


  艺术家:刘若望Artist: Liu Ruowang

  主办:渡渡美术馆Organizer: Dodo Art Museum

  开幕 Opening: 2022.1.7 16:00

  地点:北京市朝阳区金盏乡蟹岛路1号渡渡美术馆(渡渡国际雕塑园)Venue: Dodo Art Museum, No.1, Xiedao Road, Jinzhan, Chaoyang District, Beijing







  In an era of radical changes filled with uncertainty, expressing ideas is getting harder and harder. Meanwhile, the vainglorious aesthetics is threatening artistic independence and integrity. Mise en Scène, Liu Ruowang's latest artwork seems anachronistic in contemporary social context. The unrefined grittiness of strong colors and rough brush strokes, along with symbolic spatial design all demonstrate Liu’s resolve to defend his spiritual territory as an artist.

  Inspired by traditional Chinese opera masks, Mise en Scène places fictional opera roles and real-life characters in the same space to mirror each other, creating a multivalent and inseparable dramatic world out of symbiotic heroism and ordinariness. Shuttling in and out of immersive scenes, Liu takes the visitors on a cognitive and emotional journey.

  The reciprocal mirroring, as well as antithetical while inextricable scenes reflect hero complex and compassion that Liu developed when he was young. Brought up in a devout Catholic family, Liu got awestruck by heroic characters on the makeshift stage, played by folk opera performers who hardly ever visited the godforsaken village. What initially motivated him to create Mise en Scène was the lasting imprint after witnessing farcical absurdity of the intense and relentless contrast between the on-stage ensemble of imperial court, charming intellectuals dating fair ladies, and ordinary countrymen from all walks of life off the stage. A backdrop curtain separated the affluent, glamorous fairyland from the real world, in which opera troupe performers were struggling to earn a living.

  Mise en Scène is a reexamination of Liu’s boyhood and an emotional release, reaching even further into a state where what you see is not necessarily real, and illusion is not entirely signless. Fictional scenes mirror and make up the missing pieces of reality. What looks more like a scene than reality anyway? Hidden behind invisible masks, over-filtered personas have been shaping an ambiguous interpersonal space.

  Mise en Scène is also a metaphor. Since the birth of mankind on this planet, we have been obsessed with the virtual world. From the epochal Chinese opera of a bygone era, to the Internet community and coming meta-universe, the virtual eco-system, now powered by science and technology, has been unboundedly evolving, ceaselessly blurring the boundary between reality and fantasy. The coexistence of real and virtual will become the norm. However, Mise en Scène is a reminder that even if the virtual world can get infinitely close to perfection, the imperfect real world is why and where humans exist.



  Oil on canvas450 ×300 cm2021


  Oil on canvas230 × 230 cm2021


  Oil on canvas100 × 120 cm2021


  Oil on canvas50 × 60 cm2021


  Oil on canvas50 × 40 cm2021

  刘若望 艺术家,北京渡渡美术馆创始人、榆林渡渡美术馆发起人、佳县峪口艺术小镇发起人,现居北京。



  Liu Ruowang

  Liu Ruowang, a professional artist, is the founder of Beijing Dodo Art Museum, Yulin Dodo Art Museum, and Yukou Art Town in Jiaxian County. He lives and works in Beijing.

  Liu Ruowang is a young artist who grew up after the Reform and Opening Up of China, he walked into the province’s capital city from a small poor village in mountain of western China to later continue his education in Beijing and finally become a professional artist. He has been seen as a shining star in Chinese contemporary art circles since 2005; with sculpture artworks, installations, and exhibitions he has become an influential artist with a constantly growing international recognition. Aside from major Chinese city as Beijing and Shanghai, his artworks have been exhibited around the world in Singapore, Seoul (Korea), Queenstown (New Zealand), in Italy at the 2015 Venice Biennale, the University of Turin, in Naples’ Municipal Square, in Pitti Square and Santissima Annunziata Square in Florence, at the Armory Show in New York (USA), Campell (France), Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) and many other places.Liu Ruowang has created numerous series of higly recognized artworks, including Wolves Coming!, The East is Red, The People, Heaven’s Soldier, Lofty Mountains and Flowing Water, Original Sin, Dodo, etc. Lupi in Arrivo [Wolves Coming!], exhibited in Florence’s Pitti Square and Santissima Annunziata Square – with the sponsorship of Galleria degli Uffizi and Florence Municipality – is the first contemporary art installation that has ever been allowed to take place in Pitti Square, one the the most prestigious landmark in the city cradle of Renaissance, and it has become an important event in the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Sino-Italian Diplomatic Relationships.

  German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German President Joachim Gauck, New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key, South Korean Parliament Defense Commission Chairman Won Yoo-Cheol, South Korean Deputy Prime Minister Kim Byung-Joon have all personally express their congratulations to Liu Ruowang for his contributions and success in contemporary art.