【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-8-5)



Foreign Ministry SpokespersonHua Chunying's

Regular Press Conference on August 5, 2022

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-8-5)


At the invitation of Bangladeshi Foreign Minister A. K. Abdul Momen and Mongolian Foreign Minister Battsetseg Batmunkh, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit the two countries from August 6 to August 8.


At the invitation of State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Park Jin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, and Narayan Khadka, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal, will visit China from August 8 to August 10.


During his visit to Bangladesh, State Councilor Wang Yi will be meeting with the leaders of Bangladesh and hold talks with Foreign Minister A. K. Abdul Momen. They will have an exchange of views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of shared interest. We highly value our relationship with Bangladesh. We hope the visit will provide an opportunity to further implement the common understandings between the leaders of the two countries, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and elevate the relationship to a new level.


During his visit to Mongolia, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with the leaders of Mongolia and hold talks with Foreign Minister Battsetseg Batmunkh. The two sides will have strategic communication on bilateral relations, practical cooperation and international and regional issues of shared interest. The bilateral ties have enjoyed excellent growth in recent years. We hope the visit will further enhance communication and coordination, political mutual trust, and practical cooperation in various areas.


State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will also receive the foreign ministers of the ROK and Nepal in Qingdao. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the ROK. The bilateral relations face important opportunities of further development. This will be the first visit of Foreign Minister Park Jin and also the first high-level visit to China since the new government of the ROK took office. China is ready to take this visit as an opportunity to enhance communication, focus on cooperation, and sustain the momentum of steady and sound development of the bilateral ties.


China and Nepal are good neighbors, good friends and good partners. The visit of the Nepali Foreign Minister Narayan Khadka will be a reciprocal visit to State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to Nepal last March. The foreign ministers’ mutual visits within a period of six months will demonstrate the mutual trust and friendship between the two countries. China looks forward to strengthening strategic communication, cementing mutual support, and constantly promoting our strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity.


CGTN: US officials like the NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications said that “China has chosen to overreact and use the Speaker’s visit as a pretext to increase provocative military activity in and around the Taiwan Strait”. NATO Secretary-General also shared his view. Do you have any comment?


Hua Chunying: The current situation is entirely caused by Speaker Pelosi and other US politicians. Hearing this type of rhetoric from the US officials reminds people of the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes. It is time for the US to get rid of its arrogance, selfishness, and hypocrisy and bullying practices.


The context and the events that led to the tensions in the Taiwan Strait are crystal-clear. The US is the unprovoked provocateur and creator of the crisis.


The Taiwan question is not about democracy. It is a major issue of principle about China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The US needs to put itself in others’ shoes. If an American state were to secede from the US and declare independence, and then some other nation provided weapons and political support for that state, would the US government — or the American people — allow this to happen?


The visit of Pelosi to Taiwan is a grave provocation that upgraded substantive exchanges between the US and Taiwan. It is a serious violation of the one-China principle. It seriously tramples on basic norms in international relations. It also seriously undermines China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. China has done everything diplomatically possible. We had repeatedly warned the US through various channels of the grave nature and severe harm of this visit. We made it clear that China will not sit by and watch; we will not allow any room for “Taiwan independence” separatist forces; and all consequences arising therefrom must be borne by the US. The international community had been warning the US of the potential consequences as well. Many openly pointed out that the visit was a completely unnecessary, egregious provocation and could trigger a serious crisis. Sadly, however, the US turned a deaf ear to all of those and just let the visit happen.


China has acted in legitimate self-defense only after the US made this egregious provocation. Our countermeasures are necessary as a warning to the provocateurs and as a step to uphold our sovereignty and security. Now the US and its sidekicks have spoken up accusing China of “overreacting”. But if they truly care about regional peace and stability, why hadn’t they stood up and tried to dissuade Pelosi early on? Couldn’t they have seen this coming and prevented it? On such an issue concerning China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, China’s countermeasures are justified, necessary and proportionate, and there is nothing excessive about them. The US, as the provocateur and the one that caused the crisis, should and must assume the entire responsibility for it.


China’s measures are also about staunchly safeguarding regional peace and stability and international law and basic norms in international relations. As we have seen over the past decades, the US and the US-led NATO countries have selectively applied international law. They made up various pretexts such as so-called possession of weapons of mass destruction to picture other countries as threats - and sometimes even without any valid reason - to blatantly launch military strikes and even unleash wars on sovereign countries. How many humanitarian tragedies have they created in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan? How many innocent civilians have been wounded and killed? How many families have been torn apart and lost? Have the US and other NATO countries involved done any soul-searching on these tragedies? Have they felt even a tinge of guilt for the serious ramifications and catastrophes they caused? Have they ever made an apology to the victims in those countries? And have they ever given them any compensation?


We are living in the 21st century. The world must never allow the US to see itself as a “world policeman” or an “international judge” and continue to treat other sovereign nations like George Floyd as if the US can just bully and strangle them at will. If China does nothing about the US’s relentless interference in our internal affairs and violation of our sovereignty or does not firmly resist the US’s reckless and irresponsible behavior, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and other purposes of the UN Charter and basic norms in international relations will become nothing but words on paper. And the vast developing world which account for over 80% of the world’s population could well become the next target anytime. For this exact reason, already more than 160 countries have made their voice of justice heard. They reiterated their commitment to the one-China policy and expressed support for China’s efforts to firmly uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is a fight against hegemony, against interference and against secession.


China had historically been a victim of foreign aggression. Today, the US and several of its sidekicks still grossly interfere in our internal affairs and undermine our sovereignty and security from time to time. But China is not the China 120 years ago, and we refuse to be treated like Iraq, Syria, or Afghanistan. The Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people. The position of the Chinese government and people on the Taiwan question is consistent. To uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China is the firm will of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. We hope that the US and its sidekicks who style themselves as democracies will be very clear about that. They need to take seriously and respect the core interests and the firm will of the Chinese people, who account for one fifth of the world’s population.



CCTV: The US Senate recently approved a resolution to designate Russia as “state sponsor of terrorism”. In response, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova warned that Russia could sever diplomatic relations with the US if her country is placed on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Do you have any comment?


Hua Chunying: The US has always been obsessed with arbitrarily pinning labels on other countries and is used to claiming itself to be a moral judge. It has been pointing fingers at other countries and using unsubstantiated charges to suppress and contain other countries. This says a lot about the hegemonic and highhanded bully that the US is.


Russia is an important force for global counterterrorism efforts and has played an active and constructive role in addressing the threat of terrorism. This will not change simply because the US has made ill-intentioned, false accusations against it.



Shenzhen TV: As we understand, the Chinese, the US and the Japanese foreign ministers had a war of words on the Taiwan question at the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on August 5. Do you have more to say on that?


Hua Chunying: At the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on August 5, some countries made unwarranted accusations against China’s legitimate measures to uphold its rights. But the majority of countries present did not agree with those accusations and showed understanding for China’s position.


State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a full and strong rebuttal to each of the pieces of disinformation and false accusations uttered by certain countries. He made clear what the facts are, defended China’s sovereignty and upheld justice.



Phoenix TV: The US has decided to reschedule its long-planned Minuteman III ICBM test because it is demonstrating the behavior of a responsible country by reducing security risks. How do you respond to that?


Hua Chunying: Somehow the word “responsible” sounds a bit awkward when the US uses it to describe itself.


If the US is indeed a responsible country, it should have stopped Speaker Pelosi from visiting Taiwan early on to prevent this type of major provocation from happening. And the US should have removed the many military vessels and aircraft it has deployed in the Asia-Pacific and right at China’s doorstep.


If the US is indeed a responsible country, it should immediately stop interfering in China’s internal affairs on whatever grounds or under whatever pretexts, immediately stop using salami tactics to encroach upon and hollow out the one-China principle, immediately stop upgrading the substantive exchanges between the US and Taiwan, and immediately stop arms sales to Taiwan.



Reuters: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi walked out moments before the start of a gala dinner at the foreign ministers’ meeting in Cambodia on Thursday. Why did he do that? And what’s China’s comment on this?


Hua Chunying: Although State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a very tight schedule yesterday, he still, in ways consistent with China’s COVID protocol, went to the venue of the gala dinner held by the Cambodian side as the host of the ASEAN-plus foreign ministers’ meetings, where he exchanged greetings with the Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn and spoke to other participants there.

路透社记者:日本昨天称,中方发射的5枚弹道导弹落入“日本专属经济区”,中方可否证实?外交部对此有何评论? Reuters: Japan said yesterday five ballistic missiles were fired by China and landed in Japan’s EEZ. Is this true and does the foreign ministry have any comment on?华春莹:中国军队在中国台湾岛附近海域开展军事演训活动,有关部门已经事先发布了安全提醒和航行警告。中方有关做法符合国际法和国际惯例。

Hua Chunying: For the Chinese military’s drills in the waters off the Taiwan Island, the Chinese competent authorities have issued safety alerts and navigation warnings in advance. The practices of the Chinese side were consistent with international law and practices.


As for “Japan’s EEZ” that you mentioned, China and Japan have not carried out maritime delimitation in relevant waters, so there is no such thing as what you called “Japan’s EEZ”.


巴通社记者:今天是印度在其占领的克什米尔地区采取单边行动三周年,该行动违反联合国关于相关争议领土的决议,你对此有何评论? Associated Press of Pakistan: Today is the third anniversary of India’s unilateral actions in occupied Kashmir, violating the United Nations’ resolution on the disputed territory. Would you like to comment on this?华春莹:中方在克什米尔问题上的立场是一贯明确的。该问题是印巴之间的历史遗留问题,这也是国际社会共识。我们当时就曾表示,有关方面应保持克制,慎重行事,尤其是避免采取单方面改变现状、加剧局势紧张的行动。我们呼吁印巴双方继续通过对话协商和平解决有关争议。

Hua Chunying: On the issue of Kashmir, China’s position is clear and consistent. The Kashmir issue is an issue left over from history between India and Pakistan. This is also the shared view of the international community. We stated back then that parties concerned need to exercise restraint and prudence. In particular, parties should avoid taking actions that unilaterally change the status quo or escalate tensions. We call on both India and Pakistan to peacefully resolve relevant disputes through dialogue and consultation.


湖北广电记者:据报道,美国常驻联合国代表格林菲尔德3日开始对非洲访问并称,自己此行的重点是关注美国如何帮助乌干达、加纳和佛得角应对非洲大陆遭受的粮食危机,而不是与中国和俄罗斯竞争,但非洲国家因为与中国的关系而面临债务陷阱。中方对此有何评论? Hubei Media Group: The US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield began her visit to Africa on August 3, which she said was going to focus on how the US can help Uganda, Ghana and Cape Verde deal with the food crisis that has hit the continent particularly hard — not to compete with China and Russia. She added that some African countries now face “debt traps” due to their relations with China. Do you have any comment?华春莹:中方已经反复强调,支持非洲发展是国际社会的共同责任。美方本来就应该把资源、时间和精力用在支持非洲发展的紧迫需要上,而不是把对非政策的出发点放在遏制别国在非洲的影响力上。粮食安全问题是当前非洲国家面临的突出问题。中方对此高度重视,提出了国际粮食安全合作倡议,并且积极帮助非洲国家应对粮食短缺,我们向吉布提、埃塞俄比亚、索马里、厄立特里亚等国都提供了紧急粮食援助,中方近期还将向有需要的非洲国家提供新的粮援。同时中方通过人才培养、技术交流、项目建设等方式支持非洲增强农业生产能力,助力非洲国家实现粮食自给。我们欢迎美方帮助非洲应对粮食危机,但也希望美方恪守国际关系基本准则,不要固守冷战思维、大搞单边制裁、破坏地区稳定,这些行径会严重扰乱国际经济秩序,给广大发展中国家造成严重伤害。

Hua Chunying: As China has repeatedly stressed, supporting Africa’s development is the international community’s common responsibility. The US really should spend its resources, time and energy on addressing the urgent needs of development for Africa, instead of making the suppression of other countries’ influence in Africa its African policy objective. Food security is a major issue for African countries. Taking this issue very seriously, China has put forward the cooperation initiative on global food security and has been helping African countries addressing food shortages. We have provided emergency food aid to Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea, among others. Soon we will be providing new food aid to African countries in need. Also, we have been helping Africa train professionals, sharing technologies with Africa and building projects to help African countries boost agricultural production capacity so as to support their efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency. We welcome the US’s efforts to help Africa deal with food crisis, and we also hope the US will abide by the basic norms in international relations and not cling to the Cold War mentality, slap unilateral sanctions and undermine regional stability, which are behaviors that would only severely disrupt the international economic order and seriously harm the developing countries.


Now, about debt trap, I want to quote two latest research findings. One is a recent report released by UK-based charity Debt Justice titled The Growing Debt Crisis in Lower Income Countries and Cuts in Public Spending. According to the report, African governments owe three times more debt to Western private lenders than to China, and are charged double the interest. The accusation of a China “debt trap” is pure fabrication. The other one is a report issued by the research team from Tsinghua University titled The Trap of Financial Capital: The Impact of International Bonds on the Debt Sustainability of Developing Countries. According to this report, Western financial capital, due to its profit-driven nature, have been urging African countries to issue high-interest Eurobonds despite the economic vulnerability and weak risk resilience of developing countries. That has led to the five-fold increase in African countries’ sovereign bonds over the past decade and the rising debt pressure on African countries. Numbers don’t lie. It is quite self-evident who exactly are creating a debt trap for African countries.


Over the years, China has been an active supporter for Africa’s economic development. We have provided financial support for African countries in easing fund shortage, accelerating national development and enhancing capacity building. This has been welcomed and appreciated by African countries. Many African countries said to us that China is a true friend who genuinely helped them when things were most difficult for them. I also saw photos posted online showing the food, bridges, roads, schools, clean water and hospitals that China has brought to developing countries, including those in Africa, while some other countries sent over bombs. African countries are in the best position to comment on Africa’s cooperation with China. What makes the US think it can simply point fingers at and discredit others and drive a wedge between China and Africa? Africa needs sincere partners of cooperation instead of lecturers like the US. We hope the US will do something that is tangible and good for African countries, for the sake of its own reputation.


总台中国之声记者:伊斯兰国家驻华使节代表团日前访问了新疆,请介绍相关情况。 CNR: Diplomats posted in China from Islamic countries have recently paid a visit to Xinjiang. Could you share more details?华春莹:8月1日至4日,来自30个伊斯兰国家的32位驻华使节及高级外交官访问新疆。新疆维吾尔自治区党委书记马兴瑞同代表团举行了会见。代表团参访了喀什、阿克苏和乌鲁木齐,参观了清真寺、伊斯兰教经学院、博物馆、老城改造、基层社区、科技企业、绿色发展和乡村振兴等项目,同当地宗教人士、教培中心结业人员等进行了交流,深入了解新疆经济发展繁荣、宗教信仰自由、民族团结和谐、人民安居乐业的真实情况。代表团成员纷纷表示,中国政府坚持以人民为中心,推动新疆的治理和发展取得巨大成就,各族人民在这里生活非常和谐幸福,穆斯林宗教信仰自由和各项权利得到应有保障。代表团在新疆一路上的所见所闻同某些西方媒体报道是完全不同的。

Hua Chunying: From August 1 to August 4, 32 diplomatic envoys posted to China and senior diplomats from 30 Islamic countries visited Xinjiang. Party Secretary of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Mr. Ma Xingrui met with the delegation. The delegation visited Kashgar, Aksu and Urumqi, and they visited mosques, Islamic institutes, museums, old town renovation projects, grassroot communities, sci-tech companies, green development and rural revitalization projects. They have also talked to local religious figures and people who have graduated from vocational education centers. They learned a lot about Xinjiang economic development and prosperity, freedom of religious belief, ethnic unity and harmony and people’s happy lives. Many of the members of the delegation said that the Chinese government puts people at the center and has achieved a lot in Xinjiang’s governance and development. People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang live a harmonious and happy life, and the freedom of religious belief and the rights of the Muslims are protected. What the delegation saw with their own eyes throughout their journey in Xinjiang is very different from what is reported by some Western media.


Islamic countries have always held the just position on Xinjiang. Through this visit, the Islamic countries again spoke up in an objective and fair way. This fully shows again that the rumors and lies fabricated by certain countries cannot hide the truth and facts. The vile attempt of using Xinjiang-related issues to smear China will not gain support and will not succeed. We will continue to welcome friends from around the world to visit Xinjiang and to feel the charm, harmony and development of Xinjiang.


总台央视记者:这两天我们看到很多国家就佩洛西窜访台湾发出对中国的支持声音,你前两天已经介绍了一些。今天能否进一步介绍相关情况? CCTV: Over the past few days, we noticed many countries have voiced support for China over US House Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, and you shared quite some examples with us. Could you give us more updates today?华春莹:佩洛西窜台事件发生以来,已有160多个国家发出了正义的声音,纷纷谴责佩洛西访台是严重的挑衅,是非常鲁莽和不负责任的,而且都表示将坚持一个中国原则,支持中国维护国家主权和领土完整。除了前两天提到的,我可以再给大家介绍一些。

Hua Chunying: Indeed, in the wake of Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, over 160 countries have spoken up for justice, condemned the visit as a serious, reckless and irresponsible provocation and expressed their commitment to the one-China principle and support for China’s efforts to uphold sovereignty and territorial integrity. Apart from what I shared with you over the past couple of days, I have some further updates for you today.


Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe reiterated on social media Sri Lanka’s firm commitment to the one-China policy as well as to the UN Charter principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations.


Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said in talks with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi during the East Asia cooperation foreign ministers’ meetings that Singapore has a clear and consistent one-China policy and is opposed to Taiwan independence and any unilateral moves to change the status quo.


Thailand’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson expressed respect for China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laos released a statement reiterating its support for the policy of China on national reunification by peaceful means and reaffirming its consistent policy that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China as well as its opposition to any intention aimed at creating a situation for “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”. Lao Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith said while meeting with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi that the US’s recent provocation on the Taiwan question goes against its own commitment and undermines China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Laos is strongly against any attempt to create “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan” and supports China’s efforts to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Malaysian Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China released a statement urging Western nations against practicing double standards by trying to compare Taiwan with Ukraine or trying to encircle Russia and call for respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity on one hand while meddling in China’s internal affairs and intending to use Taiwan to divide China on the other. This would be using democracy as a pretext to interfere in and infringe upon China’s sovereignty in violation of basic principles of international law.


The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a statement, reaffirming its support for China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as the importance of respecting the one-China principle, while calling for adherence to relevant UN resolutions. The UAE indicated its concern over the impact of any provocative visits on stability and international peace.


Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the Kyrgyz Republic confirms its firm support for the one-China principle. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. Kyrgyzstan opposes “Taiwan independence” and any attempt to create the false impression of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”.


The spokesperson of Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry reaffirms its adherence to the one-China principle and the UN General Assembly resolution 2758 on the Taiwan question.


Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry reiterated in a statement that Uzbekistan supports the one-China principle and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China in accordance with the generally recognized principles of international law.


Tajikistan’s Foreign Ministry expressed in a statement its support to China’s territorial integrity and reiterated its commitment to the one-China principle.


The spokesperson of the Afghan Interim Government’s Foreign Ministry stressed adherence to the one-China principle and urged all countries to refrain from decisions that are considered a violation of national sovereignty of states and lay the groundwork for provocative actions.


The spokesperson of Egypt’s Foreign Ministry affirmed Egypt’s commitment to the one-China principle and all relevant UN resolutions.


Eritrea’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that at a time when the flaws and follies of its global policy have become more apparent, and in an attempt to ramp up its policy of containment of China, Washington has concocted the provocative visit of House Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan with all its perilous ramifications. The latest act is but a continuation of reckless policies that the US administration has pursued in the past years in Asia to advance this singular objective, which is deplorable.


Zimbabwean Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcast Services and government spokesperson said that Zimbabwe stands fully behind the People’s Republic of China in the face of the intrusive and provocative visit by Nancy Pelosi, which seriously violates the one-China principle.


Burundi’s Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the government of Burundi firmly follows the one-China policy and China’s effort to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Foreign Ministry of the Commonwealth of Dominica said in a statement that many sides and the international community have expressed serious concerns over Pelosi’s visit to China’s Taiwan region and this visit constitutes serious violation of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Vice President of the Senate of Mexico published an article, saying that the illegal visit of Pelosi to Taiwan is an interventionist action that seriously violates other country’s sovereignty and undermines regional peace and stability.


Vanuatu’s Minister for Climate Change in a statement expressed support to China’s upholding of sovereignty and territorial integrity and opposition to undermining stability in any form.


Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister said that Pelosi’s visit is a useless provocation and that with this trip, there will be no more trust between the US and China. He also reiterated Luxembourg’s support to the one-China policy.


Cyprus’ Government Spokesperson said that Cyprus is committed to the one-China policy and fully respects international law, sovereignty and territorial integrity.


In addition, political parties and political dignitaries in many countries have added their voice to the chorus of condemnation of Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. They say this is an act of hegemony and support China in upholding sovereignty and territorial integrity. For example, the Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist–Leninist), the Nepal Workers’ and Peasants’ Party (NWPP) and Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) have spoken out through various means, pointing out that Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is extremely erroneous, foolish and irresponsible act of hegemony. They said that the Nepali side firmly supports all of China’s effort to uphold its sovereignty and dignity.


Mongolia’s third largest party Civil Will-Green Party stressed in a statement that countries need to abide by the one-China principle stipulated in UNGA resolution 2758 and support China’s position on the Taiwan question and other issues.


The General Secretary of the All India Forward Bloc issued a statement strongly condemning Pelosi’s visit to the Taiwan region and saying that the visit and Pelosi’s remarks violate UNGA resolution 2758.


The Communist Party of Tajikistan released a statement saying that the visit by Pelosi is a flagrant provocation, which is consistent with the US’s all-round containment and aggression on China. China has the right to take necessary measures on the Taiwan question to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Chairman of the Kenya-China Parliamentary Friendship Group of Kenya released a statement supporting China in its efforts for achieving the full reunification, and supporting the Chinese government’s measures to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity and safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.


The Socialist Party of Zambia said in a statement that the US has neither the ability to solve domestic issues like COVID-19 and human rights violations nor the ability to address global challenges like poverty and hunger. Yet, it tries to start wars and ruin peace to sustain its hegemony. Such imperialist practices will be condemned by all peace-loving people.


The Communist Party of Chile, a member of Chile’s ruling coalition, condemned the US government’s provocation against China in a statement.


President of the Workers’ Party of Brazil pointed out Pelosi’s visit is a move that threatens peace and incites armed conflict. It not only emboldens the “Taiwan independence” forces, but also generates instability and insecurity in the region.


The Chairman of Kiribati’s ruling party released a statement, expressing extreme disappointment at Pelosi’s visit, saying that the US government is fully responsible for this and the US should offer an official apology.


The Communist Party of Bolivia issued a statement saying that the US’s provocation is repudiating. Bolivia will be in solidarity with China, and support China in defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity. It will stand with political, civil and social organizations to denounce the US imperialism undermining international security and stability.


The Party of Socialists of Moldova said in its statement that it is committed to unconditional respect and support for China’s efforts in upholding sovereignty and territorial integrity.


Japanese former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama criticized the US on social media saying that what it has done is unwise without drawing lessons from the past.


In addition, foreign ministers of ASEAN countries called for upholding the UN Charter, and reiterated the Member States’ support for the one-China policy.


These countries, with their population accounting for 80% to 90% of the world’s total, are standing with the Chinese people. Our shared belief is that countries should be committed to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms in international relations. We are all firmly against the attempts to interfere in other countries’ domestic affairs and undermine other countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity. We have the backing from over 160 countries. We are standing on the right side of history and on the side of peace and justice.


I hope that the US and its handful of “buddies” will realize that if they do respect the principle of democracy, then they should hear and respect the voice of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, and also the voice of the people from the countries accounting for close to 90% of the world’s population in non-Western countries.


日本共同社记者:据报道,今天东亚峰会外长会上,日本外相演讲时,王毅国务委员兼外长和俄罗斯外交部长离场。中方能否介绍有关情况,对此有何评论? Kyodo News: According to reports, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Russian counterpart walked out of a speech by Japan’s foreign minister at today’s East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Can you give us more information? How do you comment on that?华春莹:我不了解你说的情况。但我想借此机会提醒日方,日方领导人最近在台湾问题上表现非常不好,中国人民非常不满。

Hua Chunying: I am not aware of what you described, but I wish to use this opportunity to remind the Japanese side that the Japanese leadership has acted egregiously on Taiwan. The Chinese people are very unhappy about that.


As we have said, Japan is historically responsible for its serious wrongdoing on the Taiwan question. Japan is in no position to make unwarranted remarks on the Taiwan question. Today, when meeting with Speaker Pelosi, the Japanese Prime Minister made groundless accusations against China. During the ASEAN-plus foreign ministers’ meetings, the Japanese foreign minister joined US State Secretary in spreading disinformation on China and made unwarranted accusations against China. China firmly opposes this.


We have repeatedly made clear our principled position on the Taiwan question. The current situation in the Taiwan Strait is caused by Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in disregard of China’s opposition and dissuasion of other countries. Japan selectively ignores the US’s violation of China’s sovereignty, and yet loudly criticizes the one protecting its rights and tries to justify the other side’s violations. This is confounding right with wrong and confusing white with black. Those trying to make provocations and create troubles on the Taiwan question in an attempt to delay China’s development, undermine China’s peaceful reunification and rise will only end in vain.


路透社记者:日本方面报道,中方在军演过程中发射4枚导弹飞越台北上空,你可否证实?如果消息属实,中方有何评论? Reuters: Japan reported that China fired four missiles over Taipei during its drills. Is that true? If so, what’s China’s comment on that?华春莹:关于军演方面的问题,中方已发布消息。佩洛西窜台引发了当前的局势紧张,中方采取的一切反制行动都是正当必要的,也是恰当的。希望日方在这个问题上有正确认识。

Hua Chunying: The Chinese side has released information on the military exercise. The visit by Speaker Pelosi triggered the current tensions and all China’s countermeasures are justified, necessary, and proportionate. We hope the Japanese side will have the correct understanding on this.



If there are no further questions, I would like to recommend an article to you, especially media outlets from Europe and the US including Reuters and Bloomberg. In response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s op-ed titled Why I’m leading a congressional delegation to Taiwan published on August 2, the Chinese Ambassador to the US Mr. Qin Gang published an article titled Why China objects to Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan on The Washington Post on August 4. Ambassador Qin Gang’s article is very well written. It provides a very clear and succinct outline of the historical context of the Taiwan question. I’m sure this will help you gain a deeper understanding of the Taiwan question and a deeper and accurate understanding of why China is opposed to Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.


