美国论坛:中国至少领先印度30年吗 引起论坛各国网友热议




美国论坛:中国至少领先印度30年吗 引起论坛各国网友热议


美国论坛:中国至少领先印度30年吗 引起论坛各国网友热议


Very safe! In fact, you can increase that number to 40 or 50 and it will still be true.


I lived in a Chinese village with a Chinese family for one month as part of a homestay program. I started my journey from Shanghai airport, and the entire stretch of road leading to the village was smooth, with no potholes, no litter, and not once did I see anyone driving their vehicle on the wrong side of the road, or see stray dogs and cattle hold up vehicles.


Every house in the village had an attached toilet, 24x7 electricity, and the houses all had modern appliances like washing machine, refrigerator, TV, Wi-Fi etc. And I had visited quite a few houses.


Every classroom in the village primary school had a TV which the teachers used to teach their students. The secondary school had Wi-Fi.


All the villagers wore helmets while riding their electric scooters. Every single one of them could read and write Mandarin, and none of them littered or spat or peed in the open.


The women all wore jeans, dresses, skirts etc. and no one judged them and shamed them for “aping the west”. What mattered was their ability, not what clothes they wore.


It was completely safe to wander around the village after dark. No one got harassed for their gender, nationality etc. None of the female participants in the homestay program ever mentioned that they felt uncomfortable, or were stared at by men for wearing shorts. None of us faced any racist taunts.


I’m not saying that China has no problems, but this Chinese village had better services than most Indian cities (we can still only dream of uninterrupted power supply, or 24x7 water, or pothole-free roads).


I cannot say with authority that all villages in China are like this, but I would wager that many of them are. The cities are of course in a different league. I stayed in the suburbs to the north of Shanghai for a few days, not a tourist area. The neighbourhoods were clean, with excellent roads, and footpaths were not cluttered by hawkers. People followed traffic rules. I went to a side street where there were stalls selling street food, and it was clean. No one littered, there was no garbage anywhere.


It’s not just their GDP or infrastructure. It’s their mentality too that has helped China zip ahead.


印度网友Ankit Bhootra的观点

Some of the Indians think we are competing with China. These people are not wrong as they are the people who get influenced by our Electronic media who compares India-Pakistan and India-China nearly every month. These people think India is far ahead of Pakistan and little behind China.



But reality is not like they believe. Yes we are better than Pakistan but far behind than China. Actually, China is almost 45–50 years ahead of India. Just think of strength of China that its competing with the world superpower USA, And India? We are still calculating our weapons strength with a failed state Pakistan. Chinese roads, its infrastructure, its army, weapons everything are world class. On the other side, our government still dreaming of making Mumbai looks like Shanghai.


China has a network of bullet trains all across the country, they have a dedicated goods train for far Europe and we are still occupying land for our first bullet train. Chinese economy is far better than India. But there is an another side of coin too, China’s power only visible in its cities. The typical Chinese villages are still far behind than USA. But still, they are competing with world super power USA and we can not deny that fact.


But have you ever think what is that which left us far behind to a country who got independence after us and who was very weak than India in the 1950s. Two reason behind this, First our Democracy, we listen so much about that we are largest democracy in the world but this democracy has become an obstacle in our development. I am not saying democracy is bad, but in India, whenever the government tries to do something good, the opposition parties always interrupt those good deeds without even thinking about the country.


The second thing is we, We show our patriotism on 15th August and 26th January with so much enthusiasm but we never ever think of development of our country. I was talking about bullet train but what we did with india’s coolest train Humsafar and Vande Bharat express? Google it and you will find how we treat the public properties in India. On the other side, Chinese people are way better than we Indians.

第二件事是我们,我们展示我们的爱国主义在8月15日和1月26日这么多的热情,但我们从来没有想过发展我们的国家。我说的是高铁,但我们对印度最酷的列车Humsafar和Vande Bharat特快做了什么?你会发现我们是如何对待印度的公共财产的。另一方面,中国人比我们印度人好得多。


The industrial era is over and the world is moving on to the innovation era.


What decides power and wealth now ? Number of factories ? number of workers ? number of soldiers ?Forex reserves ? GDP ?


Nothing but innovation!


Where is China in innovation now ?


China in 2019 surpassed the United States of America (U.S.) as the top source of international patent applications filed with WIPO amid another year of robust growth for the Organization’s international intellectual property (IP) services, treaty-adherence activity and revenue base.


Well, we filed merely 2053, and China did 58,990 even higher than the USA for the first time in history.


The first step in competition is to admit the competitor’s strength. Yes, today’s China is powerful, and is it not visible in the way the USA is running around against China like a headless dragon ?


Instead of being angry against China for being successful, or brushing it aside pointing to the nature of their rulers, we must figure our own ways to grow and compete.


China used its own system to its benefit against the united western nations.


We don't need to copy them. But instead of copying the west blindly, we need to figure out what works for our systems.


When we hear Netas speak that they are bringing Singaporean technology, or Germany technology to solve this Indian problem, it should make us think. Really ?


These are countries with populations less than the size of our tier 2 cities, and very different. How can their solutions be replicated in this country of 1.3 billion ?


We need homegrown indigenous solutions to address our unique problems. China took everything it can from the developed West with a focussed political Will, and still keeps her heart beating very much Chinese.


Yes, as an Indian or even as a neutral observer, I understand China to be very powerful, but also needs lots of diplomatic support and guidance to handle this incredible power, especially with the West ganging against this new power surge in the planet.


This is where India and China should come together, resolving the relatively minor issues, extending concessions to each other on age old issues, build tremendous trust, and build together the next millennium.


India, which is excellent in building peaceful international relations could help mitigate current global perceptions about China.


These are the two ancient countries hosting 2/3rd people of the world. These are not mere countries of migrants or settlers or occupiers or invaders. These are a continuous civilisation over thousands of years disrupted for just a few centuries.


Indian and China should come together finding as many common grounds as possible. I wish there is a separate ministry in both countries exclusively for this. This is my desire as an Indian, and as an Earthling.


印度网友Sayak Biswas的观点

Brace yourself for a very politically incorrect and a highly angry answer from a very angry Indian.


This is Beijing Daxing International Airport


which apparently took exactly 5 years to get completed. It happens to be the largest single-structure airport terminal.


Five years, get it? That’s the exact time for which a government in India under a party or alliance is supposed to run in one term.


Now a curious question my friend.


How much time will it take for India to make an exactly similar airport, assuming the government is very much sincere about the project?


Well, first, it will need land. And to get land, you will need to find one. Since land in India can be got for such a thing only by clearing forests or some sort of vegetation, demolishing old constructions which is of no use, and to buy land from some other source(s) . No problem, this hurdle is easy to overcome


Next is tender for construction. Okay, this is easy too.


Now comes commitment. I guess this is a left-hand play. For a government who can construct highways fast, this is something they definitely can do, right?


Now, let’s go back to first point. What if there was a patch of vegetation???


A retinue of fellows claiming to be environmental activists, farmer activists, activists against common sense, will begin a protest on why trees and grasses are being removed.


Next a retinue of film stars whose weddings have a larger carbon footprint than what my family produces in a year and who currently lives outside India, will give us their piece of mind on why hurting grass is bad.


Someone will try to take it to hon’ble Supreme Court and try hard to delay this even further.


A project that can get completed in 5 years or less will get completed in 15 years!!!!!!!!


And such is the story of literally everything that requires a patch of land- Metro shed, factory, highways, railway stations, nuclear power plant, high speed railway lines, …….insert your choice. Brand every single of them as a “corporate conspiracy”, “Product of Ambani” , “capitalist conspiracy”, “anti-environment”, “anti poor” and let India be the battleground of everything like “Hindi imposition”,”Intolerance”.


It is 2019 where industries and infrastructure rule the roost, and a country which has more of these will be the one to wield maximum power and the one which would provide the highest standards of living.


You want India to speed up? The first step is to stop acting as a fricking roadblock. Atleast you can do this much I guess, alongside changing your mindset and priorities. Is that too much to ask?


China thanks to its mindset of supporting industralization lifted its own poor to middle-class levels, at a speed no other nation managed to do. India on other hand managed to reduce its poverty significantly in two decades.



Two decades. You know what went right two decades ago??? Liberalization of economy. China did that way before India did, and they did it under a non-democratic government. India under democracy managed to do it in 2 decades, slower than China. I think that we can do it faster even without becoming a non-democratic nation, provided that people of India stop behaving like emotional fools. We just need to support more industries and infrastructure.


India expects every man and woman to side with her in the race to progress, not against it. If you are against it, you are part of the problem and not solution.


Indians are busy in comparing their country with failed state Pakistan. Meanwhile China is overtaking US in every field. Chinese don’t consider Indians as their enemy, not even a competitor.


It is high time that Indians should compare our country with China and not with Pakistan.


These pictures are enough to open our eyes.


印度网友Ketan Gandhi的观点

No, China is much more powerful than what a common Indian thinks.


  • GDP: China is the second-largest Nominal GDP with $12.37 trillion whereas India’s GDP $2.7 trillion. 4.6 times more than India.
  • GDP:中国名义GDP为12.37万亿美元,是第二大GDP,而印度为2.7万亿美元。是印度的4.6倍。
  1. When you find the top largest Bank of World, it is not the US or European bank, it's Chinese Bank, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China with total asset of $4.03 trillion, more than India’s GDP. 4 out of 5 largest banks of the World are Chinese.
  • 当你找到最大的世界银行时,它不是美国或欧洲的银行,而是中国的银行,中国工商银行,总资产为4.03万亿美元,比印度的GDP还多。世界上最大的5家银行中有4家是中国的。
  • Smartphone: China rules the electronics market. Apart from 2 major companies Samsung and Apple, all are Chinese which include Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo, OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo, Moto, MI, Poco are all Chinese brands. Whether smartphones are manufacturing in India or in any other country, in the end, profit is going to China.
  • 智能手机:中国主宰电子市场。除了三星和苹果这两家大公司,都是中国品牌,包括华为、小米、联想、一加、Oppo、Vivo、Moto、MI、Poco都是中国品牌。无论智能手机是在印度生产还是在其他国家生产,最终利润都会流向中国。
  • Infrastructure: Shenzhen is known as Chineses’ Silicon Valley. Alone Shenzen GDP in 2018 was $361 billion, and don’t forget One Belt, One Road project of the country. It will cost $4 trillion to $8 trillion to complete.
  • 基础设施:深圳被称为中国的硅谷。仅深圳2018年的GDP就达到3610亿美元,别忘了国家的一带一路项目。它将花费4万亿到8万亿美元来完成。
  • Transportation: The country is registering largest vehicle sales globally for many years. 50% of the global electric vehicle sales are in China. The country has one of the densest high-speed train networks in the world (Better than the US). At present, it is the second-largest aviation market and will soon surpass the US.
  • 交通:该国是多年来全球汽车销量最大的国家。全球电动汽车销量的50%在中国。这个国家拥有世界上最密集的高铁网络之一(比美国还好)。目前,中国是全球第二大航空市场,并将很快超过美国。

In the 1980s and 1990s, when globalization started, China grabbed the opportunity thanks to low labor cost and easy transportation and restricted its population. Its time for Industry 4.0 where the world is moving toward automation and finding opportunities in the service sector, we Indians are still focusing on attracting companies on low labor cost whereas China is rigorously working in AI and cloud computing. Yes, we are competing with China but China is a rabbit and we are a tortoise in the race. Now let’s see who will win the race.
