

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla visited Chinatown in London on Feb. 1. 查尔斯王子和夫人2月1日参观伦敦的唐人街


A man is receiving red packet from his mother in Beijing 一名北京男子正在从母亲手上接红包


A woman packages homemade Chinese desserts at a market in Bangkok. 曼谷一名妇女在包装中国甜点

A child touches an ice sculpture in Helsinki, Finland在芬兰的赫尔辛基,一个孩子触摸冰雕

Shoppers purchase festive sweets at a street stall in Hong Kong on January 30 香港人在街头采购过年的糖

A man is seen during a Lunar New Year celebration in West Bengal, India 一名男子在西孟加拉邦庆祝农历新年的活动中

People release birds to celebrate the start of the Year of Tiger in Indonesia.在印尼,人们放生小鸟来庆祝虎年

People take part in a Lunar New Year ceremony in Yokohama, Japan日本横滨,人们参加农历新年仪式

People in KL Malaysia celebrate the start of Year of Tiger 马来西亚吉隆坡:人们在庆祝虎年开始

New York City Mayor attends the Lunar New Year firecracker ceremony纽约市市长出席了农历新年鞭炮燃放仪式

People celebrate the start of Year of Tiger in Panama City 人们在巴拿马城庆祝虎年开端

Dragon dancers perform in Philippines, on February 1菲律宾大年初一的舞龙表演

lanterns sit at a traffic intersection in Singapore在新加坡,一个十字路口挂着灯笼

Children look at decorations in Yongzhou, China 中国永州孩子们在看新年的装饰