
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:偷吃月亮的狗 转载请注明出处
What is the most Chinese thing a Chinese person can do?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:偷吃月亮的狗 转载请注明出处

SI Nuo, Law, PKU.

Very senior men; walk a bird in a cage.

Middle to senior men; play chess in the public with people watching.

Senior women; dance in squares at dusk




Wei Jun, works at China

son,you got a girl friend? nope..so what? you really need to find a girl and get married with her. all right...but why? because you are 24!

i always can''t get my parents'' logic....


没呢. .怎么了?





Tom O''Connor, Lived in China for 2 years.

Wearing Pajamas to the markets.

When eating crabs or shrimps, cracking the shells with their teeth and spitting the shells back onto the side of the plate.

Putting their hands, especially the women, in front of their mouths when they smile.

Grandparents going to a famous park in the city to exchange pictures of their grandchildren in an attempt to arrange a marriage.





Jeffery Chiang Jia-Wei, I''m an engineer, my time is valuable.

What is the most Chinese thing I can do that separates me from other ethnic group? Being beaten up by parents for not getting A at school!

True story, whenever a quiz/exam was over, the teacher would typically ask this in the following day

"Ok anyone got their butt beaten last night?"

I was very good at pain tolerance thanks to my dad.

To some extent my childhood is no different as a Spartan warrior.






Megan Cox, Living in Shenzhen with my Chinese (Teochew) family

You whip your custom Ferrari to the curb, almost hitting a pedestrian or two and an orange MoBike in the process. You never even blx.

You swagger up to the curb dressed head to toe in Versace with a thick gold chain hanging down your neck and stunner shades. You walk toward a street vendor and push to the front of the line.

You point to a 油条(fried breadstick) disdainfully, and say in passing, looking around and speaking to no one in particular:

You: 多少钱?(How much?)

Vendor: 两块 (2 Kuai / $0.29 USD)

You: 太贵了!一块 (Too expensive! 1 kuai)

The 叔叔 (uncle) shakes his head tiredly. His apron is covered in oil splotches and rice flour. His hands are a little dirty—worn and tired, a bit like himself.

Him: 一块五 (1.5 Kuai)

You: 哪个刚出炉 (Which one is the freshest?)

He hands you the hottest, freshest you tiao.

You snatch that you tiao from his hands and throw the crumpled money on the table, disgusted at how expensive street food has become. You swagger back in your Ferrari, spit on the ground, slam the door behind you, and speed away.












Felix Lee

Speaking as a Chinese person:

Eat white rice almost every day of the week. When you come home after eating out or eating at a friend’s, for some reason you still complain about not feeling full and will make something…with rice.

Look at a cooked meal someone else made and instantly start disassembling it in your mind, thinking about how you would recreate it when you get home.

Wear the same clothes and shoes until they’re worn out, even if you’re wealthy (although some Chinese people are the exact opposite and will flaunt their wealth).

Buy everyday essentials in bulk, to take advantage of offers and save on petrol. You never go out just to buy a single item, no matter how close the shop is.

When you greet someone, you’ll ask them if they’ve eaten yet. Then proceed to force them to your house for a meal.

You never call your grandparents, aunts and uncles by their first name. In some families, this extends to all relatives.

Save most of your money, and when I say most I really mean it. About a 1/3 or a 1/2 of what you make.

Drink mostly tea or boiled water (which annoys my coworkers when they offer to make me a tea or coffee).

Your parents beat you with a bamboo cane for discipline. The pain and scars fade quickly, but it still hurts like f**k.

No matter how poor your parents are (or claim they are), when you’re planning on buying your first house they always have a lump sum ready.

If you have a group of friends of different ethnicities, you’re usually the slimmest.

You never say thank you to your parents and vice versa. It’s not considered necessary and sounds awkwardly formal when spoken in Chinese.














Tiffany Cheng

Each Chinese from different regions have their own special talents. For example, Cantonese have cooking talent, Suzhouness have silk and handicrafts making talent, Beijingers have furniture making talent, Sichuanese have artistic talent, Hangzhounese have gardening talent, Shandongnese have beer making talents.

And btw I also have my own version of heaven and hell based on the Chinese regional stereotypes:

Heaven is:

The cooks are Cantonese (Cantonese people love eating and cooking)

The dressmakers are Suzhonese (Suzhounese are very good at making silk and they make very refined embroidery, they are also good at sewing)

The carpenters are Henanese (Henanese style furnitures are typically lasting, durable, and elegantly made because Henanese have a history of making the furniture for the royalty members).

The painters are Sichuanese (Sichuanese people are artistic)

The policemen are Shandongnese (Shandongnese people are strong and straightforward)

And everything is organized by the Shanghainese (Shanghainese people are more organized compared to the other Chinese).









Steven Tsao, Chinese

Chinese Chess

Xiangqi (Chinese: 象棋),also called Chinese chess, is a strategy board game for two players. It is one of the most popular board games in China, and is in the same family as Western (or international) chess, chaturanga, shogi, Indian chess andjanggi. Besides China and areas with significant ethnic Chinese communities, xiangqi (cờ tướng) is also a popular pastime in Vietnam.

The game represents a battle between two armies, with the obxt of capturing the enemy''s general (king). Distinctive features of xiangqi include the cannon (pao), which must jump to capture; a rule prohibiting the generals from facing each other directly; areas on the board called the river and palace, which restrict the movement of some pieces (but enhance that of others); and placement of the pieces on the intersections of the board lines, rather than within the squares.


Mahjong, also spelled majiang, mah jongg, and numerous other variants, is a game that originated in China. It is commonly played by four players (with some three-player variations found in Korea and Japan). The game and its regional variants are widely played throughout Eastern and South Eastern Asia and have a small following in Western countries. Similar to the Western card game rummy, mahjong is a game of skill, strategy, and calculation and involves a degree of chance.

The game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols, although some regional variations use a different number of tiles. In most variations, each player begins by receiving 13 tiles. In turn players draw and discard tiles until they complete a legal hand using the 14th drawn tile to form four groups (melds) and a pair (head). There are fairly standard rules about how a piece is drawn, stolen from another player and thus melded, the use of simples (numbered tiles) and honours (winds and dragons), the kinds of melds, and the order of dealing and play. However there are many regional variations in the rules; in addition, the scoring system and the minimum hand necessary to win varies significantly based on the local rules being used.





麻将,也叫做majiang, mah jongg,当然也有其他的一些叫法,是一种起源于中国的游戏.通常由四名玩家玩(在韩国和日本也存在三名玩家的情况).该游戏以及改编的其它版本在东亚和东南亚广泛流行,在西方国家也有一小部分的追随者.麻将与西方的拉米纸牌游戏很相似,也是一种技巧、策略和计算的游戏,会牵涉到一些概率问题.



Right now, this:

Sending and receiving red packets(money) on Wechat(Chinese equivalent of WhatsApp, with more functions)

It already became part of the daily life of Chinese people. People send red packets when it''s a holiday, when there''s something to celebrate, when you need a favor from someone, to show your gratitide to someone, to get some attention in a group chat, for fun, or even for no reasons.

When sending red packet in a group, you can choose to divide your red packet into different portions, fixed or random amount in each portion. Beside holiday greetings, people usually send them to get attention from group members in order to post a question or advertise for something.

Reads: borrow the space to send this(probably some advertisement)

It''s on a first come first serve basis, I was never fast enough to get these red packets in a big group.

My European friends could never understand the fun behind this.

On January 1, my dad would send me a red packet to wish me happy new year.

He sent one on Chinese New Year too of course.

And even on women’s day to my mom and I.

Reads: wish my 2 goddess a happy holiday.

When sending red packets in big groups, the amount is usually very small. Whereas among close family members the amount is bigger, but it can''t exceed the ¥200 restriction.

I find it very fun to open red packets, it''s like playing a game, and the amount never matters. As the saying goes "一分也是爱" even one cent is love.














Emanuel Leung, lived in China (2011-2012)


For me, it was the middle aged men smoking cheap cigarettes at a restaurant table with piles of fish bones and shrimp shells on the tables.

The waitress politely comes to clean off the mess and the men don’t even look at her.

There is a no smoking sign in the room, but all these men are smoking. "Mei shi!" No problem.


We go out to a meal with local friends.

Obviously they ply with a lot of food and beer. We are very happy.

I try to pay for the bill, but they have already gone to pay for the bill when I was distracted talking to someone else.

"I’ll pay you back!"

"Mei shi!"

No need to pay back.

So there you have it. "Mei shi" is the most Mainland Chinese thing a person can say, in my mind, lol













Kai Ru, Chinese in America

The Chinese society has changed so rapidly in the last 3 decades, so there is really not a specific type here. I''ll only speak for my generation.

1. Watching TV show "Journey to the West'', "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

2. Watch Wuxia films and shows. Like "The Heaven sword and Dragon Saber'', "The return of the condor heroes".

This is probably the most distinguished one. My roommates and I used to be able to talk about this all night without sleeping, there is absolutely nothing else involved. We were just talking and we can talk about it forever.

And my brother and I both have watched these shows for at least 5 times.

I will add more in the future. It''s hard to think of these things. And the current day teenagers are very different from us.


1. 看《西游记》、《三国演义》.

2. 看武侠电视剧.如《倚天屠龙记》、《神雕侠侣》.




Andy Lee Chaisiri

Which version of Journey to the West and Romance of Three Kingdoms is the best?


Kai Ru

The one I watched is played by "六小龄童" as one of the main characters. I think most of the kids in my generation and even my parents'' generation will say the same.


Au-Yeong Soong-Kong

Me and my school friends watched Legend of the Condor Heroes and Return of the Condor Heroes 1982 - 1983 editions back in the 1990s in Singapore.

Journey to the West was another good classic.



Wang Gan, Chinese

You open the husky such as Toyota, Mercedes, BMW is Chinese do (except imports, but imports much!) ; You are using apple, samsung, nokia is also the Chinese do (cell phone you have seen the import? Anyway, I am not seen!) ; Abroad, literally a dress printed with "Made in China" words, large enterprises in China have no contract? Anyway, in a word, the factory of the world is worthy of the name.

We are proud of our industrial base is solid, but we still need to work on the technology and innovation, especially in the automotive, electronic industry, but the essence of our country or developing countries, you don''t always take the United States, Japan, the European unx''s technical strength to compete with China, the technology is needed to upxe to improve a process.

Many enterprise''s profit model in China exist opportunistic way, the shanzhai, piracy is very common, you''re all right, this is the cost of developing rapidly, opportunistic harm is could not grasp the core technology, the Chinese have a lot of joint venture car only out of foreign technology is also to account for a large part of the shares, China for a long time will take a generation of labor - imitation - try to build - independent path, like China''s defense industry, in conclusion, you don''t want to change this situation it is only to accept.




Lerner Zhang, Software engineer in IR, ML and NLP. at Alibaba Group (2019-present)

1. There is an American slang saying that "get Chinese", which means "be completely drunken".

I assure you that, as I know, most Chinese farmers and many Chinese businessmen have such experience: alcohol, vomiting, sleep.

2. Mahjong.

I once asked a Dutch friend if there''re many Chinese in his country and what their living condition likes. He told me that there do exist many Chinese, but most of them are running Chinese restaurants. In their idle time, their hobby is playing Mahjong, some times gambling.

In rural areas of China, mahjong parlors, where people in leisure time gather together playing mahjong, not for free, appear everywhere like mushrooms after rain.

I''m not talking about the inferiority of China, but describing the facts. The first phenomenon is about family or friends gathering and the latter about avoiding senile dementia for the elderly.

1. 美国有一个俚语叫做"get Chinese",意思是"喝得酩酊大醉".



2. 麻将.




Suki Jiang, Worker in China

We can eat those animal organs which most foreigners think it’s too gross to eat. I really really really like it. If there is anyone who like it, I recommend u the Chongqing spicy hotpot. They put different kinds of animal/ poultry organs in it. heavenly delicacy!!!!!!

Another thing I think can separate China from the rest of the world is CHINESE FOOD! Although I like food from other countries, but I can not go by a day without having authentic Chinese food!!!!!!! Dumplings, Baozi, noodles. If I die I really want to bring them with me!!!

Chinese are very shy at showing affection to those closed to them. And Chinese also are unbelievably stubborn and conservative about being virgin, which is the opposite of Western people. I am a littler exaggerated in the usage of words,hhh. I am also one of the faithful believer of keeping the virgin to the right people. Because it is a long-time tradition and it’s something we put faith in just like every culture has their own belief. Although some people around me take lightly of the virgin and sex issue, it’s their own choice. I still stuck up to mine.

it’s already 0:24. Need to go sleep. Night.

中国人可以吃那些大多数外国人认为太恶心而不吃的动物器官.我真的真的真的很喜欢吃.如果有人也喜欢的话,我推荐你去尝尝重庆麻辣火锅.他们会把不同种类的动物/家禽的器官加进去.人间美味! ! ! ! ! !




Jared Turner, Founder Mandarin Companion, You Can Learn Chinese Podcast

Wear socks so you don''t catch a cold.

Eat stinky tofu.

Ask a stranger how much money they make.

Take a picture of your meal before you eat it.





William Jonathan Hsu, knows Mandarin Chinese

Something I noticed when I visited my family over seas (and I noticed even more that I do it) is using chopsticks for literally EVERYTHING. Visited my cousin’s church. Had lunch. There were cookies. Used chopsticks to pick up cookies.

In the States, I use them for pretty much everything, too. Cooking, eating, noodles, rice, pizza. Actually, today, I was eating pizza for lunch and a student saw me and was like "¡¿Estás comiendo pizza con chopsticks?!" (Spanish for "you’re eating pizza with chopsticks?!") I also ate a doughnut with chopsticks once in front of other teachers.

I noticed that people didn’t necessarily use chopsticks for every single thing in other Asian countries that I’d visited, so can’t quite confirm if this is only Chinese or not. Or if it was just related to where my family is from.




Zhao Peng, studied at University of Edinburgh


Since Qin dynasty, Chinese people started to do the farming on wild fields, as the appearence of comerce, most of people made living of farming.

Many poems were written to describe the agriculture situation, harvest, and some ceremonies of praying for good harvest.

What''s more, it is interesting that many Chinese people who go abroad could always find a way to do the farming. They plant vegetables into big pots, even in a small garden, they would plant vegetables instead of flowers and trees.






-Drink whisky with green tea

-Own expensive tea ware and drink expensive tea

-Not lose face

-Keeping connection with everyone they went to school with

-Smoke in no-smoking area




