking", which makes Vietnam seem to be a bit behind in the Confucian cultural circle.


I hope the Vietnamese can overcome these problems in my lifetime. I can't say I'm optimistic, but I'm full of hope.
