



罗致恒富新加坡董事总经理Matthieu Imbert-Bouchard表示:“在一个工作机会充足、技能熟练的求职者供不应求的市场上,金钱是非常重要的。随着技术手段不断兴起及进步,IT行业正在蓬勃发展,新加坡的公司正在努力招聘更多IT人才。因此,IT雇主通常需要提供高于平均水平的工资才能吸引最优秀的专业人士。”




(Jan.11, 2019, /staffingindustry.com/)IT employers in Singapore are willing to pay a premium to staff their teams with the best talent with almost half, or 47%, of CIOs offering higher remuneration to attract top IT talent, according to survey data from Robert Half.

Robert Half’s survey of 75 CIOs also found that 43% of IT employers are offering additional training and development opportunities, and 37% are promoting an enhanced work culture, such as health and wellbeing programs, to attract top IT talent.

Meanwhile, Robert Half also found that to avoid losing their top performers, Singapore’s IT employers are being proactive in their approach to staff retention. The top three initiatives CIOs have focused on over the last three years to retain IT staff are employee benefits (41%), professional development (37%) and flexible working arrangements (37%), all of which suggests that non-financial benefits are key to retain top performers.

Matthieu Imbert-Bouchard, Managing Director of Robert Half Singapore, commented, “Money talks in a market where jobs are aplenty and skilled candidates in short supply. The IT industry is booming as it accelerates to keep pace with new and evolving technologies, with companies in Singapore struggling to hire new IT talent. Because of this, IT employers often need to offer above-average salaries to attract the best professionals.”

“Companies, however, also need to think beyond salary,” Imbert-Bouchard added. “Non-financial incentives, such as flexible working arrangements and professional development opportunities, have become increasingly popular and therefore provide a strong incentive for employees to remain with a company long-term and position an organisation as an employer of choice.”

“Companies with the lowest turnover rates are the ones who have ongoing conversations with their staff about what motivates them – and act on it, to the extent possible,” Imbert-Bouchard said. “Those who continuously benchmark salaries, provide challenging work and are able to tailor the remuneration package to the individual employee’s needs will be most successful at attracting and keeping top performers long term.”
