
在与资生堂旅游零售及新加坡樟宜机场的合作下,teamLab于近期开放的“星耀樟宜”展出了两项最新作品。第一项作品名为“回响森林”,是多感官艺术装置S E N S E的一部分,目前已经可以在夜间的资生堂森林谷进行观赏。第二项作品名为“回响之树——灌木迷宫”,位于“星耀樟宜”最顶层的穹顶公园(Canopy Park),预计将于2019年6月10日正式开放。teamLab旨在通过艺术来探索人与世界的全新关系。人类的存在使艺术作品不断发生变化,这种变化反过来也会重新定义同一空间中的人际关系。本次的两个装置以互动的形式使人们成为作品的一部分,创造了一种能够模糊人与艺术作品之间、以及自我与他人之间界限的独特体验。

“星耀樟宜”由世界著名建筑师Moshe Safdie设计,位于新加坡樟宜机场的核心地带。

点此查看“星耀樟宜”项目介绍,Click here to see the project of Jewel Changi Airport by Safdie Architects

In collaboration with Shiseido Travel Retail and Jewel Changi Airport (Jewel), teamLab will be displaying two new artworks at Jewel, the latest lifestyle destination located in Singapore. Resonating Forest – Shiseido Forest Valley at Jewel Changi Airport is currently on view in the evenings in the SHISEIDO FOREST VALLEY as part of the S E N S E multisensorial art installation, and Resonating Trees – Topiary Walk at Jewel Changi Airport will be on view at Canopy Park, located at the topmost level in Jewel. Canopy Park opens officially on June 10, 2019. teamLab aims to explore a new relationship between humans and the world through art. The artwork transforms due to the presence of humans, and this in turn, changes and redefines the relationship between people in the same space. By making people part of the work through interactivity, this installation creates an experience that transcends and blurs the boundaries between people and the artwork, and between the self and others.





Resonating Forest – Shiseido Forest Valley at Jewel Changi Airport

交互式数字艺术装置 | teamLab, 2019, Interactive Digitized Nature

声音作者 | Sound:Hideaki Takahashi, Shiseido

网页 | Artwork Website: https://www.teamlab.art/w/resonatingforest-jewel/

视频 | Video: https://youtu.be/Xm0yJl7PL8k



The trees at Jewel Changi Airport shine brightly. Each tree’s light is autonomous, shining brightly and then fading as if it’s breathing. As people pass nearby, the light of the trees changes color, and a tone specific to that color resonates out. The light of an individual tree spreads radially to the neighboring trees. In the same way that the light is transmitted between trees, the tone also propagates through each tree, spreading continuously. The color-specific tone changes pitch according to the tree’s elevation along the Shiseido Forest Valley trail. If light resonates out from deep within, it means that there is someone over there. Perhaps people will become more aware than usual of the presence of other people in the same space.



Resonating Trees – Topiary Walk at Jewel Changi Airport

交互式数字艺术装置 | teamLab, 2019, Interactive Digitized Nature

声音作者 | Sound:Hideaki Takahashi

网页 | Artwork Website: https://www.teamlab.art/ew/resonatingtrees-jewel/

开幕 | Opening: 2019.6.10


展览信息 | Exhibition Summary


展览时间:每日18:00 – 03:00





Dates: April, 2019 – April, 2020

Hours: teamLab artwork on display daily 18:00 – 03:00

Venue: Jewel Changi Airport, Singapore

Artwork details:



Photo ©teamLab