洛克之城|罗凯鹏×1905 个展开幕

洛克之城|罗凯鹏×1905 个展开幕

从未循规蹈矩 就像创意一样


洛克之城 用艺术来描绘一座工业之城

罗凯鹏 × 1905 个展

2018年3月3日-4月1日 @1905艺术空间

洛克之城|罗凯鹏×1905 个展开幕







——策展人、1905艺术空间执行总监 刘莎莎

Lockon’s works vividly express the attention and imagination of a boy to machinery and industry in the process of growing up. Creating a creature that belongs to the individual world view. From seafloor to land and to sky, you can always find them roaming in Lockon’s city.

From 2016 to 2018, Lockon’s works are changing and growing, more tender feelings can be found. He shows great love to the city he’s living and his hometown. Maybe it was related to the life experience of leaving Shenyang for Singapore when he was young. Yearning for home in his childhood memories made him cherish the change of the city. He hopes to lock more memories with his brush, and put semotion in each of his works as well. The architecture in the work is given adistinctive and special character, like Tortoise Engineering Ship, Lockon considers the turtles as men with heavy pressure, which comes from family or society. It can also be seemed as an elder father......The patching and mounting of steampunk, together with surrealistic expression, makes Lockon’s works more profound.

Lockon gathers plenty of Shenyang’s landmarks and industrial elements in the City series, such as Liaoning Radio and TV Tower, Zhongshan Square, Olympic Sports Center, the disappeared Xia Gong and Sunbird. You can find all these elements in the works of Lockon——a post 90s boy, who has just graduated from college. These works will touch many old shenyang citizens.

“LOCKON’S CITY” will be a part of 1905 Re-Creative Space in the following month. When people see the city depicted by Lockon, their memories about hometown will also be aroused. The most precious stories during our growing progress maybe started at somewhere in Lockon’s works. I hope everyone that comes into 1905 Art Space can stop here and wanders in Lockon’s city, finds familiar memories and fresh ideas.

——Curator, 1905 Art Space executive director Sasha LIU










“City of Temple of Heaven”, “City of Warships—Shenyang” and “City of Fairy Tales—Sophia” are included in this series of works. The artist seeks the most representative elements and landmarks in his hometown, then integrates them into his works. You can find many familiar buildings and landmarks in those works, including Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning. Some of them have disappeared in this city. There are also landmarks like the old Shenyang north railway station, Shenyang Poly Grand Theatre, Liaoning Radio and TV Tower, 1905 Re-Creative Space is included as well. The dense painting language, soft and strong, is put together in a dreamy way, which also reflects the aesthetics of steampunk. Innovation and imagination are more deeply expressed in this series of works. All the inspirations come from the city, which also combine many old industrial elements in northeast China.

▲ 《天坛之城-洛克城》 纸本手绘 860*580mm 2017年




This series of works were created at the beginning of 2018. Lockon’s city, an independent small town, with military flagships for security, supply ships for daily life and fleets of engineering ships for construction... Each piece of work corresponds to a group of people. Lockon’s city, our city.

Merging together marine lives and city, the artist gives each piece of work a unique character in an anthropomorphic way. Figures like “reliable father”, “man like a turtle”, “jellyfish with an empty belly”, they are living castles, creatures that wander in Lockon’s city. This set continues, and will go on growing.

▲ 《水母内城》 纸本手绘 600*420mm 2018年




The inspiration comes from the artist’s fancy toward sky when he’s a teenager. Airplanes manufactured by early human beings are the artist’s favourite. Exposed rivets and wires constitute retro style, which will bring the audience back to the Age of Steam. Imagination and technology are both the most prominent characteristics in the painting style of steampunk.This series of works shows an imaginary world that is parallel to the western world in the 19th century, which create a sense of fiction and nostalgia.

Every human will dream of conquering sky deep inside of their hearts. This series of works has a distinct personality, and the story behind them is left to the audience’s infinite imaginary. All of the aircrafts are floating above the sky of Lockon’s city, such as “The ‘Century’ Plane” and “Flight No.05”.

▲ 《世纪号飞机》 纸本手绘 390*270mm 2018年



This series of works was created in 2016, which is under the influence of the Japanese cartoon Howl’s Moving Castle. Gaining inspirations from ordinary life, combining human’s facial expressions with buildings and machines, the artist presents marine lives in an interesting way. We can see animals like crabs, salmons, blue whales, shrimps, swordfish, and goldfish, etc in those works, which constitute the rudiment of Lockon’s City, that is the artist’s first attempt of piling up seemingly different things. This series of works started to have the trend of localization.

▲ 《人面河豚》 纸本手绘 390*270mm 2016年



展览期间,1905 ART SPACE将同期出售艺术家罗凯鹏限量版艺术衍生品,包括展览纪念「邮票」、有声明信片、奇怪的洛克城系列手机壳、展览定制帆布袋等。






【 About the Exhibition-展览详情 】

▲ 1905 ART SPACE:洛克之城|罗凯鹏×1905个展

▲ Artist 艺术家:罗凯鹏

▲ Curator 策展人:刘莎莎

▲ Organizer 主办方:1905文化创意园

▲ Duration 展览日期:2018/03/03-2018/04/01

▲ Venue 展览地点:1905艺术空间,沈阳市铁西区兴华北街8号

(Tiexi District, Xinghua North Street No.8)