


A team of scientists claim to have developed the world's first blood test that can detectAlzheimer's disease.


The pioneering method may prove vital in dealing with the impending dementia crisis theworld could face this century.


The Amplified Plasmonic Exosome (Apex) system was developed by researchers at the NationalUniversity of Singapore (NUS) and analyzes specific proteins in blood samples, catching thedisease earlier than ever before.


The current preferred methods to diagnose dementia (of which Alzheimer's makes up some50-70 percent of cases) are a neuropsychological test, spinal fluid sampling and brain PositronEmission Tomography (PET) imaging, all of which are more expensive, invasive or time-consuming than the Apex system.

当前首选的痴呆(其中老年痴呆的诊断占比约为50% -70%)诊断方法是神经心理测验、脊髓液取样和脑正电子发射断层显像技术。相比放大等离子体外泌体系统法,这些方法更贵、对人体影响更大、耗时也更长。

The current design of the Apex system can test 60 samples simultaneously, with results"available in less than one hour."


It is expected to come online in general medicine within the next five years and currently costsSGD$60 (USD$44) to administer.


At present there are roughly 50 million dementia patients worldwide but that is estimated toballoon up to 152 million by 2050, marking one of the most significant impending healthcrises humans face as a species.


This new technology could drastically improve early detection and treatment which is criticalto disease management and mitigation of symptoms.


It could also be "easily scaled up" for large-scale clinical tests and helping find the righttreatment, according to research leader Shao Huilin of the NUS Institute for Health Innovation& Technology.

新加坡国立大学健康创新与技术研究所研究负责人Shao Huilin表示,此项测试还很容易“扩展”到大规模临床测试,并有助于找到正确疗法。