香港理工的National Education课程到底学什么?


翻译过来也就是说,从2022年秋季开始,香港理工大学要求新入学的授课型研究生都要学习national education课程,学习形式为3小时在线学习,外加7小时自学。学完后参加考试,考试题型为选择题,可以反复考,直到通过为止。当然学校也说了,以前学过National Education的学生可以豁免这项学习。



无独有偶,新加坡教育部在1997年也引入National Eucation,下面是该国教育部对国民教育的介绍:


What is National Education?

As a significant aspect of Character and Citizenship Education (CCE), NE comprises a wide range of school efforts that aims to:

  • Provide our students with the knowledge, skills and values to understand Singapore's history, realities and challenges unique to our nation, appreciate our journey to nationhood, cultivate the instincts for survival as a nation, and have confidence in our nation's future. (了解新加坡的历史、现状与机遇)
  • Be empowering and aspirational, allowing for individual sense-making, to nurture engaged citizens, who are socially aware, adept at critical thinking, and informed about local, regional and global issues. (培养积极参与的公民,使之具有社会意识,善于批判性思维)
  • Help our students experience and explore their national identity as Singaporeans and foster a strong sense of belonging, reality, and hope which motivates our students to play a contributory role in their immediate communities and in the nation while they seek to achieve their personal life goals. (帮助学生体验和探索新加坡人的民族认同感,培养强烈的归属感、现实感和希望感)

结合早先的gangdu事件,我们不难看出National Education课程侧重在于加强学生爱国、爱港教育,帮助学生了解香港的历史、现状和未来的机遇与挑战,增加香港居民的民族认同感、归属感等等。让我们拭目以待吧。