爷青回All-China Vets Rugby Championship 2021 Shanghai


2021年6月26日,原定在广东东莞举行的中国大陆首届英式橄榄球老兵冠军赛,因疫情移师上海前滩体育中心!参赛球员年龄全部为35+,最大年龄球员是来自于南方队的61岁Barend Petrus le Roux。

June 26, 2021, All-China Vets Rugby Championship kicked off at the Shanghai Qiantan Sports Center. Anticipation for the fixture had been building since news of the event was announced in April as vets from around the country signed on to their respective squads. Players from China, England, Scotland, Wales, France, Australia, South Africa, Japan, the United States, Canada, Ireland, Singapore, Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand and Sri Lanka have signed up.


Pandemic prevention controls forced the originally scheduled match to be moved from Dongguan to Shanghai and more than a dozen players from Guangdong were unable to make the trip. However, North Squad captain Joe Rodden graciously lent his substitutes to balance the squad numbers.

北方队Team North


As the game started with a shrill blast of the whistle, the vets meticulously organized their offensive and defensive structures – it was as if the clock had been turned back and the players had never missed a beat! In fact, the 35-and-over competition saw the oldest player 61-year-old Barend Petrus le Roux run out for the Souths.

南方队Team South

考虑到天气与体能,比赛分为4节20分钟。在B. C. Lion英华莱恩公司的赞助下,有了运动保险加持的大叔们更加放得开手脚。双方你来我往,比分交替领先,精彩场面层出不穷!体能不是问题!竭尽全力才是老炮儿的风格!

在2次5分钟的water break和中场休息期间,Princes Gate王子门天然饮用水给这几十辆老爷车加满了燃料。80分钟整场结束,南方队以56:52险胜北方队,赢得了象征胜利的无敌战斧!终于到了可以畅享Everyday Weekend“日常周末”啤酒的happy hours!

The score line went back and forth as the vets applied all their cunning, wits, and experience. At the end of the 80 minutes, the Souths had narrowly defeated their Northern rivals 56 to 52 and took the coveted Tomahawk Trophy. The game was hard fought and played in a great spirit, reflective of the core values of rugby. We hope that the contest for the Tomahawk may become a regular annual fixture, hosted around the country with even greater participation so that the culture of rugby will spread more widely!

赛事主要组织者之一林智成Frankie Lam是圈内知名热心球友,曾多次参加过亚洲各地举办的老兵英橄活动。组织这次比赛,没有任何功利目的,只为对Rugby的热爱和情怀!获得各路朋友的支持,在上海健帆队和上海银龙俱乐部的志愿者帮助下,将这一场民间自发组织的比赛,办成了赢得球友们高度赞扬和广泛关注的聚会!

A special mention needs to be made for Frankie Lam, one of the main organizers of the tournament, for his invaluable experience on the vets rugby circuit around Asia, for leveraging his commercial contacts, and for his unbridled enthusiasm in turning this fixture into a reality.


Further mentions must be made for BC Lion Insurance Co. for providing match day coverage; Princes Gate – Spring Water from West Wales for providing hydration during the water breaks; Everyday Weekend Beer Co. for providing their beverages for the third half; and volunteers from Shanghai Jianfan Club and Shanghai Silver Dragons Club.

值得一提的是Frankie Lam利用人脉资源,争取到了多方的赞助和支持,为业余赛事结合商业化运作提供了绝好的范例。


1,Everyday Weekend 提供啤酒及苏打果汁饮料

2,B. C. Lion 英华莱恩提供比赛保险费用

3,Princes Gate Spring Water王子门提供球赛天然饮用水



6. 上海Tap House给予餐饮折扣

7,Woody和Frankie Lam现金赞助赛事费用


9,Joe Rodden与Craig Dudley负责南、北两支队伍球员组织与安排

10,Mark Ralph提供现场支持及意见,急救人员、球场划线与交通安排

11,James Elliot与Joe Rodden协助南与北方队伍设计背心,Polo衫与比赛服

12,Rambo Leung梁勇杰提供赛事策划

13,裁判团的付出,David Kuo, 森田正行Masayuki Morita, 张圣心Alex Zhang与Stefan Berder


Finally, a very special thank you to all of our sponsors and partners:

1.Everyday Weekend provides Beers and Soda Juice drinks

2.B. C. Lion provides match insurance costs

3.Princes Gate Spring Water provides natural drinking water for the game

4.Tr7s provides training balls for the Southern team

5.Rhino offers game balls and game clothing at preferential prices

6.Shanghai Tap House gives discounts on food and beverages

7.Woody and Frankie cash sponsored event fees

8.Volunteers from Shanghai Jianfan Team and Shanghai Yinlong Club to help organize the competition

9.Captain Joe Rodden and Captain Craig Dudley are responsible for the organization and arrangement of the players of the North and South teams

10.Mark Ralph provides on-site support and advice for the game, first aid personnel, court marking and transportation arrangements

11.James Elliot and Joe Rodden assisted South and North teams with vest and Polo shirt design

12.Rambo Leung provides event planning

13.The dedication of referees, David Kuo, Micheal Masayuki Morita, Alex Zhang (Zhang Shengxin)and Stefan Berder

14.All the rugby lovers who could not attend because of the epidemic, because you are the driving force for us to hold this competition.

特别提示:寻这双PUMA鞋子的主人, 请与Frankie Lam 微信联系

Please do a check with your belongings, Puma Boots they are being in my office. Contact me at wechat if you cannot find your boots.
