

选dream school的时候








最近QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)





Language Tip

photogenic /ˌfəʊ.təˈdʒen.ɪk/

adj. 上镜的,上相的

having a face that looks attractive in


Quacquarelli Symonds(简称:QS)是英国一家专门负责教育及升学就业的组织,成立于1990年 。QS发表过不少有关高等教育的资讯,当中以世界大学排名最受关注。 QS大学排名得到了联合国教科文组织成立的IREG的承认。



Voted as the most beautiful university in the UK in 2016, Oxford is a place of beauty, complete with gothic spires and picturesque green spaces.

As if that wasn’t enough, it’s really easy to channel your inner Harry Potter as some of the scenes from the movie were filmed on campus.

*gothic spires 哥特式的建筑风格


*picturesque /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈesk/(尤指某地)美丽的,古色古香的



上榜理由是明大校园里那座世界知名的艺术博物馆Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum。

The University of Minnesota’s Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum pushes the uni into our top 10.

Complete with an angular design and silver stainless steel cladding, this art museum was designed by architect Frank Gehry, and still resembles a building of the future, despite 20 years having passed since it was built.

*angular 有角的




Also the top young university in the world, Nanyang has more than just good looks on its side.

The university’s reputation as being at the center of cutting edge technology, engineering and research is clearly reflected in its architecture.

A mix of modern design and recreational space with plenty of natural light make this university one of the most aesthetically pleasing on the list.

*cutting edge 表示发展前沿;领先位置;先锋地位 比如在移动通讯技术方面处于领先地位的公司我们可以说a company at the cutting edge of mobile communications technology

* aesthetically pleasing 美观的,有美感的



Another newly built university, Taroudant combines modern and traditional design in perfect harmony.

Set in the southern desert, its carefully thought-out design allows for shady areas to combat the intense Moroccan heat.

*完美融合了现代和传统的设计可以说combines modern and traditional design in perfect harmony



The University of Salamanca, set in the UNESCO world heritage city of Salamanca, is the oldest university in Spain, dating all the way back to the 13th century.

The stunning Baroque architecture is a feast for the eyes, but the university isn’t just a pretty face. With a long and prestigious history, the university has educated some pretty famous alumni, including Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote.


*feast这个词除了当盛宴讲,还可以描述是感官上的享受,比如上面这段文字中a feast for the eyes就表示视觉盛宴,当然我们也可以用a visual feast来表达。


开普敦大学位于西开普省的开普敦市,是南非最古老的大学。学校背靠平顶山Table Mountain,前有 Cape Peninsula,风景如画。

With a backdrop of Table Mountain and a view out over the Cape Peninsula, The University of Cape Town’s dramatic location will take your breath away.

The university also happens to be a top ranker in South Africa so studying here will ensure you get the best of both worlds.

*在描述一个地方美不胜收的时候我们还可以说take my breath away把我的呼吸都拽走了


由鬼马设计师Henning Larsen设计的南丹麦大学知名建筑——传媒设计学院是南丹麦大学上榜的主要原因。

Designed by architectural wizard Henning Larsen, the state of the art School of Communications and Design at the Southern University of Denmark’s Odense campus is deserving of a place in the top 10.

With 20% of the campus consisting of woodland, the university is a shining example of Scandinavian simplicity at its best. The charming town of Odense is just on your doorstep too, so you’re in for a double treat of eye candy if you study here.



Chinese architecture is arguably some of the most ornate in the world, and there’s plenty of traditional design to be enjoyed at Peking University.

The campus is based in the former Qing Dynasty imperial gardens and is a haven of tranquility, complete with pagodas, peaceful gardens, lakes and traditional buildings. Aside from its beauty, the university is also known for its string of influential alumni and is rated year after year as one of the top universities in China.

*pagoda 专指亚洲的塔或者宝塔



If you like the idea of getting a healthy dose of fresh air and a backdrop of rolling mountains with your education, then look no further than The University of Tasmania.

You can enjoy a whole range of outdoor activities that take advantage of the university’s beautiful island location, so if you’re into kayaking, surfing, mountain climbing, then you’ll be in your element.

The university is also the perfect place to study an environment-related degree.

*environment-related 和环境相关的


颜值爆表的佩珀代因大学就不用多介绍了吧,依山傍海,拥有无敌日落海景!白天从宿舍走到教学楼,能看到整条太平洋线,晚上下山的时候无敌日落海景秒杀各种电影大片。在学校的标志性建筑——Phillips theme tower上眺望,还能够将太平洋的波澜壮阔尽收眼底。


If it’s a view to die for that you’re after, then Pepperdine University in Malibu should definitely be on your shortlist of places to study at. Surrounded by mountains and overlooking the Pacific Ocean, you can’t get much better than this if you want a sea view.

If you ever tire of the view (which let’s face it, you probably won’t) then Los Angeles is around an hour’s drive away.