你真的会用 ACTUALLY 吗


This lesson is sponsored by The Ladies' Project, a unique online community for women learning English as a second language.

We help women to transform their relationship to English, to become more comfortable, more courageous English speakers.

本节课程由 The Ladies' Project 倾情赞助,这是为正在学习英语作为第二语言的女士朋友们量身打造的独一无二的线上社群。我们帮助女性改善和英语之间的关系,变成更加舒适自如、更加勇敢的说英语的人。

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Well, hey there I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! I hope you've been having an awesome day so far!

大家好啊,我是 Emma,欢迎来到 Emma 的美味英语。希望大家今天过得很开心!

Today's English lesson is going to be short and sweet. I'll go over four different ways that you can use a very common, very useful word.


Actually. We'll also practise the pronunciation to help you sound more natural and relaxed when you use this word.

那就是 Actually。我们还会练习一下发音,帮助大家在使用这个词的时候听起来更加自然,更加放松。

'Actually' is one of those English words that has several different meanings and it can be used in a few different ways but it can also be placed in different positions within an English sentence as well so that can make it seem a little confusing and with many of my students, if you know, they're a little confused about a word or a little unsure about how to use it correctly, they tend to avoid it but we don't want to do that. There is no need this avoid this word.

‘Actually’ 这个词呢,有很多不同的意思,而且有很多种不同的使用方式,但是它在英语句子中也可以被放在不同的位置,这就使得它看起来有点点令人困惑,我的很多学生对于某些词汇啊会有点点疑惑,或者是不太确定如何正确使用,他们就会倾向于不去使用这些词汇,但是我们并不提倡这样。没有必要避免使用这个词。

It's an incredibly useful word. Check it out.


We can use 'actually' to emphasise a fact, to express surprise, to correct someone politely or to change topics in a conversation. It is a very, very handy word to know.

我们可以使用 ‘actually’ 来强调一个事实,表达惊讶之情,礼貌地纠正别人,或者是改变对话的话题。这个词真的是特别特别实用。

Now let's start with the pronunciation 'actually'. Technically there are four syllables in this word.

让我们以 ‘actually’ 的发音开始吧。这个单词呢,其实是有四个音节的。

But when spoken by a native English speaker and they say it naturally, the word reduces down to three syllables. So the stress is on the first syllable, it's the strongest sound.


And in the second syllable, the vowel sound reduces down to the schwa, you can hear it with the consonant tʃ sound. And then the last syllable is a short i sound.

在第二个音节中,元音缩减成了中元音,你可以听到它和 tʃ 一起出现。然后最后一个音节是短音 i。

The schwa sound is the secret here to natural pronunciation. It's not ac-choo-ly, but actually.

中元音是自然发音的关键。不是 ac-choo-ly,是 actually。

It's a really relaxed sound. Actually, check out my lesson about the schwa sound right here for some extra practice.


You'll get lots more pronunciation practice if you practise with me out loud during this lesson. There's going to be lots of examples so get ready to speak out loud.


So there are four different ways that you can use the word 'actually' in English sentences and number one is to emphasise a fact or something that happened. It actually takes longer to fly from Melbourne to Perth than it takes to fly from Perth to Melbourne.

有四种不同的方式可以在英文句子中使用 ‘actually’ 这个词,第一种就是强调一个事实,或者是发生的某件事情。从墨尔本飞到珀斯其实比从珀斯飞到墨尔本花的时间要长。

So I'm using 'actually' here to emphasise a fact. It's true.

所以呢,我在这里使用 ‘actually’ 来强调一个事实。确实是这样的。

The wind direction has quite a significant influence on the flight time, so it's much faster to fly from Perth to Melbourne. I've heard so many different versions of this story, I wish I knew what he actually said.


You know I want the truth, I want to know what he really said at the time. I've only heard from others.


Do you know Paul? We've spoken over the phone but we've never actually met.


Have you got an example that you can share in the comments below? I want you to write a sentence, if you can, where you're using 'actually' to emphasise a fact.

你有什么例子可以在评论区分享吗?如果可以的话,我想让大家造个句子,在这个句子里面用 ‘actually’ 来强调事实。

Number two, you can use 'actually' to show surprise at something unexpected. It looks like my brother actually arrived on time.

第二个,大家可以使用 ‘actually’ 来表达对于某件出于意料的事情的惊讶。看起来我的弟弟竟然真的准时到达了。

I'm a little surprised, he's usually late. I was so tired I actually fell asleep in the back of the taxi.


Did you hear that they actually sold their house? It's been on the market for ages.


Now 'actually' can also be used to correct someone politely. I don't work for the government.

‘Actually’ 也可以用来礼貌地纠正别人。我并不为政府工作。

I'm self-employed, actually. We're late. The meeting starts at twelve.


Actually, I think it starts after lunch. How long has she been living in Sydney?


Actually, she lives in Singapore now. Now you can actually use 'actually' to correct yourself which is cool when you make a mistake or you're unsure.

其实呢,她现在是在新加坡住了。大家可以使用 ‘actually’ 来自我纠正,比如说你犯错误的时候,或者是不确定的时候。

I'm meeting with them on Thursday. Actually, it might be Friday.


Can you think of your own example to correct someone politely? If you can, add it to the comments below so I can check it out soon.


And finally, we can use 'actually' to introduce a new topic or to add some extra information. Actually, I need to ask you about something before you leave.

最后呢,我们可以使用 ‘actually’来引入一个新的话题,或者是增加额外信息。其实呢,在你走之前,我有些事情需要问问你。

Oh, I've been meaning to talk about that with you, actually. So notice how in both of these examples, when we use 'actually' at the end or at the start of a sentence, we use a comma and this is really important for your writing but also when you're speaking.

哦,我其实一直想和你聊聊呢。注意在这两个例子里面,当我们在句子结束或者是句子开头使用 ‘actually’ 的时候,我们会加上一个逗号,这不仅对于写作,对于口语也非常重要。

It also signals a little pause. So that was the four ways that you can use 'actually' but I've got a couple of extra tips that I want to share with you to actually make sure that you're using 'actually' correctly because some of my students get a little confused between 'actually' and 'currently'.

它也表示有一段短暂的暂停。这就是大家可以使用 ‘actually’ 的四种方式,但是我还有一些其他的技巧想要和大家分享,来确保大家 ‘actually’ 的使用确实是正确的,因为我的一些学生会在 ‘actually’ 和 ‘currently’ 之间产生困惑。

Now in English, these are not synonyms.?'They actually moved to Tokyo. ' is not the same as 'They currently moved to Tokyo. '


In fact, that sentence is completely incorrect. 'Actually' and 'currently' are different.

其实呢,那句话根本就是不对的。‘Actually’ 和 ‘currently’ 是不同的。

And the last thing that I want to share is 'actually' and 'actual', they have very similar meanings. 'Actually' is an adverb, 'actual' is an adjective.

我最后想和大家分享的是 ‘actually’ 和 ‘actual’,它们俩的意思很相似。‘Actually’ 是一个副词, ‘actual’ 是一个形容词。

Their meanings are similar. 'Actual' means real or factual and it can also be used for emphasis but they are used in different positions within a sentence.

它们的意思很相似。‘Actual’ 的意思是真的,也可以用来表示强调,但是它们在句子中使用的位置是不同的。

So usually the adjective 'actual' is found before the noun. This is the actual spot where we met.

通常来说,形容词 ‘actual’ 是在名词之前。这就是我们相遇的地方。

This is the actual spot where I teach you. Now the adverb 'actually' is usually used at the beginning or the end of a sentence or before the verb.

这就是我教你的地方。动词 ‘actually’ 通常都是用在句子开头或者是结尾,或者是在动词之前。

Actually, this is where I film my videos. I actually film them right here.


This is where I film my videos actually. So I hope you actually learned something this lesson and that you actually start using this word a little more frequently in your English sentences.


Make it a challenge for this week. How many times can you use the word 'actually'?

把它作为本周的挑战吧。你可以用多少次 ‘actually’ 这个词呢?

Keep it top of mind. Give this lesson a like and if you're thinking 'Actually, I've got a friend who should really watch this video. ' well, make sure you share it with them.


Here are a couple more lessons to keep you busy. I think that you'll actually like this one right here.


I'll see you in there!
