

巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris / the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris

与翻修工作有关 be linked to renovation work

大火 a major fire

吞噬 engulf

地标性建筑 landmark

哥特式建筑 Gothic building

灭火 tackle the blaze

拱顶 vault

浓烟 huge plumes of smoke

国家的标志 national symbol

世界珍宝 a jewel of world heritage

全力抢救艺术品 all efforts are directed at saving artwork

助长火势 fuel the fire



1 美索不达米亚建筑Mesopotamian architecture

2古埃及建筑Egyptian architecture

3 古希腊建筑Greek

4 古罗马建筑Roman architecture

5 拜占庭建筑Byzantine architecture

6 罗曼式建筑Romanesque architecture

7 哥特式建筑Gothic architecture

8古典建筑classical architecture

9文艺复兴建筑Renaissance architecture

10 巴洛克建筑Baroque architecture

11 洛可可建筑Rococo architecture

12 伊斯兰建筑Islamic architecture


1 单层建筑single-story building

2 多层建筑multistory building

3 高层建筑 highrise building, tall building

4 超高层建筑super highrise building, supertall building

5 摩天楼skyscraper

6 活动房屋mobile house

7 建筑队群building group

8 裙房podium

9 楼层floor

10 夹层mezzanine

11 底层ground floor

12 地下室basement



巴黎圣母院Notre-Dame Cathedral

美国白宫White House

新加坡鱼尾狮the Merlion

白金汉宫Buckingham Palace

克里姆林宫Moscow Kremlin

卢浮宫Louvre Museum

大本钟 Capitol and Big Ben

伦敦塔桥 Tower of London bridge

莫斯科红场Red Square

美国自由女神像The Statue of Liberty

法国埃菲尔铁塔 Eiffel Tower

英国的大本钟 Big Ben

悉尼歌剧院 Sydney Opera House

意大利的比萨斜塔 Leaning Tower of Pisa

帝国大厦 Empire State Building

埃及金字塔 The Pyramids

印度泰姬陵Taj Mahal

柬埔寨吴哥窟 Angkor

巴黎凯旋门Arc de Triomphe

日本富士山 Mount Fuji

希腊帕特农神庙 Parthenon Temple

马来西亚双塔 Petronas Twin Towers

比利时撒尿男童 Search Boys

丹麦美人鱼 Little Mermaid


故宫the Forbidden City

巴达拉宫 Mubadala Palace

四合院 quadrangle

颐和园 the Summer Palace

秦始皇陵兵马俑 Emperor Qin's Terracotta Warriors



殿 hall

亭 pavilion

台 platform tower

楼 building tower

阁 tower attic

刹 temple

坛 the temple of the heaven

龛 shrine

庙 Taoist temple

寺 temple

庵 nunnery

观 Taoist temple

廊 corridor

河 moat

斋 study

庄 store /shop /village

馆 mansion /guesthouse /museum

坞 shelter

轩 veranda/pavilion

水榭 pavilion on the water

角楼 watchtower

鼓楼 drum tower

钟楼 clock tower

古代钟楼 bell tower

牌楼 memorial arch

屏风 screen

壁画 murals

塔(舍利塔式的) dagoba

塔(宝塔式的) pagoda

寺院 monastery


1.church 教堂

2.chapel 小教堂

3.cathedral 大教堂

4.basilica 皇宫,教堂

形容建筑物富丽堂皇的形容词:palatial, sumptuous, luxurious, lavish, deluxe, extravagant, splendor, frippery

形容建筑物简单朴素的形容词:bleak, dingy, gloomy, plain


monument 纪念碑

ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼

column 柱

colonnade 柱列

arch 拱

town planning 市政(美作:city planning)

building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证

greenbelt 绿地

elevation 建筑物的三面图

plan 设计图

scale 比例尺

to prefabricate 预制

excavation 挖土,掘土

foundations 基

to lay the foundations 打地基

course of bricks 砌好的砖列

scaffold 脚手架

scaffolding 脚手架




人体尺寸human dimensions

人体舒适human comfort

人类行为human behavior

[人因]工效学human factor engineering


环境心理学environmental psychology

人类生态学human ecology

建筑功能building function

建筑类型学building typology

空间构图space configuration


建筑经济学building economics

价值工程学value engineering

费用效益cost effectiveness

建筑美学architectural aesthetics

艺术格调artistic touch

建筑几何学architectural geometry

建筑形态学architectural morphology

建筑形式architectural form

建筑风格architectural style

建筑环境architectural environment

环境艺术environmental art

建筑文化architectural culture

建筑文脉architectural context

建筑符号学architectural semiotics

模式语言pattern language

建筑设计方法学architectural design methodology

无障碍设计barrier free design

古建筑保护historical building preservation


建筑科学building science

建筑气候学building climatology

建筑物理[学]building physics

建筑光学building optics

建筑热学building thermodynamics, building thermology

建筑声学building acoustics

太阳能建筑solar building

建筑工程building engineering

建筑标准化building standardization

建筑模数building module

模数协调modular coordination

建筑工业化building industrialization

工业化建筑体系industrialized building system

支撑体系support system

填充体系infill system

建筑安全building safety

建筑防灾building disaster prevention

建筑节能building energy conservation

减灾学natural disaster prevention

建筑防火building fire protection

建筑抗震building a seismicity

建筑病理building pathology

健康建筑healthy building

建筑综合症synthetic building syndrome,SBS

建筑保安building security

防卫性空间defensible space

建筑性能building performance

建筑评价building evaluation

社会影响评价social impact assessment,SIA

环境影响评价environmental impact assessment,EIA

建筑测量building surveying

建筑勘探building geotechnics

工程施工engineering construction

建筑材料building material

建筑制品building product

建筑构造architectural construction

建筑设备系统building service system

建筑设备building equipment

建筑设备安装building equipment installation

建筑设施building facilities

建筑设施管理building facilities management

建筑装修builidng finishing

室内装饰interior decoration


